Last Updated on October 3, 2021
A detailed overview of community medical and healthcare services in Israel. Expect private healthcare services to be very different to those offered by the public healthcare services that the four Israeli health funds (kupat holim) offer; hospital systems, patient care, ambulatory services, dental and all other aspects of medical and healthcare.
An overview of the healthcare system and health services in Israel
An in-depth overview of the Israeli medical and health-care system
Ambulance and emergency services
Magen David Adom – MADA – emergency services, private ambulances, payments and entitlements
Blood donation information
Blood donor criteria and blood donor stations country wide
Choosing a Health Fund – Heb: Kupat Holim
Changing & switching over to another Health Fund
Changing Health Funds is easy but there are rules and regulations for switching to another Kupah
Contact information MOH
Contact details for Israel’s Ministry of Health
Coronavirus vaccination
How and where to get the coronavirus vaccination for HMO members
Coronavirus – Rules of conduct
Rules of conduct as set out by the Ministry of Health during the Coronavirus.
Dehydration- signs, symptoms, causes & prevention
Life saving tips for preventing and treating dehydration during Israel’s hot summer months
Dental care in Israel
Private dental care vs the Health Fund dental clinic
Doctor’s appointments & fees
Be prepared! What you can expect to happen at your doctor’s appointment in Israel
First aid for a drowning victim
Family healthcare clinics – Heb: Tipat Halav
Ministry of Health family healthcare clinics, services and branches countrywide
First-aid for Burns
Emergency treatment for the 3 types of burns – each type needs to be treated differently.
Flu vaccine
Procedure for getting the flu shot or nasal flu vaccine in Israel
The New Green Pass
The Health Basket – Heb: Sal Briut
The Israel national basket of health services and medical entitlements
Home visits and consultations
Emergency medical house-calls or regularly required home-visits day and night
Hospital care in Israel
Public and private hospital care and services, information, paperwork and admissions
Israel’s national health insurance law
The provisions of Israel’s National Health Insurance Law
Israel’s patient’s rights act
The legal rights of every patient in Israel as stipulated in the 1996 law
Jellyfish stings
Medical emergencies
Medical and health care options in Israel for non-residents
Health insurance options and services for non-residents, internationals and expats in Israel
Medical resources & assistance
The Ministry of Health, medical support and social services
Medical terminology
Free word sheet! Useful Hebrew, English and transliterated medical words and phrases
Mental health care services. Get help!
Organ donation & transplants
Register with ADI – the national body that oversees organ donation and transplants in Israel
Paying for medical & healthcare services – ‘Hitchayvut’
Called ‘Tofes 17’ or ‘Hitchayvut’, you need payment authorization for numerous medical and ambulatory services as well as diagnostic procedures. A free Hebrew to English translation
Plastic surgery
Cosmetic and reconstructive surgery in Israel
Poison information – must know
Prescriptions & Medications
Registering for a Health Fund – Heb: Kupat Holim
Social services for your medical needs
Social and welfare services programs, projects and care in Israel.
Suffering from skin ailments? Free word sheet
Learn new Hebrew words for common skin ailments and conditions. With English and transliterations
Stab wounds
Treating sunburn
Don’t overdo it in the sun. Tips for sun protection and treating sunburn in Israel’s harsh climate
Upgrading health services
Vaccinations & immunizations for babies & children
The Israel Ministry of Health suggests these vaccinations and immunizations for children
Measles outbreak in Israel
The 2018 measles outbreak; symptoms, treatment and vaccinations.