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Israel InformationMedical, Healthcare & Health Funds in Israel

Medical, Healthcare & Health Funds in Israel

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Last Updated on September 2, 2021

Israel National Health Insurance Law

health servicesThe National Health Insurance Law requires all residents of Israel to join one of the four health funds: – Kupt Holim Maccabi, Kupat Holim Me’uhedet, Kupat Holim Klalit or Kupat Holim Leumi.

Health Care Comparison

Health care in the USA is mostly private.  In Canada and the United Kingdom the health systems offer free care paid from general taxation.Private health care is available for those willing to pay.  In Australia the government is responsible for a certain level of health care. Individuals are encouraged to have additional, private health insurance to cover the services not provided by the government.  In South Africa the most basic of health care is offered free by the state.   Private health care affords you specialized health services.

Health care in Israel is both universal and compulsory ensuring that all residents of Israel have it.  It is administered by a few organizations with funding from the government.  All Israeli citizens are entitled to the same uniform, government controlled, benefit package (sal briyut), regardless of which organization they are a member of and regardless of their financial means.  The sick funds may not bar applicants on any grounds, including age and state of health.  Equal status is accorded to all four sick funds.

Services are offered in the areas of family medicine, emergency treatment, elective surgery, transplants and medications.

Supplementary Insurance

Supplementary health insurance programs are offered by the health funds.  They offer you a broader range of services than provided by the government funding.  The health funds charge an extra fee for them. Each fund has its own range of extra services provided.  A list of extra services is available in English from each fund. The supplementary health insurance program offers you a broader range of health insurance services on what could be described as semi-private basis. The health funds can, and do, alter the supplementary services from time to time and they can do this more-or-less at their discretion.

It is recommended to take out supplementary health insurance as offered by the fund. The facilities offered by each fund can become the basis of your decision to choose that fund.

Private Medical Insurance

You can also elect to purchase private Medical insurance from your insurance company. Private Health Insurance will fill in the gaps in the services provided by the public Health Funds. The “health basket” (sal ha’bri’yoot) can fluctuate according to the amount of money made available by the government.  Private Medical insurance policies offer you a wide range of additional benefits, services and choices both locally and worldwide.  Private health insurance will also provide for medications not in the “health basket”.

Relative to the cost of private health insurance abroad, these plans here are not considered expensive. Premiums are based on age, gender and Medical history.

Useful Contact Information

The Israeli Ministry of Health
Tel: 02- 670 5705
Ombudsman (for public complaints, health fund issues as well as the basket of health services)
Tel: 02-568 1234



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