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Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Hebrew EnglishAutomated Answering Machines - Translations

Automated Answering Machines – Translations

Must Read

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Last Updated on October 4, 2021

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Hebrew English, French & Russian translations of the automated answering services for Maccabi-, Clalit-, Leumit- and Meuhedet-Health Funds, Bituach Leumi,The Israel Electric Company & The Ministry of Health.

telephone answering machines

Maccabi Health Fund – Kupat Holim Maccabiקופת חולים מכבי

Clalit Health Fund – Kupat Holim Clalit – קוםת חולים כללית

Leumit Health Fund – Kupat Holim Leumit – קופת חולים לאומית

Meuhedet Health Fund – Kupat Holim Meuhedet – קופת חולים מאוחדת

Bituach Leumi – National Insurance Institute – ביטוח לאומי

Israel Electric Company – Hevrat HaHashmal – חברת החשמל

The Israel Ministry of Health

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