Last Updated on January 12, 2022
Learn new Hebrew ‘Falafel’ words – a favorite Israeli food – with English and transliterations.
Are you one of those people that eats falafel at least once a week? Probably not, because if you did, you’d know these words.

For Israeli newbies and foodies, ordering a falafel is not as simple as it seems – there are lots of options; half-portion or full-portion, hummus and/or tahina, red cabbage or white, it can get complicated.
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The falafel vendor has probably been in business for 32 years and is so efficient at his job that he is likely not to make eye contact with you, he’ll just continue watching the soccer game on TV, and while doing so, he will ask you a host of questions, so be prepared.
Here is a list of must-know words, phrases and questions for ordering your next falafel.
English | Transliteration | Hebrew |
Chips | Tzips | צ’פס |
Falafel | Falafel | פלאפל |
Falafel balls | Kaduray felafel | כדורי פלאפל |
Flat bread | Lafa | לפה |
Garlic sauce | Rotev shum | רוטב שום |
Half a portion please | Hatzi Mana Bevakasha | חצי מנה בבקשה |
Hot sauce | Harissa / Schug | חריסה / סחוג |
Spicy | Harif | חריף |
How much does it cost? | Kama ze oleh? | כמה זה עולה |
Hummus | Hummus | חומוס |
Olives | Zaytim | זיתים |
Sour pickles | Hamutzim | חמוצים |
Pita | Pita | פיתה |
Tahina | Tahina | טחינה |
Salads | Salatim | סלטים |
Portion | Mana | מנה |
Bon Appetit | Betayavon | בתיאבון |
Very tasty (to die for) | Taim Retzach | טעים רצח |
Do you want…? | Ha’im ata rotzeh…? | ?…האם אתה רוצה |
To put (salad)…? | La sim lecha (salat)…? | ?…לשים לך (סלט) |
Don’t put… | Al tasim… | …אל תשים |
Falafel on a plate | Falafel b’tzalahat | פלאפל בצלחת |
Should I put it in a packet? | La sim lecha b’sakit? | ?לשים לך בשקית |
Cabbage | Kruv | כרוב |
Red cabbage | Kruv Adom | כרוב אדום |
Amba (mango pickle) | Amba | עמבה |
So this could be the conversation between you and the vendor:
–Ani rotzeh lahazmin hatzi mana bevakashah
I’d like to order a half-portion of falafel please.
–Ani rotzeh hummus, tahina, salat v’kruv adom
I want hummus, tahina, salad and red cabbage
–Kama zeh oleh?
How much does it cost?
Thank you!
Bon Appetit
Now that you have mastered these words, you can order a falafel anywhere at anytime.
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