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Older PostsCoronavirus: Daily Updates - May 2020

Coronavirus: Daily Updates – May 2020

Must Read

Reading Time: 15 minutes

Last Updated on May 1, 2020

Coronavirus: Quick read – Daily updates for May and Israel’s timetable for lifting restrictions.

coronavirus quick read

31.05.20 – 6.06am

  • 17,012 is the total number of diagnosed cases in Israel since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. There are 1,917 active cases (200 new cases in the last 3 days), 39 are in a serious condition – 34 are intubated and 284 people have succumbed to the virus.
  • 587 students and teachers are in isolation and 17 schools and preschools will not open on Sunday. It is reported that more than 110 students and some 40 teachers are infected with the virus.
  • Stricter enforcement of social distancing, good hygiene and the wearing of masks is required.
  • Israeli institutes of higher education re-opening today. Participation is limited to 50 people. Attendees must maintain two meters from one another and wear masks. If programs are held outside, a limit of 50 people must still be enforced.

30.05.20 – 7.26pm

  • A significant rise in newly diagnosed cases of the coronavirus in Israel.
  • The Gymnasium High School is Jerusalem tests 100 pupils and teachers.
  • New directives:
    • Only ‘hot schools’ will close.  There will be no general closure of schools.
    • Event halls and cultural institutions to open on 14 June as planned.
    • Stricter enforcement of regulations and guidelines

28.05.20 – 07.22am

  • Yesterday saw a rise in the number of newly diagnosed Coronavirus cases and intubated patients in Israel.1.942 active coronavirus cases is Israel, 36 new cases diagnosed, 39 patients in serious condition. No new deaths.
  • Unemployment stands at 23.92% – a decrease of about 0.1%
  • 40 foreign workers in Tel Aviv tested for Coronavirus – 10 are positive
  • People flock to coffee shops, restaurants and pools but nightclubs not yet open.  Nightclub owners are still in the dark!
  • While swimming pools are open, wet saunas and jacuzzis remain closed; traditional, dry saunas can open.  Water park rides remain closed.
  • School year to be extended further
  • On the eve of Shavuot directives for synagogues – up to 70 total participants in a single space; up to 100 participants in two separate rooms but within the same complex.  In houses of prayer where chairs are placed, worshipers can sit down, but at least one chair must separate individuals. No communal prayer books or other spiritual items; only those appointed can use communal sacred items.  These directives apply to all houses of worship (Jerusalem Post).
  • Starting today, up to 46 people will be allowed to travel on intercity buses, 49 commuters on city lines, and 75 passengers on articulated buses.
  • The gradual reopening of museums is expected to gain more momentum after Shavuot
  • Event halls to open on June 14th

27.05.20 – 5:23am

  • 2,019 active coronavirus cases is Israel, 23 new cases, 43 patients in serious condition. No new deaths.
  • Unemployment drops again to 24.07% – a drop of about 0.3%
  • Restaurants and pubs to open today under social distancing directives and limiting the number of patrons. Customers will be required to make reservations ahead of time, sign a health declaration and have their temperatures checked upon arrival.
  • Swimming pools and tourist attractions also reopening today
  • Hebrew Ulpanim for new olim to reopen on Sunday – 31.5.20
  • Government statement Tuesday: The 2019/20 school year to be extended until July 13 to close up educational and academic gaps resulting from the coronavirus crisis.
  • Hotels that have opened are expecting high occupancy over the Shavuot long weekend.  Some chains have kept their hotels closed and will open gradually over the next few weeks. Remember: no buffet, all meals served.
  • Israeli scientists from the Israel Institute of Biological Research claiming that Gaucher’s disease drugs are effective against coronavirus
  • Israel to resume commercial flights to ‘green countries’ by mid-July but the number of departing flights will remain low for some time. Some of the green countries: Greece, Cyprus, Seychelles, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Iceland and others
  • International news; bride, groom and Rabbi arrested in Argentina after their wedding celebration which violated the country’s Coronavirus directive of no public or religious events.

26.05.20 – 6:35am

  • 2,146 active coronavirus cases is Israel, 17 new cases, 43 patients in serious condition of them 29 on ventilators. Two new deaths bring the total death toll to 281
  • Unemployment drops ever so slightly again to 24.39% – a drop of about 0.3%
  • Restaurants, nightclubs, hotels, swimming pools are set to reopen on Wednesday
  • Israel’s weekend bus lines will this week return to normal operations. Night buses not yet resuming operation.
  • PM Bibi Netanyahu warns fresh outbreak of coronavirus could be more lethal than first
  • International News: Israeli and Indian scientists plan to work together to develop a coronavirus test that will provide results within minutes – Israeli Embassy in India announced on Monday.

25.05.20 – 6:31am

  • Number of active cases in Israel continues to decline. Only 5 new cases since yesterday. Active coronavirus cases in Israel now stands at 2,285 and of them, 45 in serious condition.  No new deaths reported – 279 have succumbed to the virus thus far.
  • Unemployment drops slightly again to 24.63%
  • Intercity buses to double passenger limit to 46 passengers, and urban buses will increase from 20 to 49 passengers. Taxis to allow two passengers.
  • From June 14th, theaters and concert halls wall open their doors under audience restrictions of a maximum of 75%
  • Israel trains to resume operation in June
  • Poriya hospital closes its corona ward
  • The government approved a proposal on Sunday to increase its financial aid package by an additional NIS 14 billion, rising to a cumulative total of approximately NIS 100 billion.
  • International News: South Africa still in lockdown but they have lifted the ban on alcohol sales for home use from June.  Ban on cigarette sales remains in place. 1,240 new cases yesterday – highest ever.

24.05.20 – 7:08am

  • Number of active cases in Israel continues to decline. Active coronavirus cases in Israel now stands at 2,343 and of them, 47 in serious condition including 36 who are intubated, 279 have succumbed to the virus
  • Schools return to pre-heatwave directives; facemasks for students from 4th-12th grade and teachers
  • The Mishan retirement home in Beer Sheva: a resident infected for the second time? Investigating results of tests for false-positive. Fourteen residents of Mishan have died during the corona crisis.
  • A drive-in corona testing station opening in Rehovot after teachers in Rehovot were diagnosed with the virus

22.05.20 – 7.10am

  • 18 new coronavirus cases diagnosed in the last 24 hours bringing the total of active cases, in Israel, to 2,680.
  • Unemployment drops slightly to 24.85%
  • False positive for coronavirus sends 50 children and parents into quarantine. The kindergarten team parents have been informed that they may return to their everyday activities.
  • First shabbat for synagogues under these rules: 50 people maximum, 2m social distancing, face-masks and bring your own prayer book.
  • Restaurants and bars prep for opening next week.  Some streets in Tel Aviv to be closed off to traffic and turned into pedestrian malls.
  • The ban on non-Israelis entering the country in order to stop the spread of the Coronavirus likely to be extended by two weeks into mid-June and Israelis returning from abroad will still be required to self isolate, for 2 weeks, until that time.

21.05.20 – 7.35am

  • Only 6 new cases of Coronavirus diagnosed in Israel yesterday.  Sadly the death of a 33 year old man was added to the 278 other patients who have succumbed.  Avishalom Rosilio z”l was a former cancer patient. His wife had recovered from the illness. In Israel.  46 people are in serious condition and 40 patients are on respirators,
  • Summer school holidays expected to be only 15 days long – at the end of August.  Precise details still to be finalized
  • Another pupil at the Navon School in Rehovot tests positive for the Coronavirus.
  • A private kindergarten in Rehovot closes after a case of Corona was discovered there
  • Rehovot asks MOH to increase testing in the town
  • Thousands enjoy a dip in Israel’s seas as bathing restrictions are lifted
  • International news: More than 5 million people world-wide are infected with the virus. Yesterday saw the highest number of new diagnosis – more than 106,000.  South Africa also sees a huge spike.

20.05.20 – 7:01am

  • 16 new cases of Corona in Israel, 2,946 active cases, 51 in serious condition. Unemployment drops slightly to 26.39%
  • From today schools will commence at 7:30am instead of 7:55 in order to alleviate the bottleneck created by the restrictions
  • Public transport passenger limit has been lifted altogether but only between the hours 7:00-8:0am and 1:00-3:00pm – this to enable commuters to work and schools as well
  • Yay! Beaches open for swimming on the Mediterranean coast, Red Sea and Kinneret
  • Pray services to commence in synagogues, mosques, churches and other houses of worship: 50 people limit; 2m social distancing and face-masks
  • 2 children at the Navon School in Rehovot tested positive for the Coronavirus.  The school has been closed.
  • Restaurants, eateries, night-clubs and pubs to open their doors next Wednesday – 27th May, 2020 under restrictions, of course. Patrons will be required to make reservations ahead of time at restaurants, have their temperatures taken and sign a health declaration upon arrival.
  • Hotels and swimming pools also open on 27th May, 2020 under restrictions.  Hotel buffets not allowed, only served meals.
  • International News: Brazil records highest number of new cases in one day – 1,179 people test positive

19.05.20 – 6:51am

  • No new cases of Corona diagnosed yesterday. 13,253 recovered.
  • All schools were to open today but in some ares it has been decided to keep schools closed until after the heatwave
  • Newly appointed Health Minister Yuli Edelstein has temporarily lifted the requirement for citizens to wear protective masks in open public spaces and in classrooms until Friday, March 22, due to the heatwave.
  • Today: 42 C in Tel Aviv, Dead Sea 45 C and Haifa 39 C – make sure you drink and keep hydrated.
  • International news
    • Donald Trump admits to taking the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine which was originally thought to have some benefit in the treatment of the Coronavirus
    • Some European countries beginning to lift restrictions

18.05.20 – 6:52am

3,403 active cases of coronavirus in Israel, 10 new cases, 272 deaths, 50 in serious condition, 12,942 recovered

  • The oppressive heat and sharav kept some pupils away from school yesterday.  Better attendance is expected today as the heatwave continues.
  • Education Department asks MALAL to cancel the face-mask directive for school children
  • The date for re-opening restaurants and hotels is being re-addressed following pressure from hoteliers and restaurateurs to reopen before Shavuot.  The new open date is expected to be May 27th.
  • Hotel directives are expected to include: No buffet. Swimming pool restrictions – yet to be finalized.

From Wednesday

  • Beaches to open

17.05.20 – 6.30am

3,485 active cases of coronavirus in Israel, 19 new cases, 268 deaths, 12,855 recovered

A massive heat-wave or sharav today and for most of the week as our children go back to school.  Temperatures of around 40ºC can be expected. In addition to mandatory face-masks for 4th – 12th graders, make sure your children are properly hydrated and remind them  to drink plenty of water as per these recommendations….

  • Grades 1, 2 and 3 return to school today to regular, pre-corona schedule and timetable
  • Grades 11 and 12 also as well as special education

By Tuesday

  • Grades 4 – 10 to return to studies as per their pre-corona schedules except for certain neighborhoods in Jerusalem, Bnei Brak, Beit Shemesh, Dir El-Asad and Hura
  • School transport (hasa’ot) will also commence

School directives

  • Signed declaration of good health
  • Grades 4 – 12 are required to wear face-masks throughout the school day
  • Staggered recess
  • 2m social distancing to be maintained during recess
  • Outdoor activities only if social distancing can be maintained
  • Classroom windows to remain open

Also from today

  • Outdoor gatherings of up to 50 people are permissible
  • Swimming pools open but ONLY for health treatments and competitive sports

From Wednesday

  • Beaches to open

From the 31st May

  • Gatherings of 100 people
  • Extra curricular activities allowed and youth movements
  • Opening of restaurants and coffee shops according to directives and restrictions

From the 14th June

  • Cancellation of all crowd restrictions (if all goals have been met)
  • All remaining education institutions to open
  • Cinemas, theaters and cultural centers (seating arrangements to be addressed)
  • Some flights to return

15.05.20 – 12.04pm

  • 3,793 current confirmed cases of coronavirus in Israel, 62 in serious condition, 265 deaths, 12,521 recovered
  • Back-to-school plan for Sunday (some only on Tuesday though):
    • Opening schools full-time in safe areas and keeping those in hot-zones closed
    • No split classrooms, no capsules, everyone in their usual groups
    • Safe areas for Tuesday opening include: Tel Aviv, Haifa, Ashdod, Rishon LeZion, Petach Tikva, Beer Sheva, Netanya, Holon, Ramat Gan, Rehovot, Herzliyah, Kfar Saba, Hadera, Raanana, Givatayim
    • Hot-zones that won’t re-open: certain neighborhoods in Jerusalem, Bnei Brak, Beit Shemesh, Dir El-Asad, Hura
    • Grades 4 – 12 pupils required to wear face-masks (part or all of the day – still unknown)
    • Staggered recess during the day combined with social distancing
    • Parents must sign a good-health declaration
  • No clear decision and confusion abounds:
    • How many caregivers in daycare?
    • Transporting the children to and from school
    • Teachers in high-risk categories – are they returning to work?
  • From the 17th May
    • Museums to open
    • Sporting activities up to 20 people allowed
  • From May 20th…
    • Beaches open to bathers
  • Re-opening train services – pushed back to 31st May
  • Draft plan presented to re-open dining-rooms and swimming pools in hotels. Two meter distancing and families to be seated together.
  • By Shavuot; restaurants, coffee shops, public pools and hotels are expected to re-open
  • International news: 100 children diagnosed with Kawasaki Syndrome in New York.  Is it somehow related to the Coronavirus

14.05.20 – 6:30am

  • 4,052 current confirmed cases of coronavirus in Israel, 19 new cases, 134 recoveries since yesterday, 61 in serious condition and of them 52 are intubated, 264 deaths.
  • Will the train service open on Sunday? Ministry of Health originally approved but Bar Siman Tov says it’s too soon.
  • A plan is being developed to open Ben Gurion Airport (NATBAG) by the beginning of June. In the pilot study the first two tourist destinations are likely to be Cyprus and Germany. The pilot is expected to be based on 20,000 and 40,000 travelers, Travelers will have to commit not to leave the destination country for another one.  Upon returning to Israel travelers will need to undergo Corona testing.
  • Rescue flight to Morocco brings back 30 Israelis who have been stranded there for 2 months.

13.05.20 – 7:00am

  • 4,186 current confirmed cases of coronavirus in Israel, 260 deaths, 12,083 recovered
  • Regional councils threaten to keep grades 4 – 6 pupils at home next week. Netanyahu needs to come up with a better plan.
  • A support center for businesses affected by the corona pandemic opened on Tuesday at the First Station in Jerusalem. The center will provide support for all business owners in the city and was set up as a joint initiative of the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage, the Jerusalem Municipality and the Jerusalem Development Authority (Jerusalem Post)
  • Yuli Edelstein accepts Health Ministry portfolio
  • Unemployment rate 26.8%

12.05.20 – 6:30am

  • 4,406 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Israel, 58 are intubated, 258 deaths, 11,843 recovered
  • Thousands in Mea Shearim and Beit Shemesh disregard Lag B’Omer bonfire directive and public gathering ban.
  • 30 per cent of schools and kindergartens not opening today and remain closed for Lag B’Omer.
  • Grades 4 – 6 return to school on Sunday – a complicated timetable that has not yet been finalized
    • 20 pupils per class observing a 2m distance
    • If the 2m distance cannot be achieved, pupils will be required to wear face-masks
    • Grades 1 – 3 morning classes,
    • Grades 4 – 6 afternoon classes 2 or 3 days per week or possibly only on Friday’s
  • Health Ministry Chief Moshe Bar Siman Tov considers his resignation
  • Israel Railways – trains to commence operation on Sunday.  At this point only selected routes and times. Details not yet available.
  • Ministry of Health and tourism industry in heated discussions regarding re-opening of hotels, restaurants, cafes etc. No dates have been finalized.

11.05.20 – 11:30am

  • 4,795 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Israel, only 24 new cases, 74 in serious condition and of them 65 are intubated, 252 deaths, 11,430 recovered
  • Government assessing the closure of “Corona Hotels”
  • Travelers from abroad to be in home isolation instead.
  • Government has budgeted another 6 million NIS to finance more rescue flights
  • Municipal parks and playgrounds to reopen but restrictions on playground equipment continue
  • Numbers of those requesting unemployment assistance is expected to remain in double digits for quite some time
  • Grades 4 – 6 to return to school next week.
  • Public transport crisis – thousands of people are stranded as public transport restrictions have not aligned with the lifting of other restrictions
  • IDF expected to return shuttle service for soldiers
  • A plan to rescue EL AL has been developed

Lag B’Omer directives

  • Education system as usual is these areas; Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Givatayim, Raanana, Herzliyah, Kiryat Motzkin,Yavne, Tel Mond and Afula
  • Kindergartens and schools in some areas to remain open under the supervision of teaching assistants
  • NO national curfew
  • ONLY 3 bonfires at Mt. Meron with 50 people in attendance at each gathering.
  • Mt. Meron and surrounding areas will be closed to the public
  • Significant police presence to ensure that the public adheres to the Lag B’Omer/Mt. Meron directives
  • NO other public or private bonfires allowed whatsoever (public or private).  Heavy fines for disobeying this directive.

10.05.20 – 6:30am

  • Over 4 million coronavirus cases worldwide. Only 18 newly diagnosed cases – 4,831 being the total of current cases in Israel, 247 deaths (2 within the last 24 hours), 241 coronavirus patients are hospitalized, some 79 in serious conditions, 64 are intubated and 11,376 have recovered.
  • 4th – 6th graders expected to return to school next week
  • According to a survey released Sunday by the Israel Democracy Institute, the coronavirus crisis helped improve relations between Jews and Arabs.  However, relations between the haredi (ultra-Orthodox) community and the rest of Israeli society appear to have been damaged.
  • Gatherings of 50 people in open spaces only

From today – Kindergartens, preschool and daycare

  • Preschool and daycare to open today – ages 0 -3 (Channel 13 report)
  • Municipal day-care only 3 days per week
  • Afternoon care options (צהרון) expected to resume later in the week
  • Private preschool and daycare – groups of up to 17 children
  • Private daycare centers – like Wizo, Naamat and Emunah, will remain closed (Maariv report)
  • Return to full schedule within 2 to 3 weeks

8.5.20 – 7:15am

  • Daily stats: 5,268 active cases, 83 in  serious condition, 68 of them on ventilators, 240 deaths and 10,873 recovered.  The rate of recoveries continues to overtake the rate of newly diagnosed cases.
  • Bnei Brak still top the list of communities with highest number of cases
  • Care must be taken in order to minimize the second wave.  Taiwanese artificial intelligence (AI) system for tracking cases to be implemented in Israel in order to minimize the second wave of Coronavirus infection.  The AI platform will be used to manage and isolate cases of Covid-19 and deal with them before there is an increase in the infection rate.
  • Cyber defense for Israel’s healthcare sector becomes a priority. A “cyber defense shield” for the country’s healthcare sector to be inaugurated.

7.5.20 – 7:45am

  • 5,434 active Coronavirus cases, 10,637 recovered, 239 deaths, 89 in serious condition – only 21 new cases yesterday
  • Markets open. Malls, gyms and fitness studios also open today under strict hygiene regulations
  • Mt. Meron, the town and surrounding areas will be closed off to visitors from today – May 13th. The tomb site will remain closed until May 17th.
  • Ministry of Finance approved and will finally provide some financial assistance to private kindergartens
  • The Supreme Court gives the green-light to the coalition deal between Netanyahu and Gantz

6.5.20 – 6:15am

  • Only 43 new cases of the Coronavirus diagnosed in the last 24 hours
  • Some restrictions already lifted.
  • Hotels have not yet been given the green light.  Conditions for opening still not final.

From tomorrow, May 7th

  • Opening of malls and markets with restrictions
  • Gyms and fitness studios while observing distance

5.5.20 – 7:00am

(Sources: Jerusalem Post, 13news and N12)

  • Defense Ministry: The Israel Institute for Biological Research (IIBR) has completed the development phase of COVID-19 antibody or passive vaccine.  Patent to be filed.
  • For the first time – a drop in the number of registered unemployed

Restrictions that have been lifted from the 4th May, 2020:

  • The 100m boundary
  • Immediate-family and friends:  visits now possible – up to 10 at home or up to 20 outside
  • Visits to grandparents allowed (no hugs though)
  • Sporting activities in groups of 2 people
  • Treatments that require close contact (with face-masks)
  • Zimmerim with private pools

As of today: 5,947 active cases in Israel,only 38 new cases, 235 deaths – 3 since yesterday, 72 on ventilators, 10,064 recovered

4.5.20 – 6:15am

  • The government to decide today on the lifting of further restrictions as per the demands of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance
  • GOOD NEWS! From today you will be able to have family gatherings (not only nuclear family) and meet with grandparents
  • The complete re-opening of the education system will take two weeks
  • More schools across the country opening today in these areas:
Tel Aviv (selected Azor Nes Tziona
Hod Hasharon Lev Hasharon Rosh HaAyin
Ashkelon Kiryat Malachi Kiryat Gat
Acco Netivot Ofakim
Mitzpe Ramon
  • All schools are expected to be open by Tuesday.

3.5.20 – 6:45am

6,329 active cases in Israel, 229 deaths, 103 in serious condition including 82 on ventilators, 9,634 recovered

  • Today marks the start of the gradual return of pupils to school as follows
    • Grade 1 through Grade 3 return to school on Sunday (groups of 17 pupils)
    • 11th & 12th graders return in to prepare for the bagrut matriculation exam
    • Special education returns
    • Pupils in the Haredi ultra-Orthodox community – 7th -11th graders return to school
    • Kindergartens to return on May 10th
    • From Grades 2 upwards – wearing of masks mandatory outside of the classroom
    • No face-masks in the classroom
    • Parents are required to take their children’s temperature every morning and sign a daily declaration of good health.
    • Children will NOT be allowed to share books, pens or other equipment.  Make sure your child’s bag is fully equipped every day.
    • Children are NOT allowed to play with balls during the school day
    • Regular hand washing
    • These main towns and centers will NOT be returning today – pupils are expected to return on Tuesday
Tel Aviv Ramat Gan Bnei Brak
Ramat Hasharon Hod Hasharon Beer Sheva
Ashkelon Eshkol Tzfat
Acco Nahariya Carmiel
Haifa Hadera Kiryat Malachi
Mitzpe Ramon Kiryat Gat Arava
Kfar Yonah Daliat El Carmel Druze sector
  • Education Ministry: Teachers over the age of 65, with preexisting conditions or with close family members with preexisting conditions do not have to return to work.
  • Minister of Finance: Improvements in our situation allows us to open up the economy
  • 67+ to return to work
  • Remember to obey all directives as per the Home Front Command (104) and Ministry of Health (*5400)

2.5.20 – 7:15pm

6,525 active cases in Israel, 227 deaths, 184 on ventilators 9,400 recovered

Latest back-to-school update:

  • Grade 1 through Grade 3 return to school on Sunday (groups of 17 pupils)
  • 11th & 12th graders return in order to prepare themselves for the bagrut matriculation exam
  • Special education returns
  • Pupils in the Haredi ultra-Orthodox community – 7th -11th graders return to school
  • Kindergartens will return on May 10th
    • Groups of between 15 – 17
    • 3 days per week
    • Parents to provide meals
    • Parents will not be allowed entry to the kindergarten
  • Fourth grade to 10th grade will return by June 1, 2020
  • Tel Aviv, Ramat Gan, Beer Sheva and other towns will NOT be returning to school tomorrow
  • Raanana, Bat Yam and Netanya ONLY 1st – 3rd graders
  • Schools instructed to contact parents with full updates

1.5.20 – 6:30am

7,163 active cases in Israel, 222 deaths, 105 in serious condition, 8,561 recovered

The question on every parents mind: will schools and kindergartens re-open on Sunday?

  • Discussion today to decide who will be returning on Sunday. Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance are not in agreement.
  • The Ministry of Health advises kindergartens not to open.
  • Issues to be decided:
    • Hours
    • Number of children per group (MOH calls for 5 and MOF says this is not possible)
    • Same educators for each group – no alternating staff
    • Keeping the children suitably distanced and protected
  • Grades 1 -3 will return to school with restrictions and limitations
  • Ministry of Health calls for 15 pupils per study group.  Ministry of Finances calls for 17.
  • Ministry of Education: MOH requirements are impossible.
  • A study by the Gertner Institute: It is difficult to prove if children are less likely to be infected with the Coronavirus.  Their recommendation – open the schools gradually and cautiously
  • Final decision pending regarding lifting further restrictions
    • Beaches, national parks and public swimming pools.
    • Fitness centers and shopping malls will have to adhere to strict regulations
    • Sports clubs for all activities not only competitive
    • Zimmerim and hotels
  • Thousands of self-employed protest at Rabin Square calling for  a much larger loan fund and unemployment benefits
  • Railway services limited at this time and only will return to full operation by 1 July, 2020
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