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Where can I get my coronavirus vaccination in Israel?

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Last Updated on January 17, 2021

I am eligible for a coronavirus vaccination. Where can I get one?

flu vaccination

Over 2 million citizens have already been vaccinated with the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine and according to MOH data, over 300,000 people have been vaccinated with the second dose,  As of Sunday, 17.1.2021, HMO members from the age of 45 upwards, can receive the corona vaccine and the  40+ age group are next in line – hopefully by the end of this week.  Just because it has been announced that you are eligible for the vaccine, does not mean you will get an appointment immediately.  There is around a 3 week waiting list.


We have received a number of emails from non-citizens and even tourists asking if they can get vaccinated in Israel.  At this stage only members of HMO’s are being vaccinated.  If you are an international in Israel and not a member of one of the 4 health funds, discuss this with your health insurer.  We have heard rumors that for a price, health insurers are offering vaccinations – we have not verified this and it could just be fake news.

Certain age-groups and sectors of the population are NOT being vaccinated at this time such as children (under 16 years of age) and recovered patients, due to a lack of information about vaccination among these populations.

Regulations are forever changing, so please consult with the appropriate authorities concerning eligibility.

If you are entitled to a vaccination under the current directive:

  • You could receive an SMS text message, an email or a phone call from your health fund, inviting you to make an appointment.  These messages will be in Hebrew and mostly phone calls will be conducted in the Hebrew language.
  • If you do not receive a notification of this type, take the initiative to contact your health fund or make an appointment via the health fund’s digital platform; their website or their app.

The medical and healthcare system in Israel

Health Fund’s contact information (NOTE: you are required to login with your personal user ID and enter your medical file before you making an appointment)

  • Clalit – by telephone at *2700
  • Maccabi – by telephone at *3555 
  • Leumit – by telephone at 1-700-507-507
  • Meuhedet – by telephone at *3833


Your HMO may offer you the option to vaccinate at one of their clinics, a local hospital or at a ‘drive-in’ center in your area. At the beginning of the vaccination drive, queues were not long and a 15 minute wait was reasonable.  Today lines are long, expect to wait a couple of hours.


Usually vaccination is by appointment only but there are those that show up at vaccination stations late in the evening without an appointment and take a chance in the hope of receiving a vaccine.  If there are vaccines left over from the day, and in order not to waste them, you may be lucky enough to get one.

We wish you good health.

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