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RecipesYom Ha'Aztmaut Recipes.

Yom Ha’Aztmaut Recipes.

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Last Updated on December 12, 2021

Yom HaAtzmaut – Israel’s Independence Day – Popular recipes

Hebrew: יום העצמות

Yom Ha’atzmaut (Independence Day) is an official public holiday and is celebrated on the 5th day of the month of Iyar.   The day prior to this, Yom HaZikaron (The Day of Remembrance) is the day where Israelis mourn the heroes that fell in the defense of the country.  This solemn and somber day officially comes to an end at 8pm.  Israel then turns its attention to the celebration of Yom Ha’atzmaut.  An official Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebration is held in the capital, Jerusalem. Hundreds of other celebrations are held countrywide. Traditionally, Israelis celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut outdoors.  Families get together and the national parks and picnic spots are filled to capacity. Regular updates on the number of visitors in the parks are announced on the radio. Israelis traditionally feast on steak and lots of barbecued meat.  The aroma of hundreds of thousands of BBQ’s (Heb. mangalim) wafts through the air.  Israelis say “we are eating al ha-esh” (lit. on the fire).  Steaks, kebabs, shishlik, sausages, chicken, lamb, fish, vegetables and marshmallows are all on the menu.  Watermelons have just come into season and Yom Ha’Atzmaut would not be complete without one!

Here is a selection of delicious recipes kindly contributed by members of Israel’s Anglo community.

chicken on bbq 160x160 chicken on skewers 2 160x160 chicken kebabs 160x160
Basic Marinade Japanese Chicken on Skewers Chicken Kebab
 orange salad bean salad coleslaw
Orange Salad  Bean & Chickpea Salad Coleslaw Nut Salad
 quinoa salad 160x160  marshmallow skewers 160x160 watermelon granita
 Healthy Quinoa Salad Marshmallow Toppings  Watermelon Granita

Share your favorite Yom Ha’Atzmaut recipe with us via the comments section below.

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