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CoronavirusIsrael Coronavirus Updates October

Israel Coronavirus Updates October

Must Read

Reading Time: 24 minutes

Last Updated on June 29, 2021

Quick Read: Israel Coronavirus updates and news highlights for October.

The world at a glance:

Total Diagnosed Cases Total Deaths Most Cases Least Cases
 Date World Israel World Israel
01.10.20 34,159,232 253,490 1,018,490 1,622 USA Solomon Islands
15.10.30 38,746,513 298,500 1,096,881 2,098 USA Solomon Islands
30.10.20 45,347,700 313,114 1,186,389 2,508 USA Wallis & Futuna

(South Pacific)

Daily average 372,949 1,987 5597 29


30 October – 7.34am

  • Yesterday’s coronavirus stats – Worldometer & N12
    • 313,114 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 11,167 active cases
    • 564 newly diagnosed cases
    • 25,183 tests performed yesterday with a 2% positivity rate.
    • 440 in serious condition
    • 14 deaths – total deaths: 2,508
    • 34,043 cases per million population
  • Thursday’s corona cabinet meeting
    • Grades 1 – 4 will return to school on Sunday for at least 4 days per week
    • After school programs also to commence Sunday in capsules: a maximum of 28 children in 3 capsules
    • Yisrael Katz to Yuli Edelstein: the delay in opening up the economy will result in another 80,000 Israelis living below the poverty level
    • PM, Bibi Netanyahu: Shops might open next week or when we reach a target of 500 new cases daily
    • Zimmerim and guest houses to open on Sunday
    • Hairdressers and beauty salons open on Sunday
    • Malls and markets – in two weeks time
    • Synagogues and houses of worship: From Sunday – 30 worshippers in total = 10 worshippers inside and 20 outside
  • After the Rabin memorial candle lighting ceremony, thousands of angy parents demonstrate in Tel Aviv Thursday night and protest against the Ministry of Education and their handling of the situation
  • International news: Serbia, Lithuania, Germany and Italy will be added to the list of red countries next week and tourist will be required to enter isolation upon their return.  Senior health officials maintain that adding these countries to the list should have happened a while back.
  • Shabbat candle lighting times

29 October – 6:26am

  • Yesterday’s coronavirus stats – Worldometer & N12
    • 312,5504 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 12,013 active cases
    • 826 newly diagnosed cases
    • 25,183 tests performed yesterday with a 2% positivity rate.
    • 474 in serious condition
    • 11 deaths – total deaths: 2,494
    • 33,982 cases per million population
  • The corona cabinet will be meeting again today to further discuss the easing of restrictions from Sunday and this is following yesterday’s meeting whereat the Minister of Finance – Yisrael Katz and the Minister of Health – Yuli Edelstein had a heated discussion that even lead to some personal verbal attacks – Channel 13 reported.
  • The Ministry of Finance is keen to open stores already on Sunday. This was their planned exit strategy for the coming weeks:
    • Sunday – one-on-one services
    • In two weeks time – opening markets, malls and shops
    • Further down the line, in a month or so – restaurants, eateries, hotels, fitness centers and swimming pools
  • The final directive for opening schools is still under discussion as officials zigzag between 2 options – will it be a 3 day school week or a 4 day school week? The MOE would like Grades 1 – 4 to attend school 4 days per week in capsules. Netanyahu prefers a 3 day school week.  One of the other issues to be resolved is the dilemma the afternoon after school program is causing: pupils would study in capsules in the morning, but afternoon school programs would not incorporate the capsule system.
  • Prof. Ronni Gamzu announces that the isolation period should be reduced from 12 to 10 days – a final decision is yet to be made.  He wernt onto say that the rate of infection had dropped considerably and that it is well below the targetted figure as set out in the original plan of 1,000 daily new cases.  The average for this week has been 800 daily new cases.  He further added that the next phase in easing restrictions could be put into effect.
  • International news
    • The most cases reported ever – over half a million new covid-19 coronavirus cases diagnosed yesterday across the globe.
    • France – a second lockdown is put in place across the country.  Non-essential services have been shuttered yet schools remain open.
    • Germany also faces a partial second lockdown and schools remain open

28 October – 17:51pm

  • September deaths in Israel up by almost 20% from last year. Health Ministry data shows 1 in 6 of all fatalities last month were coronavirus related; country’s total virus death toll stands at 2,483 people; 0.79% patient death rate means 1 out of 126 people treated for coronavirus in Israel dies from disease. – YNet


  • Yesterday’s coronavirus stats – Worldometer & N12
    • 311,724 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 12,585 active cases
    • 873 newly diagnosed cases
    • 31,287 tests performed yesterday with a 1.8% positivity rate.
    • 467 in serious condition
    • 31 deaths – total deaths: 2,483
    • 33,892 cases per million population
  • Prof. Nachman Ash, ex-IDF surgeon, takes up his position as Israel’s new Coronavirus Commissioner replacing Prof. Ronni Gamzu who is returning to his position as head of  Ichilov Medical Center
  • Thousands of small business owners will be asked to return the grants they received earlier this year as part of the stimulus package aimed to help them get through the crisis.  The tax authority claims that money was distributed in error to people who were not actually entitled.  This is, of course, a terrible situation for many business owners as many of them have already used the money from the grant to pay living or business related expenses.  How are they expected to pay back the grant?  The tax authority is setting up a new website that will be used to direct the grants back to the state.
  • Finance Minister Israel Katz announced Tuesday evening that one-time unemployment payouts to Israelis who’ve been unemployed for an extended period due to coronavirus, will be extended to include those over the age of 67.
  • On the one hand the tax authority is asking for their money back and on the other hand the finance ministry announces further aid.  MOF Yisrael Katz: “We will continue to do whatever it takes to help the self-employed, salaried workers and business owners to get through this period. I will continue to fight so that many can return to the workforce soon and bring about renewed growth to the economy.”
  • Coronavirus in the school system: As thousands of young children are getting ready to return to school on Sunday, some local councils (in affluent areas) may subsidize a full 6 day school week instead of the 3 day school week as passed by the Knesset.
  • Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion has decided that children in grades 1-4 will attend school five days a week, and not three days as was decided by the government. Grades 5-12 will study in open spaces.
  • In kindergartens – At the beginning of this week, 56 kindergartens had to close due to coronavirus infection.  Within two days this number has doubled.  Now 112 kindergartens have had to shut down. It is reported that there are currently 255 children and kindergarten teachers infected with the virus. Kindergartens in Jerusalem, Modiin Illit and Uhm El Fachim have the highest rate of infection while 200 local councils report zero infection.  There are some 21,000 registered kindergartens and childcare facilities in Israel.
  • Prof. Ash, the new coronavirus commissioner reports that less testing is taking place in the Arab sector as members of the community are not going to get tested.
  • Hakamat and Adnan Masri – an elderly Israeli couple from Northern Israel, who had been married for 64 years – died this week in the span of only two days after contracting the coronavirus.
  • International News;
    • As the new wave of infection spreads across Europe, France considers putting a night-time curfew in place. France reports 523 deaths yesterday.
    • Italy reports over 20,000 new cases yesterday with 221 deaths counted.

27 October

Update: 15:24pm

  • Ex-IDF surgeon general Nachman Ash named as Israel’s next coronavirus czar. Prof. Ronni Gamzu returns to role as head of Ichilov Medical Center in Tel Aviv on Nov. 13


  • Yesterday’s coronavirus stats – Worldometer & N12
    • 310,851 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 13,544 active cases
    • 905 newly diagnosed cases
    • 28,802 tests performed yesterday with a 1.9% positivity rate.
    • 496 in serious condition
    • 56 deaths – total deaths: 2,453
    • 33,797 cases per million population
  • The plan to open some shops and services, on Sunday, is on hold for the time being.  The MOH Yuli Edelstein objects to the re-opening and there is still disagreement regarding the opening of street shopping and zimmerim.
  • Sunday will see the re-opening of hairdressers and beauty salons on a one-to-one basis only  (make an appointment don’t just walk in)
  • The police break up a wedding with 500 guests, in Rahat – a predominantly Bedouin city in southern Israel
  • Galant was anything but galant. At a meeting between Minister of Education Yoav Galant, mayors and regional councils yesterday, Ron Huldai – the mayor of Tel Aviv – accused Galant of handing out orders as if he was still in the military; “We are not soldiers!”  (Galant was the former commander of the Southern Command in the Israel Defense Forces).  Heads of councils also object to the use of capsule system at schools (small pods of pupils).
  • The winter bagrut matriculation exams are expected to be postponed for a few months.  A team of educational experts are  to investigate best ways to adjust and cut back on learning material and the number of matric exams as a result of the pandemic.
  • The back-to-school plan for Grades 1 – 4 has finally been passed

26 October – 7:30am

  • At yesterday’s corona cabinet meeting it was outlined that current restrictions would remain in place until Sunday at which time there will be a partial reopening of schools (lower grades) and the commercial sector.
    • Grades 1 and 2 will attend school alternately for three days per week
    • Grades 3 and 4 in capsules of a maximum of 20 students per class
    • Remote learning for Grades 5 upwards
    • Classes can be held outside – up to 15 pupils
  • The costs involved in implementing the capsule system for first and second graders is prohibitive.  PM to ministers “We have come to the conclusion that there is no way to finance the capsules; it [costs] NIS 6 billion,”
  • Some shops to open:
    • Those that have an outside entrance
    • No more than 5 customers at any given time
    • The ratio is one person per 7 sqm
    • Hairdressing and beauty salons to open
  • Also Eilat and Dead Sea declared special green tourist zones and entry will be conditional on the presentation of an up-to-date negative coronavirus test. At a later stage, more gradually, the law that will be enacted will allow the opening of more businesses in the areas, which will serve the hotel guests.
  • The period of isolation to be reduced to 10 days accompanied by 2 negative coronavirus tests
  • Israel Biological Institute’s will commence human trials Sunday with their coronavirus vaccine   The goal is to have 15 million vaccines available.
  • Coronavirus directives are being ignored; serious contravention within the Haredi community and at shopping malls in Arab villages
  • A motion to raise fines was argued during the coronavirus cabinet meeting. Representatives of United Torah Judaism party: If fines are raised we will not give our support to the  government.
  • The MOH: The consequence of opening the economy too soon will result in a 3rd lockdown.

Yesterday’s coronavirus stats – Worldometer & N12

  • 310,148 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
  • 13,913 active cases
  • 533 newly diagnosed cases
  • 19,789 tests performed yesterday with a 2.8% positivity rate.
  • 506 in serious condition
  • 25 deaths – total deaths: 2,397
  • 33,721 cases per million population

25 October – 6:00am

  • 2 day weekend stats – Worldometer & N12
    • 309,413 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 15,835 active cases
    • 1,166 newly diagnosed cases (Friday and Saturday)
    • 31,570 tests performed over the weekend with a 3.2% positivity rate.
    • 548 in serious condition
    • 53 deaths – total deaths: 2,372
    • 33,641 cases per million population
  • Yehuda Barkan – Israeli actor, film producer, film director, and screenwriter died Saturday at age 75 after a battle with COVID-19. He had been hospitalized at Jerusalem’s Hadassah Medical Center for the past few weeks.
  • Senior officials in the MOH, MOF and MOE met Saturday night to discuss the strategies for returning children to school.  Will the capsule system be implemented this time? Local regional councils suggest outdoor learning as a solution to getting children back into a framework thereby allowing parents to get back to work. Discussions to continue today.
  • The corona cabinet to meet again today to further discuss details of the exit strategy. Under discussion:
    • Grades 1 and 2  partial return to school
    • Grades 2 and 4  full return to school
    • Reopening certain commercial sectors
    • Hairdressers and beauty salons
    • One-on-one activities
    • Complementary medical services
  • Anti-Netanyahu demonstrations in Jerusalem last night – thousands participate
  • International news: night time curfews come into effect in Greece, Italy and other locations in Europe

22 October – 7:43am

  • Wednesday’s stats – Worldometer & N12
    • 307,335 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 19,569 active cases
    • 1,173 newly diagnosed cases
    • 33,208 tests performed yesterday with a 2.7% positivity rate.
    • 596 in serious condition
    • 13 deaths – total deaths: 2,291
    • 33,415 cases per million population
  • Yesterday’s meeting of the corona cabinet’s ended without decisions. They are to meet again next week when they will discuss, yet again, opening schools vs. opening shops and malls.
  • Capsules and masks for school children? Just masks? Just capsules?  Those are the questions that need to be answered before schools can re-open.  Only one thing is clear after the corona cabinet meeting – schools will not be re-opening on Sunday.
  • The MOH reports that children are twice as likely to get infected with the coronavirus. Latest research shows that mostly young children who are infected have very mild if no symptoms.  They can however, be super-spreaders and infect between 10 – 30 people  Sixty percent of children who are diagnosed are asymptomatic and only 1% require hospitalization. – Channel 13
  • Why is the YOAMASH in the news again?

21 October – 7:14am

  • Tuesday’s stats – Worldometer & N12
    • 306,162 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 21,379 active cases
    • 1,286 newly diagnosed cases
    • 31,599 tests performed yesterday with a 3.0% positivity rate.
    • 614 in serious condition
    • 15 deaths – total deaths: 2,278
    • 33,287 cases per million population
  • Hundreds of Haredim participate in a Tish in Bnei Brak last night and pay no heed to coronavirus directives; wearing of masks and social distancing
  • Yesterday’s corona cabinet meeting is adjourned and is set to continue today.  Still under heated debate is the back-to-school issue.
  • The IDF has cancelled the curfew that has been in place – soldiers may now enjoy leave every alternate weekend.
  • Grades 1 – 4:  The MOH must make a final decision regarding the use of the capsule system in schools.  The capsule system needs to be re-addressed and this could delay the opening of schools by one month. If the capsule system is put in place, the Ministry of Finance will have to allocate the funds required.
  • Senior official at the Ministry of Education: “The MOH is always changing the outlines”.
  • The opening of schools may be delayed and a further easing of restrictions – opening shops and zimmerim – may be brought forward instead.
  • The MOH refuses to to give in to Arye Deri’s (Shas) demand for allowing ‘only 200’ guests at a wedding.
  • A night time curfew has been suggested as reported by those close to the Prime Minister.
  • Police clash with a young girl in Jerusalem who refused to wear a mask and resisted arrest.  Pepper spray was used.

20 October – 7:47am

  • Corona cabinet to meet today
    • What will come first – opening schools, opening stores and zimmerim and a general easing of remaining restrictions?
    • Prof. Ronni Gamzu – Israel’s Coronavirus Commissioner – advises against opening schools at this stage.
    • Also under discussion today, the non-adherence of directives within the Haredi community
  • Red zones that will remain under lockdown; Bnei Brak, Elad and 3 Jerusalem neighborhoods.
  • As the rate of infection has dropped considerably it has been suggested to remove ‘red zone status’ from these areas: Rechasim, Modiin Illit and Beitar Illit
  • Yesterday the police issue fines at 200 Haredi educational institutions that have  re-opened and defied the current directives
  • The race towards a vaccine – Israel’s Biological Institute will commence human trials with their vaccine in November. One hundred people will be tested in The first stage of Israel’s human trials and 1,000 people will be tested in the second stage.
  • While large pharma companies are also in final stages of vaccine development, it is important that Israel it’s own reserves – due to demand, there is likely to be a shortage of other commercial vaccines.
  • The name of Israel’s vaccine is Bri-Life.  In Hebrew – ברי-לייף.  In Hebrew the word ברי means ‘healthy’. so  ‘Healthy Life’
  • Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, Israel has seen a rise in family violence. Yesterday 2 women were murdered by their husbands bringing the total number of women murdered by their husbands, to 18 this year.
  • The battle of the budget – if the 2021 budget is not approved, Israel will likely go to the polls again in February.
  • Monday’s stats – Worldometer & N12
    • 304,876 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 24,219 active cases
    • 1,767 newly diagnosed cases
    • 30,824 tests performed Monday with a 3.7% positivity rate.
    • 634 in serious condition
    • 54 deaths – total deaths: 2,263
    • 33,147 cases per million population

19 October 6:42am

  • Against lockdown directives, hundreds of yeshiva student returned to their studies Sunday.  It is expected today that tens of thousands of yeshiva students will also return to their yeshivot.  Seniors in government respond that they will cut the budgets of those yeshivot that open.  The police have requested government backup to control the situation.
  • Would cutting their budgets be effective at all? Even if it is announced today, it will take many months before budget cuts can be implemented. It would be expected that thousands of these academic institutions would appeal anyway (by which time we might have a vaccine or all be immune to the coronavirus).
  • Kindergartens and daycare opened yesterday for ages 0-6.  Pressure is mounting to open all schools.  The MOH and the Ministry of Education blame one another for the current back-to-school impasse.
  • Top Palestinian official Saeb Erekat is in a “serious but stable” condition with Covid-19.  He is being treated at the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem.
  • Sunday’s stats – Worldometer & N12
    • 303,109 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 32,807 active cases
    • 339 newly diagnosed cases
    • 12,033 tests performed Sunday with a 2.5% average positivity rate.  On October 10th when an almost identical number of tests were carried out, the positivity rate was 7.5%
    • 669 in serious condition
    • 19 deaths – total deaths: 2,209
    • 32,995 cases per million population

18 October – 7.50am

  • As of today
    • Cancellation of the 1,000m limitation of movement
    • Kindergartens and day care from age 0-6 (even in red zones)
      • Caregivers and staff are required to weak masks
      • No capsules
    • Opening of businesses that do not receive members of the public
    • Pick-up of take-aways from eateries
    • Beaches, parks and nature sites open
    • Temple Mount and Western Wall is open to worshipers (according to capsule directives)
    • Family visits up to 10 people in a closed space or 20 in an open space
    • Professional sport training programs
  • Lockdown continues until Wednesday in these red zones:
    • Bnei Brak
    • Beitar Illit
    • Elad
    • Rechasim
    • Modiin Illit
    • 4 neighborhoods in Jerusalem
  • In spite of the ban, yeshivot in the Haredi community will open today
  • Thousands participate in anti-Netanyahu demonstrations Saturday night in front of the Prime Minister’s official residence on Balfour St., Jerusalem
  • Weekend stats Worldometer & N12
    • 302,770 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 35,135 active cases
    • 2,579 newly diagnosed cases over the two day weekend
    • 47,059 tests performed Friday and Saturday with a 3.6% average positivity rate
    • 690 in serious condition
    • 78 deaths – total deaths: 2,190
    • 32,918 cases per million population

16 October – 6:25am

  • Final list for Sunday
    • Cancellation of the 1,000m movement limitation
    • Visiting another person’s home will be possible
    • Kindergartens and day care from age 0-6
      • 2,100 daycare centers will only open on Tuesday or Wednesday
      • Kindergartens in Ramat Gan and Givat Shmuel will open on Monday
      • Teachers union expects considerable disruptions
      • Grades 1-4 expected to open in two weeks (Capsule system for Grades 3 -4)
    • Opening of businesses that do not receive members of the public
    • Pick-up of take-aways from eateries
    • Events with 10 people in a closed area or 20 in an open area
    • Beaches, parks and nature sites to open
    • The Kotel (Western Wall) to reopen to worshipers
  • Ben Gurion airport open and Israelis are free to travel to green countries or those accepting Israeli tourists
  • Hundreds attend anti-Netanyahu demonstrations in Tel Aviv last night
  • Yesterday’s stats Worldometer & N12
    • Israel crosses the 300,00 case mark with 300,201 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 40,848 active cases
    • 1,701 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 25,156 tests performed with a 4.1% average positivity rate
    • 742 in serious condition
    • Daily death toll 29 – total deaths: 2,127
    • 32,639 cases per million population

19:00 update

Latest list for Sunday opening

  • Kindergartens
  • 1km movement limitation lifted
  • Private sector returns to work
  • Take-away food services
  • Family visits up to 10 people in a closed space or 20 people in an open space.
  • Beaches and parks.

18:15pm update

  • First stage from Sunday
    • Kindergartens until age 6, to open Sunday.
    • Small business that to do not receive members of the public to open
    • 1km movement limitation to be lifted
    • Family visits to be allowed
    • Red zones to remain in lockdown
  • 2nd stage of exit estimated for the end of October
    • Grades 1-4 are likely to return
    • More details to follow

17.21pm update

Israel MOH’s forecast for the coming winter

  • More than 3 million ill with coronavirus or the flu
  • More than 1,500 deaths
  • 2,000 on ventilators

16:15pm update

The corona cabinet now meeting to discuss the exit strategy.

  • Ben Gurion Airport to open tonight.
  • Will the red zones come out of lockdown? Lockdown is expected to remain in place in these areas: Rechasim, Beni Brak, Elad, Ashdod, Kiryat Malachi, Beit Shemesh, Beitar Illit and some neighborhoods in Jerusalem.
  • MK Arye Deri (Shas) insists on allowing weddings with 200 participants but corona cabinet does not approve.

15 October – 8:07am

  • Wednesday stats Worldometer & N12
    • 298,500 total cases since the onset of the pandemic
    • 44,691 active cases
    • 2,285 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 45,151 tests performed with a 5.4.% average positivity rate
    • 755 in serious condition
    • Daily death toll 43 – total deaths: 2,098
    • 32,454 cases per million population (+201)
  • Corona cabinet to meet today at 13:00 to discuss the various aspects of the exit strategy; opening of kindergartens, opening businesses in the private sector, public transport and take-away food services.
  • Against current lockdown regulations a wedding was held in Dimona with some 150 guests.  The wedding was raided by police and fines were issued
  • Chaos at a wedding in Givat Zeev a guest is injured and arrested for questioning.  The bride and groom maintain that there were only 20 people attending the celebration.  The groom also reported that his new bride fainted. -Channel 13.

14 October – 6:35am

  • Tuesday stats Worldometer & N12
    • 296,652 total cases since the onset of the pandemic
    • 48,786 active cases
    • 2,621 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 34,926 tests performed with a 5.3.% average positivity rate
    • 807 in serious condition (-15)
    • Daily death toll 34 – total deaths: 2,055
    • 32,253 cases per million population (+285)
  • News from yesterday’s corona cabinet meeting – Channel 13:
    • Lockdown will continue until Sunday, October 18th, until midnight.  Most of the regulations set down prior to Yom Kippur are still in place except:
      • The state of emergency has been cancelled
      • Movement beyond 1km from home for the purpose of demonstrations and attending prayer services
      • Possible to attend family weddings beyond 1km but public gathering regulations still apply
      • Professional athletes will be able to resume training
  • Further discussions to be held today are to include the opening Ben Gurion International Airport and flights abroad.  A decision by Thursday at 15:10pm is expected
  • The corona cabinet to continue exit strategy discussions on Thursday and matters for discussion include:
    • Opening of small businesses that do not receive members of the public
    • Kindergartens
    • Restaurant take-away services
  • The battle between the ministries continues: health and finance – still no strategy and no agreement reached.  The MOH being cautious while the MOF is anxious to get the economy going again.
    • Extending the lockdown
    • Opening kindergartens and schools
    • MALAL wants to address the possibility of a night-time curfew
    • Opening small businesses.  Both alternate Prime Minister Benny Gantz and Finance Minister, Israel Kats are in favor of this move
  • JPost – At the Coronavirus cabinet meeting:
    • MOF Yisrael Katz: “Small businesses are collapsing,” adding that children needed to go back to their frameworks. “Opening them does not hurt health and adds much to the economy.”
    • MOH Yuli Edelstein: “It is difficult to understand the morbidity trend and to assess what happened during the holidays in the red cities. Only in four weeks will we really know what the level of morbidity really is.”
    • MOH Deputy Director-General Itamar Grotto told the Knesset Coronavirus Committee meeting that when the closure began, there were 200 red cities and that today there are only 26.
    • The National Student and Youth Council called on the government to “put students at the top of the list of priorities” and accused it of putting malls before “a million abandoned teenage boys and girls.”
    • Gamzu is expected to present a list of red cities at the cabinet meeting later this week. The full list of cities is not known, but is likely to include Ashdod, Beitar Illit, Beit Shemesh, Bnei Brak, Kiryat Malachi, Netivot, Ofakim, Or Yehudah, and Ramla.
    • Knesset Coronavirus Committee Chairwoman MK Yifat Shasha-Biton: “We have to look at the number of unemployed, how many people have gone bankrupt, and domestic violence. We are losing an entire generation of children here – those children who have not been to school regularly for some time,” she said. “We know the virus will stay here for at least another year and we will not shut people in their homes for a year.”  She said that “society has crashed” and that the country must learn to build a livable routine alongside the virus”.
  • Ministry of Education: Infections at kindergartens – 94% are infection free, at primary schools – 53% are infection free and high schools – 44% are infection free
  • Another Knesset Minister – Yaacov Avitan, Minister of Religious Affairs defies lockdown regulations and attends a wedding with 60 people. He apologizes for his actions.

13 October – 7:27am

  • Monday stats Worldometer & N12
    • 294,031 total cases since the onset of the pandemic
    • 53,329 active cases
    • 3,538 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 34,945 tests performed with a 6.8.% average positivity rate
    • 822 in serious condition (-2)
    • Daily death toll 41 – total deaths: 2,021
    • 31,968 cases per million population (+384)
  • Corona cabinet to meet this afternoon to discuss the exit strategy. The ‘Traffic Light’ plan is also up for discussion. Disagreement on handling the ‘red-zones’ is expected.
  • Gamzu: Within one month the death toll is expected to double (currently 2,021).  He maintains that a slow exit strategy is imperative.
  • Current state of emergency runs out tonight at 23.59pm and will not be renewed.  This allows fort large demonstrations and in front of the PM’s residence, to take place, instead of the hundreds of small demonstrations around the country.
  • Will kindergartens re-open on Sunday? Still no definitive answer to that questions as MOH continues to deliberate. A decision is expected towards the end of this week.
  • The Ministry of Health’s requirement for opening up the economy is an average of 30,000 tests per day and 3% seriously ill.
  • Health and fitness centers, restaurants and hotels are likely to have to wait until the end of November to re-open.

12 October – 6:33am

  • Sunday stats Worldometer & N12
    • 290,493 total cases since the onset of the pandemic
    • 59,855 active cases
    • 618 newly diagnosed cases yesterday but only 7,583  tests performed with an 6.5.% average positivity rate
    • 824 in serious condition (-14)
    • Daily death toll 39 – total deaths: 1,980
    • 31,584 cases per million population (+446)
  • Death toll in Israel is expected to reach 2,000 today
  • Unemployment reaches 24%. reflecting a 6% increase in the last month – N12
  • Some private Yeshivot plan to commence activities and not wait for the official directive according to the exit strategy
  • As the country struggles with a recession caused by the novel coronavirus crisis and the chaos related to the 2020 budget, Keren Turner-Eyal, the director-general of Israel’s Finance Ministry resigns Sunday. Turner-Eyal told the news program N12 that she complained that “the decisions in the finance ministry are not made in a proper way. There are no professional and thorough discussions. There are only decisions coming from high-up – the Prime Minister’s Office.”  The MOF Yisrael Katz has no comment.
  • PM Benjamin Netanyahu: Small businesses and kindergartens will open slowly but carefully.  The Ministry of Finance says that small businesses and kindergartens must open immediately.  However it does not look like that will be happening next week either as disagreement continues – Channel 13
  • Disagreement is expected over handling the exit strategy in ‘red’ haredi zones
  • The IDF steps in and will be providing additional medical assistance. Hundreds of IDF doctors and nurses will be attending to the needs of corona patients at Rambam Hospital in Haifa where an emergency coronavirus unit was established in the underground parking lot of the hospital.  Hopefully this will relieve the pressure on other hospitals in northern Israel that are struggling to cope under the current circumstances.

11 October – 6:26am

  • Friday and Saturday weekend stats Worldometer & N12
    • 289,875 total cases since the onset of the pandemic
    • 62,209 active cases
    • 4,629 newly diagnosed cases over the weekend
    • 838 in serious condition (-14)
    • Two day death toll 77 – total deaths: 1,941
    • 45,500  tests performed with an 8.0.% average positivity rate
    • 31,138 cases per million population (+378)
  • In-spite of lockdown regulations, hundreds of small businesses have threatened and are expected to open today.  Small business owners cannot afford to stay closed any longer.
  • Special discussions to be held today to discuss the back-to-kindergarten and back-to-school strategies.  There is a possibility that kindergartens and lower grades will open even this week.
  • Corona cabinet to meet Tuesday to discuss exit strategy
  • According to reports Simchat Torah celebrations were held according to coronavirus directives across the entire country
  • More than 1,000 anti-Netanyahu demonstrations took place Saturday night. Some reports of 200,000 demonstrators – the largest ever.  The 1km restriction of movement was adhered to.
  • On the exit strategy, which is expected to stretch over a 4 month period, senior officials at the MOH are in favor of the traffic light system.  Red zones remain closed while green zones open up.
  • Plans for a 4 month, 8 stage, exit strategy which is expected to commence on October 18th.

9 October – 9:45am

  • Three weeks into lockdown these are Israel stats for yesterday, Thursday – Worldometer & N12
    • 286,393 total cases since the onset of the pandemic
    • 69,349 active cases
    • 3,885 newly diagnosed cases (During Hol HaMoed fewer people are being tested hence fewer newly diagnosed cases)
    • 852 in serious condition
    • Daily death toll 40 – total deaths: 1,864
    • 46,188  tests performed with an 8.0.% average positivity rate (down 0.9%)
    • 31,138 cases per million population (+534)
  • Stay in lockdown vs emerge from lockdown – the ongoing debate that dominates the headlines
  • Victim of pepper spray at Anti-Netanyahu demonstration in Ramat Gan Thursday night, is lightly injured
  • Lieutenant General Aviv Kochavi –  the Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces apologizes and takes full responsibility for defying curfew directives over Sukkot when he entertained his parents-in-law at his home.  The directive expressly stated ‘no hosting guests in the home’.
  • The battle of the budget continues. Gantz to Netanyahu: Elections or honor the rotation [as undertaken in Unity Government agreement]
  • Maariv newspaper opinion poll results; If there was an election now the Likud is only likely to win 27 seats while Bennetts Yamina party is likely to gain 22 seats.
  • Prof. Ronni Gamzu (Corona Commissioner) recommends exiting the lockdown if there is a continued slowdown of newly infected cases continues but Netanyahu is not interested at this stage.
  • Will the lockdown exit strategy incorporate Prof. Gamzu’s “Traffic Light Plan”? The goal for exiting is around 2,000 daily new cases.
  • The director of the Maayanei Hayeshua Hospital in Bnei Brak, Prof. Motti Ravid, blasted the Haredi community over its approach to coronavirus in an interview Thursday morning. Shortly following his outburst, Ravid resigned from his position.
  • The police intervene and evacuate the synagogue during a Haredi prayer service in Modiin Illit where worshipers defy lockdown directives.  Worshipers call police ‘Nazis’
  • Netanyahu asks the Rabbincal Council  to spread the message to the Haredi community to observe the coronavirus lockdown directives especially over Simchat Torah.
  • Discussions to be held next week regarding education.  The Ministry of Education maintains that only 512 schools across the country were affected by the coronavirus. More than 15,000 students have been infected with the virus.

8 October – 6:46am

  • Israel stats for yesterday, Wednesday – Worldometer & N12
    • 281,481 total cases since the onset of the pandemic
    • 63,044 active cases
    • 4,455 newly diagnosed cases (During Hol HaMoed fewer people are being tested hence fewer newly diagnosed cases)
    • 866 in serious condition
    • Daily death toll 27 – total deaths- 1,824
    • 36,702 tests performed with an 8.9.% average positivity rate (down 1.6%)
    • 30,604 cases per million population (+485)
  • Ministry of Health and Ministry of Finance disagree.  The MOH is in favor of the lockdown but the MOF says no. Yisrael Katz says that he is responsible for making sure that Israelis do not go hungry.  There is no reason for keeping businesses with up to 10 workers, shuttered while gatherings of 10 people are allowed.
  • Government extends the emergency regulations and directives for allowing demonstrations to take place.
  • Arye Machluf-Deri (Shas)  Minister of Internal Affairs is changing his approach.  He is expected to support a partial lockdown in red zones.
  • Eilat is now  a green zone.  Netanyahu calls of Deputy Health Minister to open hotels in the city.  The public will be able to enter the city with a permit and a negative coronavirus test result.  Hotel workers in direct contact with the public will be tested every 3 days.
  • The Haredi population in Israel represents 40% of the infected population and school children represent 5%  the population.  More than 15,000 students have been infected with the virus.

7 October – 6:31am

  • Israel stats for yesterday, Tuesday – Worldometer & N12
    • 277,026 total cases since the onset of the pandemic
    • 63,832 active cases
    • 4,717 newly diagnosed cases
    • 875 in serious condition
    • Daily death toll 40 – total deaths- 1,797
    • 34,820 tests performed with an 10.2.% average positivity rate (down 1.2%)
    • 30,119 cases per million population (+512)
  • Anti-Netanyahu demonstrations in Tel Aviv on Tuesday night.  One person is arrested.  Smaller demonstrations also took place across the country.
  • Israel is seeing an improvement in the positivity rate now averaging around 11% compared to 15% last week
  • Corona commissioner – Prof. Ronni Gamzu: “The lockdown is having an effect.  I can already see a lower infection rate. It is still however, up to us and the way we move forward. Enforcement of directives is very important.”
  • SHABAK (Shin Bet Security Agency) Chief – Nadav Argaman violates coronavirus lockdown directives and entertains family members and guests during Sukkot.  A spokesperson for the security agency said, “they do not comment on the director’s personal life.”
  • Attorney General – YOAMASH: A decision will be made after Sukkot regarding an investigation into Environmental Protection Minister Gila Gamliel’s violation of the coronavirus lockdown directives.
  • 6 team members and the coach of Hapoel Beer Sheva are diagnosed with the coronavirus.
  • Finance Ministry is planning another stimulus aid package which is expected to include:
    • A one-time payment over and above the regular unemployment benefits
    • Payment will also be made to those returning to work
    • Payment to self-employed will be brought forward to October instead of November.
    • The stimulus package is expected to cost over 1 billion shekels
  • Finance Ministry admit that this lockdown  is to extend beyond Sukkot

6 October 6:25am

  • Israel stats for Monday – Worldometer & N12
    • 272,309 total cases since the onset of the pandemic
    • 66,197 active cases
    • 5,534 newly diagnosed cases
    • 880 in serious condition (-20)
    • Daily death toll 38
    • 40,687 tests performed with an 11.3% average positivity rate (-0.4%)
    • 29,607 cases per million population (+602 – highest in the world)
  • Corona Cabinet meets Monday.  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announces that discussions for easing the lockdown will only take place next week.
  • Also at the Corona Cabinet meeting, Israel police demand entrance into peoples home without a warrant. Legal advisors are against such a motion.
  • Ministry of Finance: It is important to open the economy immediately after Sukkot
  • Environmental Protection Minister Gila Gamliel violates coronavirus lockdown restrictions by traveling from Tel Aviv to Tiberias for Yom Kippur, before testing positive for the virus. Netanyahu refuses to condemn her for her actions at this stage and says  “I suggest waiting until we have the full picture,” – JPost

5 October – 6:45am

  • Israel stats for Sunday – Worldometer & N12
    • 266,755 total cases since the onset of the pandemic
    • 69,427 active cases
    • 2,332 newly diagnosed cases
    • 900 in serious condition (+60)
    • 1,719 deaths (+37) – 269 deaths in the last week
    • 16,820 tests performed with an 11.7% average positivity rate,
    • 29,005 cases per million population (+254 – highest in the world)
  • Violent scenes when Haredi community in Bnei Brak and Jerusalem clash with police.  Police make arrests.
  • Policeman resorts to violent measures to restrain a Haredi child.  The Deputy Chief of Police in Tel Aviv: “When people resist the directives we have to use force”.  Have the police lost control?
  • Yair Lapid – chairman of the Yesh Atid party and opposition leader in the Knesset: “We do not need new elections. I call on Blue & White for raise a motion of no-confidence in the government”
  • Corona Cabinet meets today to hear the opinions of experts and discuss the lockdown and an exit strategy
  • Netanyahu on continuation of the lockdown: “We will make a final decision on Thursday”
  • Yair Katz – Minister of Finance suggests opening small businesses, where members of the public do not gather, immediately after Sukkot

4 October 6:25am

  • Israel stats for the two day Sukkot weekend; Friday and Saturday (Worldometer)
    • 264,433 total cases since the onset of the pandemic
    • 71,510 active cases
    • Just under 10,000 newly diagnosed cases
    • 840 in serious condition
    • 1,692 deaths (60 deaths over the last 2 days)
    • 70,864 tests with an 11.2% average positivity rate, slightly lower than the average percentage last week
    • 28,751 cases per million population (highest in the world)
  • As the 3rd week of lockdown commences, Channel 13 reports a slight improvement in the number of new cases.  Remember the number of new cases is proportional to the number of tests carried out.
  • Anti-Netanyahu demonstrations in multiple locations across the country Saturday night.  For the most part, lockdown directives were followed; masks, social distancing and restriction of movement within 1km from home. Fines were issued, numerous arrests were made and some injuries to those breaching directives. Thousands however, attend  demonstrations at HaBima Square and Allenby in Tel Aviv.  In some instances police used force to disperse the crowds.
  • The Ministry of Health is fearful that hospitals will not be able to cope with their regular patients.
  • Diaspora stats: USA – 7,600,846 cases, South Africa – 679,716, UK – 480,017, Canada – 164,471, Australia – 27,135 cases

1 October

  • Daily stats
    • 34,557 tests carried out yesterday – 13.5% positive
    • 7,040 new cases yesterday
    • 69,418 active cases
    • 834 in serious condition
    • 211 on ventilators
    • 1,569 total deaths
  • Corona Cabinet met for 4 hours on Wednesday discussing the exit strategy
  • Netanyahu to the Corona Cabinet: Exiting the lockdown can take 6 months to a year
  • Netanyahu supports tightening restriction of movement.  Gantz responds – “You are driving the public crazy”
  • Finance Ministry demands the reopening of the education system – the Ministry of Health objects
  • Gamzu proposes increasing fines
  • Netanyahu: We need to prepare for for a situation wherein 5,000 are seriously ill
  • Forecast for next week: 1,000 seriously ill. Thirty per cent of cases are within the Haredi community.
  • Senior hospital officials: “We need to increase manpower- lack of health workers is the problem”
  • Sukkot: Anyone found in a sukkah that is not his own, will be fined 500 NIS
  • Unemployment rate reaches a new high – 22.7%
    • 900,000 unemployed
    • 573,00 on CHALAT
    • 178,000 unemployed since Rosh Hashanah
    • 133,000 unemployed for the second time
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