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CoronavirusIsrael Coronavirus Updates December 2020

Israel Coronavirus Updates December 2020

Must Read

Reading Time: 27 minutes

Last Updated on June 29, 2021

News highlights – Israel Coronavirus updates for December.

As the coronavirus infection rate continues to rise again, this month we will be watching the 7 day moving average of newly diagnosed cases in Israel and that data is sourced from Worldometer which is based on the United Nations Geoscheme. We will continue to bring you our regular, daily news updates and stats as well.

01/12 06/12 13/12 20/12 25/12 31/12
1,027 1,291 1,708 2,443 3,101 4,509


News sources: Channel 13, N-12, Jerusalem Post, YNet, Times of Israel, HaAretz and Globes, Israel MOH and Worldometer (based on the United Nations Geoscheme) for daily statistics

365/2020 – 8.00

  • The MOH recommends that the lockdown be extended – it is impossible to reach the goals under the current circumstances.
  • The MOH is considering a curfew this evening to limit Sylvester celebrations.
  • According to the traffic light system, the list of green, orange, yellow and red zones has been updated and as from Sunday, all schools will operate accordingly.
  • Israel continues its vaccination program and announces that if the current pace continues, the country will deplete its vaccine stock within 10 days.  Efforts are being made to bring the delivery dates of upcoming batches, up by a few weeks.
  • In the meantime, Europe sees a significant surge in new cases and Germany sees 1,129 deaths yesterday.  Britain has tightened its lockdown and imposed further restrictions.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 416,584  total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 40,993 active cases
    • 5,253 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 98,635 tests performed yesterday with a 5.5% positivity rate
    • 639 in serious condition of which 165 are reported to be intubated
    • 22 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 3,314
    • 44,282 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 4,509
  • Anglo diaspora stats – total cases for this year, since the onset of the pandemic
    • USA – 20,216,991
    • UK – 2,432,888
    • South Africa – 1,039,161
    • Canada – 572,982
    • Australia – 28,402
  • “It is health which is real wealth, and not pieces of gold and silver.” – Mahatma Gandhi, and on this eve of the civil new year, we wish you all good health in 2021

30 December – 7:57am

  • A hopeful and joyous day in the lives of Jonathan and Esther Pollard as they arrive in Israel.  As per corona rules, they will be spending the next 2 weeks in isolation.  As members of Israel’s Anglo community, we welcome them and wish them every success in their Aliyah journey and integration into Israeli society.
  • According to Prof. Nachman Ash – the current corona commissioner, on a live interview on Channel 13 this morning, there is a strong chance that the corona hotels will shut down and those entering or returning to Israel will be able to self isolate in their homes or other appropriate places. Prof. Ash went on to voice his concerns over the current lockdown saying that it is proving no to be effective.  According to him, one of the reasons for this is that decisions are politically based.  Prof. Ash warns that Israel will see a further spike within the next few days of new cases, seriously ill and deaths as well and a tightening of the lockdown is under consideration.
  • In spite of the current directive, corona virus vaccines are being given to young people via the various health funds.  It is estimated that between 10 – 20% of vaccines, given at health funds, are going to people who are not supposed to be receiving them at this time. The medical fraternity, those with chronic medical conditions, over 60’s and soon teachers are now being vaccinated.
  • Some 800,000 coronavirus vaccines arrived in Israel yesterday.
  • It was discovered that a few hundred vaccines were trashed yesterday, in Southern Israel, due to bad planning and logistics. It is reported that 212 vaccines had to be thrown away in Dimona and 90 in Kiryat Gat.  In order to prevent further wastage, the Ministry of Health announced that should a similar situation arise again in these small towns, they give permission to vaccinate members of the general public who are not yet officially in line.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 412,398  total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 39,989 active cases
    • 5,487 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 99,980 tests performed yesterday with a 5.6% positivity rate
    • 623 in serious condition of which 158 are reported to be intubated
    • 36 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 3,292
    • 44,282 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 4,273

29 December – 7:34am

  • Chaos around the lockdown – Pupils who should be at school are not, and those that should not, are:  Unfortunately the cabinet did not update the map of red zones (as per the traffic light system) in time and so,  schools in supposed green zones opened (but they were actually red zones) and schools in supposed red zones (which had actually turned green) did not open.  The result of this blunder means that some 640 thousand pupils will be attending school in actual red and orange zones.  Only on Wednesday will the newly updated map be put into effect.  The Ministry of Education is demanding that all pupils be returned to school (red zones, orange, yellow and green).
  • The vaccination program continues with some half a million Israelis already vaccinated.  Teachers on the other hand, who were supposed to be next in line for vaccination, will have to wait a little longer as that part of the program has been delayed.  The Ministry of Education are not happy about this either [rightfully so].
  • Experts suggest that if the vaccination program goes according to schedule, Israel will see the end of the coronavirus crisis within a few weeks.
  • A 49 year old man had a severe allergic reaction yesterday an hour after being vaccinated.  He was treated and his condition has stabilized. He is also allergic to penicillin.
  • Chaos in the corona hotels – some 60% of travelers coming into Israel are sent to self-isolate at home instead of in corona hotels as was decided a couple of days ago. Some sent to corona hotels are complaining that there is plenty of alcohol but very little food.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 407,285  total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 37,511 active cases
    • 3,510 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 72,895 tests performed yesterday with a 4.9% positivity rate
    • 592 in serious condition of which 134 are reported to be intubated
    • 18 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 3,256
    • 44,282 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 4,146

28 December – 8:08am

The “Lockdown” that isn’t really…

  • In spite of restrictions, traffic into the main cities; Tel Aviv and Jerusalem continues almost as usual.  It is estimated that 60% of the workforce is not affected by the lockdown.
  • The Ministry of Health suggest that if the infection rate stabilizes it will not be necessary to extend the lockdown.
  • Angry parents and confusion within in the school system has led to a revision of the ‘who goes to school’ directive.  The traffic light directive has been re-instated and pupils in red or orange zones only will not attend school with the exception of grades 1 – 4 who will attend school.  All other pupils, countrywide, will – all grades.  (Problem is that the red-zone map has not been updated for a while and it seems that some red zones are in fact, no longer red and others have become red.)
  • Members of the workforce are also confused, let’s hope this clarifies:
    • Government and municipal workers are not working unless they have received a notice to the contrary
    • Teachers are working
    • Essential service workers are working and that includes the security sector, food, pharma and construction
    • Bank employees, insurance companies and Bituach Leumi are working
    • Delivery services and maintenance workers are working
    • And the rest of us in non essential services – the directive is 50% of workers up to a maximum of 10 workers
  • From this morning, the police will be checking in and clamping down; at road blocks, commercial centers and synagogues
  • It is expected that this lockdown will add 120,000 people to the list of unemployed in Israel.
  • The Arab sector commences its vaccination program today.
  • Long queues at Ichilov Hospital and logistical issues force many to go home without getting their vaccination.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 401,470  total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 34,232 active cases
    • 3,498 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 72,763 tests performed yesterday with a 4.9% positivity rate
    • 590 in serious condition of which 144 are reported to be intubated
    • 16 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 3,266
    • 43,649 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 3,816

27 December – 6:47am

  • The 2-week lockdown (but probably 3 or 4) is set to commence at 5pm today, and as of now, these are the restrictions:
    • Limitation on movement – up to 1,000m from home except under special circumstances.
    • Individual sport – like jogging, is possible and also beyond the 1,000m limitation
    • No visiting or staying at the homes of others
    • Kindergartens, Grades 1 – 4 and 11th and 12th grades will operate as usual while grades 5 to 10 will learn remotely.  Special ed continues as usual.
    • Food deliveries only – no take-aways
    • Hotels and zimmerim will shutter and Eilat and the Dead Sea resorts – the ‘green islands’ – will also shutter.
    • Shops, malls and markets to shutter as well as beauty salons.  Essential services will remain open.
    • Public transport will operate with a maximum of 50% capacity
    • Workplace: up to 50%
  • Some 6,000 Israeli police are assigned to monitor the lockdown.
  • Every week Israel is in lockdown, is expected to cost the country 2.5 billion NIS and not to mentioned thousands who will be thrust back into unemployment and businesses that will be permanently forced to shut their doors.
  • Prior to lockdown, the weekend saw a surge in the number of shoppers and visitors to national parks
  • Entertainment industry stands in solidarity and in protest against the closure of the industry since the onset of the pandemic when cultural centers were illuminated in red last night.
  • Demonstrations outside the PM’s official residence in Jerusalem last night.  Bonfires are lit in the street, fire-fighting forces are called in to douse the flames – 3 are arrested.
  • Israel ranks second in the world in terms of coronavirus vaccinations per capita.
  • One quarter of a million Israelis vaccinated thus far. Teachers are likely to be next in line and vaccinated in the coming week.  Nineteen other countries begin their vaccination programs this week.
  • The new mutated virus is blamed for having caused the sudden rise in cases within the Haredi Ultra-Orthodox community.
  • A senior official at Israel’s MOH: “The mutation is an invention of the British Prime Minister”.  Also coming from the Israel MOH is an accusation that the vaccines are not being stored properly and according to directives.
  • 2-day weekend stats: Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 398,664 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 35,471 active cases
    • 8,986 newly diagnosed cases over the weekend
    • 136,811 tests performed over the weekend with a 4.4% positivity rate
    • 584 in serious condition of which 113 are reported to be intubated
    • 39 deaths recorded over the weekend – total death toll: 3,210
    • 49,334 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 3,682

25 December – 7:51am

As we’ve already learned, lockdown directives change on a daily basis and until lockdown begins on Sunday at 5pm the restrictions are likely to change.  This is the latest:

  • Lockdown is planned for two weeks but according the numbers, it is most likely to be extended to a 3rd or even 4th week.
    • Limitation on movement – up to 1,000m from home except under special circumstances.
    • Individual sport – like jogging, is possible and there is no distance restriction.
    • No visiting or staying at the homes of others
    • Kindergartens, daycare, special ed, Grades 1 – 4 and 11th and 12th grades – will operate as usual while grades 5 to 10 will learn remotely.  There could be changes to this as public pressure to keep the entire education system operational, grows.
    • Food deliveries only – no take-aways
    • Hotels and zimmerim will shutter and Eilat and the Dead Sea resorts – the ‘green islands’ – will also shutter.
    • Shops, malls and markets to shutter as well as beauty salons.  essential services will remain open.
    • Public transport will operate with a maximum of 50% capacity
  • Police will be concentrating their efforts on crowd control – 10 people indoors and 20 outdoors is the directive.
  • It looks like the mutated virus is gaining foothold in Israel and there is fear that tens of cases are positive. The MOH is preparing to set up a national laboratory that will be charged with tracking the mutation. Special isolation facilities for those diagnosed with the mutation, are to be put in place.
  • Aside from Britain and South Africa (and now Israel), the mutation has also been discovered in Germany and Ireland.  Vaccine manufacturers; Pfizer and Moderna are confident that their vaccines will be effective in the battle against the mutated virus.
  • A special dispensation requested of the Rabbis to allow vaccination to continue on Shabbat, has been refused.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 389,678  total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 31,834 active cases
    • 3,985 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 98,409 tests performed yesterday with a 4.1% positivity rate
    • 506 in serious condition of which 128 are reported to be intubated
    • 21 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 3,171
    • 42,367 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 3,101
  • It’s official! In the early hours of today it was decided that the third lockdown would commence on Sunday, December 27th at 5pm. The lockdown will last for 2 weeks and if necessary it will be extended.  The goal is to reach less than 1,000 new daily cases of the coronavirus.
  • The latest directives for the lockdown, which still have to be be approved by the cabinet before Friday evening  include:
    • Limitation on movement – up to 1,000m from home except under special circumstances.  Children of divorced parents will be allowed to move between households.
    • No visiting or staying at the homes of others
    • Gatherings limited to 10 people inside and 20 people outside
    • Shuttering of the marketplace – malls, markets and shops as well as entertainment venues.  Supermarkets and pharma to remain open.
    • Essential food deliveries are permissible – take-aways are shuttered
    • Minimizing staff at the workplace – non-public facing businesses will be able to operate at 50% capacity
    • Public transport – maximum occupancy of 50%
    • Kindergartens and schools; only grade 1 to grade 4 will operate as well as 11th and 12 grades between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m., the rest of the education system will operate remotely.  Special education will not be affected. Parents will be able to leave their children at school between 7am and 2pm.
    • Individual sporting activities will be allowed
    • Court system will remain operational
    • The Eilat and Dead Sea “green islands” will cease to operate
  • Israel’s vaccination program continues and leads the way as the country with the most vaccinations per capita in the world. Over 140,000 Israelis have already been vaccinated.
  • Since the beginning of the week some 70,000 people have already been vaccinated in Israel. Many of Israel’s elderly are struggling to make their way to vaccination centers.  It is hoped that a solution to this problem and the long queues at vaccination centers will be found.
  • All travelers entering Israel will be required to isolate in corona hotels for two weeks.

23 December – 7:12am

  • In the shadow of the coronavirus, the newly discovered mutation, a peak in daily diagnosed cases and an imminent lockdown, Israel’s Knesset crumbles and dissolves last night after no agreement on the 2020 budget issue is reached.  Israel will go to the polls for the 4th time in two years on March 23rd, 2021. The logistics of an election under the current health crisis is likely to be hugely challenging. The question on everyone’s minds is how corona patients will vote?
  • Israel’s 3rd lockdown is expected to commence next weekend and will be in place for 3 weeks. The corona cabinet is expected to meet today to finalize details.  Is a 3rd lockdown necessary? The infection rate is rising rapidly and the number of patients in serious condition has risen considerably and now there is the mutation to deal with as well.
  • Drug-maker, Pfizer announces that their vaccination will be effective in fighting the mutated covid-19 virus.  If necessary, the vaccine can be altered with ease and it will take only 6 weeks to do so.
  • Astra Zenica also announced last night, that their vaccine will be effective against the new strain of covid-19
  • Israel’s vaccination program: Yuli Edelstein, Minister of Health, announces that 71,876 people have already been vaccinated.  Currently ages 60+ are getting the vaccine.
  • A Maccabi Healthcare Services pharmacist was accidentally injected Tuesday with a full vile of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccine. Following the incident, the pharmacist was transferred to the hospital for supervision but was released to his home after not displaying any adverse side effects.
  • Truckers from Britain, where the mutated virus is rapidly gaining foothold, will be able to enter France after presenting a negative coronavirus test.  Hundreds of trucks enter France daily.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 382,487 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 28,165 active cases
    • 3,753 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 93,957 tests performed yesterday with a 4.1% positivity rate
    • 499 in serious condition of which 116 are reported to be intubated
    • 25 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 3,136
    • 41,126 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 3,122

22 December – 7:00am

  • Numbers of covid-19 cases continues to rise in Israel.  Dr. Sharon Elroy-Price, Head of Public Health at the MOH: Every delay, means lengthier and harsher restrictions further down the line
  • The Corona Cabinet has still not reached a decision.  It is still unknown if Israel will lockdown for a third time.
  • Prof. Ash – the Corona Commissioner: Delays in making a decision will cost human lives
  • Commencing Wednesday evening at 10:00pm all travelers entering Israel will be required to go into isolation in a corona hotel.  Thousands of Israelis are trying to return to Israel, prior to their scheduled travel dates before this regulation comes into effect tomorrow.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 378,259 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 26,275 active cases
    • 3,449 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 71,248 tests performed yesterday with a 4.4% positivity rate
    • 463 in serious condition of which 115 are reported to be intubated
    • 12 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 3,111
    • 41,586 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 2,679

21 December – 6:30am

  • Will Israel enter a third lockdown instead of tightening the current restrictions?  This is the current dilemma of the corona cabinet who met yesterday.  The meeting ended without a decision.
  • Netanyahu favors a third lockdown as does the Deputy Chief of MALAL – the National Security Council rather than a tightening of restrictions.
  • The new mutated covid-19 virus is another reason for lockdown – so say those close to PM Bibi Netanyahu
  • Day 2 of the vaccination program continues with those in the 60+ age group now being vaccinated.  The Kupot Holim report that some 100,000 appointments have already been set for the next few days and that vaccine delivery logistics may hamper their schedule. Millions of vaccines are expected to arrive in Israel before the end of December.
  • Even though vaccination has begun, senior officials at the MOH warn that the wearing of masks, practicing social distancing and hand hygiene with be with us at least until summer 2021.
  • Turkey,Canada and France join the list of countries that are no longer allowing travelers to and from Britain.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 374,760 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 23,555 active cases
    • 1,871 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 62,052 tests performed yesterday with a 3.4% positivity rate
    • 455 in serious condition of which 116 are reported to be intubated
    • 25 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll:3,099
    • 40,745 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 2,512

20 December – 8:26am

  • Shehechiyanu, Vekiyimanu V’higiyanu L’Zman Hazeh – ‘…who has granted us life, sustained us and enabled us to reach this occasion’ – The blessing of thanks we might want to say today as Israel’s vaccination program gets underway with hospital workers receiving the vaccine.  The Prime Minister, and Minister of Health were vaccinated on Saturday night, after Shabbat.  Others vaccinated this morning; Minister of Finance Israel Katz, Rabbi Yisrael Lau (previously Chief Rabbi of Israel) and Prof. Roni Gamzu the  previous Corona Commissioner.
  • Each vial of the vaccine contains 5 doses.
  • Work on the blue and white vaccine developed by the Israel Biological Institute is still in progress.
  • All countries are labelled ‘red’ as of today.  Travelers returning to Israel or entering Israel will be required to enter quarantine. Following the discovery of a coronavirus mutation, travelers from the UK will not be allowed entry to Israel
  • Two-day weekend stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 372,886 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 24,223 active cases
    • 5,291 newly diagnosed cases over the weekend
    • 151,815 tests performed over the weekend with a 3.4% positivity rate
    • 447 in serious condition of which 113 are reported to be intubated
    • 24 deaths recorded over the weekend – total death toll: 3,074
    • 40,542 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 2,443 (in two weeks, this number has doubled)

18 December – 8:05am

  • The FDA approves the emergency use of Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine.  Israel purchased 6 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine which is sufficient to vaccinate 3 million people.  One is required to have 2 doses of the vaccine, at separate intervals, in order to be best protected from the covid-19 coronavirus.
  • The results of Moderna’s clinical trials: Among patients who received the placebo, 1 dies and many others became ill.  No fatalities or illness reported in the group that received the vaccine.
  • Israel health funds announce that all residents of the peripheral regions can get vaccinated from Monday, without an age restriction or limitation.  Other members of the population, unless known to be in the high-risk category, will not be vaccinated in the first stage.
  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Health Yuli Edelstein are to be vaccinated after Shabbat and in front of the cameras.
  • Fourth graders and upwards, in red zones, will not be returning to school after the Hanukkah holidays; Raanana, Ashkelon, Dimona, Kiryat Malachi, and some Jerusalem suburbs are amongst the list of red zones.
  • Corona Cabinet members are expected to ask for tightening of restrictions at their Sunday meeting following the recent spike in infections. A shuttering on non-essential services is expected.
  • One thousand members of Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox Haredi community participate in a Hanukkah candle lighting ceremony in Jerusalem, last night.  Health directives were not adhered to. The positivity rate in the Haredi community is around 11%.  The positivity rate in the general population is currently just over 3%.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 367,975 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 21,941 active cases
    • 2,824 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 83,602 tests performed yesterday with a 3.4% positivity rate
    • 403 in serious condition of which 106 are reported to be intubated
    • 16 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll:3,050
    • 40,008 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 2,225

17 December – 7:09am

  • Yesterday, 2,891 new coronavirus cases diagnosed, a record number for the last 2 months.
  • Are we on the eve of a third lockdown? As the number of daily new diagnosed cases continues to rise, a tightening of restrictions is expected as early as next week and this is in order to prevent a third complete lockdown.
  • The vaccination campaign officially commences on Sunday at which time healthcare workers will be vaccinated. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be vaccinated on Saturday night after Shabbat.
  • The vaccination timetable as follows:
    • From Sunday – healthcare workers
    • From Wednesday – those in the 60+ age group
    • Further down the line – all teachers and then the IDF
    • Lastly – the general public
  • At this stage, vaccines will not be given to:
    • Children under the age of 16
    • Pregnant women
    • Women who are planning to get pregnant within the next month.
    • People who are known to have extreme allergic reactions
  • All those entering Israel – the MOH would like to isolate all travelers returning from abroad, even those returning from ‘green’ countries  It has been reported that 300 people diagnosed with corona, entered Israel last week without any restrictions placed on them.
  • In the USA – the VP is to be vaccinated tomorrow and the President only next week
  • Eilat and the Dead Sea resorts are to have their ‘green island’ status extended for another week.  Dead Sea authorities have decided to increase coronavirus testing and test hotel workers every 3 days instead of once a week.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 365,042 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 20,792 active cases
    • 2,891 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 83,760 tests performed yesterday with a 3.5% positivity rate
    • 395 in serious condition of which 154 are reported to be intubated
    • 20 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll:3,034
    • 39,689 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 2,111

16 December – 7:41am

  • Prior to the commencement of the vaccination program, Israel will see new restrictions being put in place and already within the next few days and they will include:
    • Shutdown of the marketplace – malls and markets
    • Possible shutdown of street shops
    • Schools in red and orange zones will shut down
    • Grades 1-2 may continue even in red zones.
    • If the infection rate does not drop, a complete lockdown is expected.
  • The FDA is expected to approve the Moderna vaccine within the next days: ‘It is safe and effective’
  • Leaders in the Ultra-Orthodox Lithuanian and Sephardi communities approve vaccination and encourage members of the community to get vaccinated.
  • Nadav Argaman, head of the SHABAK is in isolation after being diagnosed with the coronavirus.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 362,953 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 19,887 active cases
    • 2,862 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 83,227 tests performed yesterday with a 3.2% positivity rate
    • 381 in serious condition of which 138 are reported to be intubated
    • 10 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll:3,022
    • 39,209 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 1,763

15 December – 10:08am

  • The Israel coronavirus vaccination program begins next week Wednesday on December 23rd with healthcare workers and other high risk groups being first in line.
  • The vaccination program will be staggered according to risk.  The elderly and those with high-risk chronic illnesses will be vaccinated first.  Pregnant women and children will not be vaccinated and the Ministry of Health is advising women who are trying to get pregnant, not to get vaccinated either.
  • At this point, one cannot arrange an appointment for a coronavirus vaccine.  When the program gets underway, the 4 various Health Funds will coordinate appointments.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 360,297 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 18,651 active cases
    • 2,330 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 70,9777 tests performed yesterday with a 3.2% positivity rate
    • 344 in serious condition of which 130 are reported to be intubated
    • 5 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll:3,004
    • 39,173 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 1,816

14 December – 9:52am

  • Plans for the vaccination program in Israel are well under way. The vaccination campaign is expected to commence next week and first people to be vaccinated in Israel will be PM Bibi Netanyahu, President Reuven Rivlin, MOH Yuli Edelstein and other senior officials in the healthcare field.
  • The MOH is expected to recruit popular figures to help promote the vaccination campaign and to send a message to the public that the vaccine is safe for use.
  • In an interview, on Channel 13, with senior officials from the four health funds, it was announced that right now 35% of workers in the Clalit Fund are unsure if they want to get the vaccination.  The discussion continued and the point was made that the risks associated with the vaccination are much less than the risks associated with contracting the coronavirus.  Getting vaccinated means that our lifestyles can begin to return to ‘normal’ and restrictions can slowly be lifted.  As a precautionary measure the wearing of face masks and social distancing will continue to be the norm for many months yet.
  • The Minister Health, Yuli Edelstein: The idea is that once you have received the second vaccine, around 2 weeks thereafter, you will be given certain privileges  – perhaps a ‘green’ passport, traveling to certain destinations without a corona test or an exemption from isolation.  Edelstein also hopes that Pesach 2021 will be celebrated without restrictions.
  • It is expected that some 100,000 citizens will be vaccinated on a daily basis. Vaccination stations will be set up across the country as well as at health fund clinics and nurses will administer the vaccine.  The vaccination stations will operate 12/24 including Friday’s and Saturday’s.
  • Senior officials at the MOH are calling for the cancellation of the Israeli vaccine being developed by the Israel Biological Institute – they say it is no longer necessary. Other high ranking officials responded by saying that cancelling the work done so far, does not make sense and all the IBI’s work would be wasted.
  • The USA begins its vaccination program today when 3 million doses of the vaccine will be distributed to 145 centers across the country.  The first vaccinations will be given today.  President Donald Trump announced that having recovered from covid-19, he will only get vaccinated at a later stage. VP Mike Pence and other senior White House officials are expected to be vaccinated today.  At this point, some 30% of the American population are hesitant and do not want to be vaccinated.
  • New regulations to limit social gathering at Ben Gurion are expected and may include cancelling the preliminary questioning session for travelers to green countries, opening the check-in at least 4 hours before the flight, adding extra passenger boarding bridges for embarkation and disembarkation to be staggered in groups of 30 people,
  • A secretary to PM Bibi Netanyahu is diagnosed with the coronavirus.  As Netanyahu was not in direct contact, he is not required enter isolation.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 357,859 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 17,373 active cases
    • 1,390 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 49,707 tests performed yesterday with a 3.4% positivity rate
    • 353 in serious condition of which 122 are reported to be intubated
    • 16 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 2,999
    • 38,908 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 1,708

13 December – 6:35am

  • As the daily death toll is in the USA hovers at around 3,000, the first batch of the Pfizer vaccine intended for use there, makes its way from Michigan for distribution across the country. Hospital and healthcare workers will be the first to be vaccinated.
  • The FDA finally gives its much-needed approval to use the vaccine to treat the pandemic.  Britain did not wait and its vaccination campaign began last week, prior to FDA approval. Canada also began their campaign prior to receiving official FDA approval.
  • Although Israel has already taken delivery of thousands of vaccine doses, vaccination will not commence until the Israel Ministry of Health has given its approval.  Approval is expected shortly and hospital and healthcare workers are to be vaccinated already from next week. The nationwide vaccination program is expected to commence on December 27th.
  • In the meantime the doses of vaccine are being stored in freezers at Teva Pharmaceuticals at temperatures below -70ºC.
  • New restrictions for Hanukkah were never put into place but a new round of restrictions is expected prior to commencement of the vaccination campaign. Is a third lockdown on the cards and will the market place be shuttered again just days after it has fully re-opened?
  • Normalization accords between Israel and Morocco were announced last week and early this morning it was announced that Bhutan and Israel have also signed to renew diplomatic relations.
  • Weekend stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 355,786 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 17,560 active cases
    • 3,389 newly diagnosed cases on Friday and Saturday
    • 115,603 tests performed over the two-day weekend with a 2.7% average positivity rate
    • 338 in serious condition of which 103 are reported to be intubated
    • 22 deaths recorded Friday and Saturday – total death toll: 2,983
    • 38,683 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of new cases – 1,708

10 December – 16.05pm

  • After an hour-long meeting between government ministers a final decision was made: There will be no new restrictions on Hanukkah. Instead, the government agreed that restrictions would be tightened if the reproduction rate reaches 1.3 or the the number of new cases per day hits 2,500 or more.

10 December – 10:35am

  • A night curfew was declared impossible however, in its place other restrictions have been set in place.  Today the corona cabinet is set to approve:
    • A restriction of movement between homes from 5:30pm – 12:00pm. The exceptions to the rule include instances of provision of essential products or services, medical care, essential social care or alternative medicine, assisting a person in distress, handing over a child between two parents who do not live together or to a carer, providing care for an animal.
    • People will be allowed to congregate outside – up to 10 people. Congregation in confined spaces will be banned, once again with the exception of the nuclear family. Houses of worship – 10 people closed spaces and up to 20 people in open spaces
    • After more than two months, malls were finally given the green light to re-open yesterday and now there is a call to shut the market place down at 5:30pm. The Ministry of Finance opposes this idea and would prefer hours to be extended to 6:30pm or 7pm. Business designated as “essential” will be allowed to operate as usual and so will restaurants and cafes providing takeaway services only.
  • The general feeling is that movement between homes will be impossible to enforce.
  • A 500 NIS fine is expected to be issued to those ignoring the directives and both guests and hosts can expect to receive fines.
  • The first batch of Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccines arrived in Israel yesterday and a second batch of 150,000 doses, is arriving today. The target date for commencing vaccination is December 27th, 2020. Although many are opposed to it, Netanyahu urges all members of the public to get the vaccine.  As a show of confidence he is willing to be the first one in Israel to get vaccinated.
  • The Health Funds are saying that whoever wishes to be vaccinated should be allowed to do so even if they are under the age of 65 (65+ being the first planned group to be vaccinated).
  • A new wave of infection in 90 senior care centers – hundreds of elderly diagnosed with the coronavirus in the last few days according to a Channel 13 report/
  • PM Bibi Netanyahu says that Israel has the capacity to vaccinate 60,000 people per day.
  • Canada has announced that it has approved use of the vaccination prior to it receiving FDA approval.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 351,008 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 15,716 active cases
    • 1,986 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 71,610 tests performed yesterday with a 2.6% positivity rate
    • 318 in serious condition of which 100 are reported to be intubated
    • 2 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 2,934
    • 38,083 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 1,521

9 December – 7:24am

  • The night curfew which had been planned to come into effect tonight, for three weeks, has been cancelled due to legal obstacles.  There was no clear evidence to support the curfew and that it would be effective in reducing the infection rate.  The supreme court is reported to have said that if there is no supporting evidence it is impossible to lock 9 million Israelis in their homes.
  • With the curfew cancelled other restrictions are likely to be put in place.  One is likely to be the limiting of social gatherings over Hanukkah, Christmas and New Year – possibly 5 or 10 people only.
  • All shopping malls and open markets are re-opening today except in red zones.
  • In the meantime hotels in the Dead Sea region and Eilat will remain open and operate according to health regulations.
  • Should the infection rate increase rapidly again, the market place will be shuttered and schools as well.
  • The corona vaccine distribution program in Israel, begins today – the first batch of the Pfizer vaccine is due to arrive at NATBAG today . The MOH tells the Health Funds to be ready to vaccinate  by December 20th. The logistics are still not clear – will vaccinations be given at Kupat Holim clinics or will the army take over and possibly set up massive vaccination tents across the country?  Once defrosted, the vaccine only has a 5 day shelf-life and there is fear that many will land up going to waste until the second dose can be given.
  • Britain’s first corona vaccine is given to a 90 year old lady, yesterday.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 348,968 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 14,905 active cases
    • 1,488 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 68,464 tests performed yesterday with a 2.5% positivity rate
    • 310 in serious condition of which 113 are reported to be intubated
    • 8 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 2,932
    • 37,867 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 1,451

8 December – 6:44am

  • A temporary night curfew begins Wednesday evening, December 9th and will be in place for 3 weeks until January 2nd, 2021.  It is not yet known what time the curfew will start or end and that, together with all other details regarding movement etc., are to be decided tonight.
    • During this time travelers returning from abroad will have to undergo a corona test as a condition for home isolation or else travelers will have to isolate in a corona hotel.
    • Closure of the market place from 6pm
    • It is not yet clear if Eilat and Dead Sea resorts (green zones) will shut down
    • Public transport will be reduced to 50% capacity.
  • In contrast, all malls and markets will re-open until the curfew hour except in red zones where they will remain closed
  • Museums are to re-open in accordance with the purple-badge
  • Prof. Ash, the corona commissioner and Dr. Elrai-Price, head of public health services are against the night curfew citing that it is an ineffective step.
  • The villages; Sakhnin and Kfar Kana will come under curfew from this evening for 5 days.
  • The MOH tells the Health Funds to expect and prepare for delivery of the coronavirus vaccine this week.
  • While many are hesitant and are refusing to vaccinate at this stage, as a show of confidence, President Reuven Rivlin says he is ready for his vaccination.
  • MK Michael Biton has been tested positive for the coronavirus. PM Bibi Netanyahu who met with him will not be isolating as he was wearing a mask, observed social distancing and was in his presence for less than 15 minutes.
  • Britain begins its vaccination program today.
  • As the infection rate continues to rise, these are yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 346,797 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 13,685 active cases
    • 1,891 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 52,448 tests performed yesterday with a 2.9% positivity rate
    • 332 in serious condition of which 89 are reported to be intubated
    • 7 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 2,898
    • 37,705 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 1,421

7 December – 7:44am

  • At yesterday’s corona cabinet meeting; The shopping mall pilot which was supposed to end midnight, Sunday, December 6th has been extended for an additional 2 days at which time, a final decision will be made.
  • Also
    • Shuttering of the entire education system in red and orange zones
    • Shuttering the market place; malls, markets and street shops
    • Tourists returning from ‘red’ countries will be required to quarantine in hotels rather than at home
    • Cutting bus passengers to a maximum 50% capacity
  • Israel vaccination timetable; pregnant women and children will be the last to be vaccinated as there is insufficient data for these two groups of the population.  The plan is for the medical fraternity, those over the age of 65 and high-risk groups to be vaccinated first.
  • The MOH has yet to decide whether the hospital staff in corona wards will be vaccinated first, or all other hospital staff.
  • Britain takes delivery of the first batch of the Pfizer vaccine.  Britain has approved the use of the vaccine prior to the vaccine receiving FDA (Food Drug Administration) approval.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 344,906 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 12,621 active cases
    • 1,080 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 26,012 tests performed yesterday with a 3.8% positivity rate
    • 336 in serious condition of which 85 are reported to be intubated
    • 8 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 2,891
    • 37,500 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 1,330

6 December – 6:30am

  • The corona cabinet is to meet today and the shopping mall pilot is on the agenda – whether to open all the malls or to close all of them again.  Also on the agenda; placing returning tourists (from certain countries) in quarantine in corona hotels.
  • Around 345,000 pupils return to school today – 6th – 9th graders.  They will be studying in groups of 20 for at least 2 days per week.
  • If the vaccination campaign goes according to plan, it is hoped that by March, the health system will no longer be under the threat of collapse.  The number of people in the high-risk community in Israel, is relatively low. The first to be vaccinated will be those in the age 65+ category and those with chronic illnesses.
  • Bahrain also approves the use of the Pfizer vaccine and their vaccination program will commence this week.  Israel has obtained 4 million vaccines from Pfizer and 6 million from Moderna. Russia commences its vaccination program with their very own Sputnik 5 vaccine.  The first to be vaccinated are the medical fraternity and educators.
  • Thousands demonstrate outside the Prime Minister’s official residence on Balfour St., Jerusalem last night – the 24th week in a row.  Tens of demonstrators are arrested for disturbing the peace.
  • Weekend stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 343,826 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 13,168 active cases
    • 2,746 newly diagnosed cases on Friday and Saturday
    • 83,073 tests performed over the two-day weekend with a 3.2% average positivity rate
    • 329 in serious condition of which 85 are reported to be intubated
    • 18 deaths recorded Friday and Saturday – total death toll: 2,909
    • 37,382 cases per million population
    • Seven day, moving average of new cases – 1,291

3 December – 7:55am

  • A 4 day curfew commences tonight in Shfaram.  The curfew in Uhm El Fahm is being extended by 3 days.
  • The Israel Ministry of Health has set February 2021 as the target date to vaccinate the elderly and the medical fraternity
  • International news
    • The USA experienced its worst day yesterday with more than 200,000 newly diagnosed cases and 2,760 deaths within 24 hours.
    • Britain begins their vaccination program with the Pfizer vaccine, next week.
    • New York is planning to commence vaccination of their residents in the middle of December
    • Vladimir Putin announces a vaccination campaign of its citizens with their very own “Sputnik 5” vaccine
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 339,619 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 11,751 active cases
    • 1,492 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 68,898 tests performed yesterday with a 2.2% positivity rate
    • 267 in serious condition of which 99 are reported to be intubated
    • 6 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 2,883
    • 36,925 cases per million population
    • Seven day, daily moving average of newly diagnosed cases – 1,101

2 December – 8:15am

  • As the coronavirus infection rate begins to rise again in Israel, the idea of a third lockdown over Hannukah is being considered. Health professionals are against a night-time curfew which has also been proposed.  Their view is that curfews are not be effective in controlling the spread of the virus and that they are only effective when applied to pockets of areas that have a high infection rate (in red zones).
  • The Ministry of Health proposes that Hannukah candle lighting be limited to the nuclear family only [the same way we celebrated Pesach and Rosh Hashanah].
  • In spite of the growing daily rate of infection, grades 7-9 will be returning to school on Sunday, December 6th, as planned.
  • Yoav Galant -, Minister of Education, will fight to keep schools open if there is another lockdown.  The Teachers’ Union complains that they have not been consulted on this matter.
  • School during the usual; Hannukah winter break: local authorities are concerned that there is insufficient manpower to carry this out.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 338,591 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 11,182 active cases
    • 1,281 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 62,734 tests performed yesterday with a 2.2% positivity rate
    • 266 in serious condition of which 94 are reported to be intubated
    • 12 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 2,877
    • 36,813 cases per million population
    • Seven day, daily moving average of new cases – 1,027

1 December – 12:30pm

  • Israel recorded 1,227 new cases of coronavirus on Monday, the highest daily tally since October 16.  A third lockdown is now reportedly non preventable.
  • The corona cabinet adjusts the health directive for stores  – 1 customer for every 15 sq.m (instead of 1 customer for every 7sq.m)
  • First vaccines are expected to arrive in Israel in January.  First to receive the vaccine will be members of the medical fraternity and members of the public who have a high health risk. Children are not expected to receive the vaccine immediately as there is still insufficient medical data for this age group.
  • The Health Funds find fault with the way the MOH is handling the vaccine strategy.  There is a lack of communication and the health fund management has not been consulted about the logistics.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 335,998 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 10,558 active cases
    • 1,227 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 56,409 tests performed yesterday with a 2.2% positivity rate
    • 267 in serious condition of which 89 are reported to be intubated
    • 1 death recorded yesterday – total death toll: 2,865
    • 36,681 cases per million population
    • Seven day, daily moving average of new cases – 979
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