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Hebrew EnglishHebrew English DictionaryHebrew-English: The Alphabet

Hebrew-English: The Alphabet

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Last Updated on November 9, 2021

Learn new Hebrew words and phrases with English and transliterations

The Hebrew Alphabet –  אותיות האלף בית

The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters. It does not have an upper or lower case, but five letters have different forms when used at the end of a word. Hebrew is written from right to left.

Transliteration Hebrew Letter Hebrew Word
Aleph א אל”ף
Bet ב בי”ת
Gimmel ג גימ”ל
Dalet ד דל”ת
Hey ה ה”י
Vav ו ו”ו
Zayin ז זי”ן
Chet ח חי”ת
Tet ט ט”ת
Yod י יו”ד
Kaf כ כ”ף
Lamed ל למ”ד
Mem מ מ”ם
Mem sofit (when used as the last letter of a word) ם מ”ם סופית
Nun נ נו”ן
Nun sofit (when used as the last letter of a word) ן נו”ן סופית
Samech ס סמ”ח
Ayin ע עי”ן
Pay or Fay פ פ”י
Fay sofit (when used as the last letter of a word) ף פ”י סופית
Tzadik צ צדי”ק
Tzadik sofit (when used as the last letter of a word) ץ צדי”ק סופית
Kuf ק קו”ף
Resh ר רי”ש
Shin ש שי”ן
Taf ת ת”ף

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