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Hebrew EnglishHebrew Acronyms & Abbreviations: PAKAR

Hebrew Acronyms & Abbreviations: PAKAR

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Last Updated on December 14, 2021

Learn Hebrew: What is פקע”ר?

hebrew word for home front command

Based on the current Israel news headlines we are introducing you to a few new Hebrew words and abbreviations. 

This is what we have learned so far:

  1. The Hebrew word for virus and pandemic
  2. The abbreviation for unpaid leave
  3. The abbreviation for Chairman
  4. The abbreviation for public transport

Now, let’s learn this new acronym and abbreviation

Abbreviation Transliteration Hebrew English
פקע”ר PAKAR פיקוד העורף Home Front Command

What is the Home Front Command?

In brief, the Israeli Home Front Command is an Israel Defense Forces regional command was created in February 1992 following the Gulf War.  The command is responsible for civil defense: preparing the civilian population for a conflict or disaster, assisting the population during the crisis, and contributing to post-crisis reconstruction.

During the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic the Home Front Command  is responsible for the execution of the various directives from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Defense.

More about פקע”ר, what they do and how to contact them

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