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Older PostsCoronavirus Israel: Daily updates - July 2020

Coronavirus Israel: Daily updates – July 2020

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Reading Time: 30 minutes

Last Updated on June 30, 2020

Coronavirus Israel: July daily updates.

The month of July started with 25,244 diagnosed Covid-19 coronavirus cases in Israel. By the middle of the month there were under 50,000 diagnosed cases. As we approach the end of the month, we are likely to see over 70,000 diagnosed cases. Has the second wave finally peaked? Time will tell but in the meantime, it is important that the spread be curbed.

Experts say that wearing a mask is the best protection we have so far in preventing the spread of Covid-19.  If you don’t, you could spread the virus and maybe even cause the death of another person.  Please wear a mask over your mouth and nose.

july coronavirus

30 July – 6:53am

  • 2,006 new  cases of the Coronavirus were diagnosed in Israel yesterday. A total of 68,299 cases have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 35,062 active cases of the coronavirus. 328  are reported to be in serious or critical condition – 99 of them are intubated. The death toll continues to rise with 491 persons having succumbed – 5 new  deaths were reported yesterday – Worldometer
  • Hundreds stormed the barriers at the Western Wall Plaza on Wednesday night, after they were put in place to separate the worshipers due to the coronavirus restrictions.  The plaza was divided into separate sectors, each meant to hold 20 worshipers during Tisha B’Av prayers
  • Chief Rabbinate declares those who are ill with the coronavirus must not observe the Tisha B’Av fast and shorten their prayers.
  • After changes to the financial safety net for each citizen was passed, Israel Katz promises that Israel will have a budget on Sunday. (If agreement on the budget issue is not reached, it could mean a 4th election).
  • Grants and stipends are expected to be transferred to the public early next week.
  • Teachers’ strike looming?  The proposed arrangement for the 2020/2021 academic year: Kindergartens and grades 1 -2 will continue as usual.  Grades 3 -4 will learn in groups of 18 and the rest will spend at least 2 days per week at school and the rest of the days will be based on remote learning. Teachers are concerned for their health.
  • The 10 riskiest places for getting infected with the novel coronavirus.

International news:

  • Israel helps India with Covid-19 identification. India and Israel are teaming up to test new, cutting edge technology related to the coronavirus. The data collected by the tests will be analyzed over a 10-day period by Dr. Nati Keller, Sheba Medical Center’s senior clinical microbiologist. – JPost
  • In the shadow of the coronavirus the annual hajj to Mecca (Saudi Arabia) for Eid El Adha today (Heb: Chag Hakorban), one of the holiest days in the Muslim calendar, is cancelled for non-Saudis.

29 July – 6:34am

  • 2,308 new  cases of the Coronavirus were diagnosed in Israel yesterday. A total of 66,293 cases have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 33,625 active cases of the coronavirus. 316 are reported to be in serious or critical condition. The death toll in this country as a direct result of the coronavirus has climbed to 486 – 10 new  deaths were reported yesterday – Worldometer
  • Prof. Roni Gamzu – the new man in charge – lays out his plan.
    • The goal is 60,000 coronavirus tests daily
    • ‘Traffic Light Plan’ (Ramzor): Cities and towns will be color-coded into one of three categories; red, green or yellow and restrictions will be placed on those areas according to specific requirements.
      • “Green” municipalities will have more authority and less restrictions on residents and businesses. They will have full autonomy to operate cultural events.
      • “Yellow” municipalities will receive funding per resident, with the aim to turn the city “green.”
      • “Red” cities, on the other hand, will be run by the Home Front Command (Pikud HaOref) — alongside the local authority.
    • The IDF will get more involved in the fight against corona and they will be responsible for certain aspects of the logistics
    • Gamzu’s new deal with the Israeli public: “Minimum restrictions, maximum discipline”
  • MK Yifat Shasha-Biton’s removal from the Corona Cabinet is causing tension in political circles.  The Head of the Coalition recommends that she resign before she is removed from her position. Shasha-Biton responds: My removal will not shut-down criticism or help the one million unemployed (as a result of the current crisis).
  • Grants and stipends extended: Katz and Gafni agree
    • Every citizen – 750 NIS
    • Grants for families with 1 – 4 children – 500 NIS per child
    • From the 5th child upwards – 300 NIS per child
    • Demobilized soldiers will get an additional 500 NIS.  The maximum amount for demobilized soldiers will be 1,250 NIS
    • Lone soldiers are to receive a 4,000 NIS grant.
    • This plan will cost the country millions of shekels
  • “Magen Zahav” (Golden Protection) – new plan for the 500,000 elderly
    • Each one’s specific and personal needs to be addressed
    • Coordination between various government offices
    • Also includes a plan to beat their loneliness
    • The plan still needs to be approved by the government.
  • Demonstrations in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem last night
    • One thousand demonstrators in Tel Aviv – one  throws a large stone in the direction of an undercover policeman
    • Another demonstration in front of the PM’s official residence on Balfour St. in Jerusalem
  • Some 130 fines were issued on Shabbat for those not abiding to the face-mask directive

28 July – 6:33am

  • 2,029 new  cases of the Coronavirus were diagnosed in Israel yesterday. A total of 63,985 cases have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 36,378 active cases of the coronavirus. 311 are in serious or critical condition (95 are intubated). The death toll in this country as a direct result of the coronavirus has climbed to 474 – 4 new  deaths were reported yesterday – Worldometer
  • Cause for concern: Some Corona departments in Israel’s public hospitals could collapse under the strain of the current wave of infection. Channel 13 reports that one of the reasons cited for this is a shortage of corona hotels for the ultra-Orthodox community resulting in a strain on available resources.
  • Prof. Ronni Gamzu: when hospitals reach the redline, we will have to consider imposing new restrictions.
  • Most crowded hospitals are in Jerusalem where larger numbers of people are infected.
  • The entertainment industry could be moving outdoors. Concerts, standup and other public performances could be held outside.  The idea is that the audience will be seated in partitioned capsules.
  • MODERNA’s phase 3 clinical trials for a potential corona vaccine commenced yesterday.  Some 30,000 volunteers will be participating in the trial.
  • Anglo diaspora stats
    • USA – 4,433,410 diagnosed cases, South Africa – 452,529 diagnosed cases, UK – 300,111 diagnosed cases, Canada – 114,597 diagnosed cases, Australia – 20,558 diagnosed cases,

27 July – 6:55am

  • 1,278 new  cases of the Coronavirus were diagnosed in Israel yesterday. A total of 61,956 cases have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 34,158 active cases of the coronavirus. 303 are in serious or critical condition. The total death rate in this country as a direct result of the coronavirus has climbed to 470 – 13 new  deaths were reported yesterday – Worldometer
  • The Shabak (SHIN BET) has been tracking Israeli public, via their mobile phones, for some time.  The aim was to fight ISIS.  The project was carried out without legal authorization – Channel 13.
  • Corona Cabinet to transfer authority of epidemiological testing to the IDF
  • The coronavirus contagion rate is 9.8% which means that every tenth person who tests for the virus, turns out to be infected.
  • Ministry of Transport to develop a plan for Israelis to travel to  ‘green countries’.  The plan includes possible coronavirus testing of Israeli travelers 72 hours before they return to Israel. The result – travelers will only be required to spend 5 days in isolation upon their return.
  • Bank of Israel announces plan to cut expenses thereby encouraging employers to retain their employees resulting in a reduction of the number of unemployed  Part of the plan is to cancel pensions to earners of up to 7,000NIS per month.  The fear is that other social benefits will also be cancelled.
  • International news
    • MODERNA, the Italian company who is developing a vaccine for the coronavirus begins the third phase of clinical trials today. This phase of the trial is expected to involve 30,000 volunteers and will test whether the vaccine protects people against the coronavirus. There are 25 potential coronavirus vaccines in clinical trials internationally.- CNN

26 July – 7:25am

  • Over 2,700 new  cases of the Coronavirus were diagnosed in Israel over the weekend A total of 60,678 cases have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 33,304 active cases of the coronavirus. 310 are in serious or critical condition and of them 94 are on ventilators. The total death rate in this country as a direct result of the coronavirus has climbed to 457 – 15 new  deaths over the weekend – Worldometer
  • Jerusalem reported the highest number of new cases over the past week, with 1,791 diagnoses, followed by 1,020 cases in Bnei Brak, 440 in Tel Aviv and 419 in Beit Shemesh. -YNet
  • Anti-Netanyahu demonstrations continued over the weekend; in Jerusalem in front of the PM’s official residence, in Caesarea in front of the PM’s private residence, Tel Aviv and other major intersections across the country.  Water cannon was used to control the crowds and 12 are arrested.
  • Gyms and fitness centers re-open today.
  • Unemployment rate creeps up slightly – as at 23 July unemployment stands at 21.4% – N12
  • International news
    • North Korea officially reports its first case of the coronavirus

24 July – 6:40am

  • 1,897 new  cases of the Coronavirus were diagnosed in Israel. A total of 57,982 cases have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 33,496 active cases of the coronavirus. 301 are in serious or critical condition\. The total death rate in this country as a direct result of the coronavirus has climbed to 442 – 12 new  deaths yesterday – Worldometer
  • Demonstrations in Jerusalem last night – 55 protestors are arrested. Police called it an illegal demonstration, and would demonstrators would be forcibly removed if they did not vacate the area. – JPost
  • Prof. Roni Gamzu  takes office and says that he has to build the public’s trust of the healthcare system. What about lockdowns? Lockdowns are a last resort and only if the healthcare systems cannot cope.
  • Trade and retail representatives protest: Shopping centers will stay open on weekends
  • What about the weekend curfew?
    • Beaches, swimming pools, parks and attractions will remain open.
    • Shopping malls and centers to close on Friday afternoons at 5pm until Sunday.
    • Gyms and fitness centers to remain closed
  • Summer schools to remain open until August 6th
  • Back to school on September 1st
    • Kindergartens will operate as usual
    • Grades 1 and 2 – all pupils in the classroom as usual
    • Grades 3 and 4 – up to 18 pupils per class
    • Grade 5 – Grade 12 – remote learning
  • Channel 13 poll:
    • Is the government handling the economic crisis well? 76% say that it is not handling it well, 15% say it is being handled well and 9% are undecided
    • How satisfied are you with the way the PM is handling the crisis? 60% are not satisfied, 21% are fairly satisfied and 16% are satisfied.
    • Who is most suited to be prime minister: Netanyahu – 44%, Lapid – 16% and Gantz only 11%

23 July – 7:15am

  • Wednesday: 2,043 new  cases of the Coronavirus were diagnosed in Israel. A total of 56,085 cases have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 32,345 active cases of the coronavirus. 273are in serious or critical condition, 78 of them are intubated. The total death rate in this country as a direct result of the coronavirus has climbed to 430 – 5 new  deaths yesterday – Worldometer
  • Prof. Ronni Gamzu, Head of Ichilov Hospital has been appointed by the government to lead Israel’s response to the coronavirus pandemic this after Prof Gabi Barbash walked away from the job.  Prof. Ronni Gamzu, was a former director general of the Health Ministry.
  • Corona cabinet to meet this morning to further discuss the closure of sport and fitness centers and attractions. Fitness Centers threaten to disregard the directive if it is passed.
  • MOH shortens quarantine time – now 10 days instead of 14 for those who have been tested and are asymptomatic.  This means that some 10,000 will be released from quarantine in the next few days.
  • The IDF reported that as of Wednesday evening, 922 soldiers and IDF employees were diagnosed with active cases of the novel coronavirus, and all are in a light condition.
  • The “Shasha-Bitton” bill is passed last night.  The bill will allow the government to bypass the Knesset’s coronavirus committee and implement urgent restrictions without the need for approval by the committee.
  • Will summer schools close on Sunday or will they still be allowed to operate for another two weeks? A decision is expected this morning.
  • Certain sectors of the community to receive an additional 750 NIS to their existing stipend.  Awaiting decision, increasing the stipend for families with four or more children.  This will add another 6.5 billion NIS to the amount budgeted.

22 July – 9.12am

  • Every time there is a peak in the number of diagnosed cases, we think  ‘this is the worst it can get and now we’ll turn the corner – it can only get better from here’ but no, yesterday 2,039 new  cases of the Coronavirus were diagnosed, in Israel. A total of 54,042 cases have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 30,874 active cases of the coronavirus. 256 are in serious or critical condition, 77 of them are intubated. The total death rate in this country as a direct result of the coronavirus has climbed to 425 – 10 new  deaths yesterday – Worldometer
  • The IDF estimates that if the current pace of COVID-19 infection rate continues, next month Israel will see the number of patients in serious condition rising by a dozen on a daily basis, with hundreds of new virus-related deaths. YNet
  • Thirty-four people, among the thousands who were protesting  in front of the Prime Minister’s Official Residence in Jerusalem on Tuesday evening  against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the government’s dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.- JPost
  • A second demonstration  in Jerusalem on Tuesday evening:organized by restaurant owners they protested against the government’s recent attempts to limit activities in restaurants in the restaurant industry.
  • Dozens demonstrated today, Wednesday morning in Jerusalem in front of Knesset against a bill that will allow the government to pass laws without bringing them for parliament vote first as part of the measures to rein in the spread of coronavirus . Police dispersed the crowd shortly after.. -YNet
  • The Ministry of Health has adopted the recommendations of the World Health Organization and shortened the recovery and isolation periods in some cases.  The isolation period for some people who have been infected with the novel coronavirus, has been shortened from 14 days to 10 days.

 21 July – 7.19am

  • 1,714 new  cases of the Coronavirus were diagnosed, in Israel on Monday. A total of 52,003 cases have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 29,434 active cases of the coronavirus. 264 are in serious or critical condition, 80 of them are intubated -24 more than yesterday. The total death rate in this country as a direct result of the coronavirus has climbed to 415 – 6 new  deaths yesterday – Worldometer
  • Restrictions have been revised.  New restrictions:-
    • Restaurants will remain open,  MOH favors outdoor dining.  Restaurants closed this morning but expected to re-open later in the day.
    • Beaches and swimming pools remain open on weekends as well (will now operate 7 days per week)
    • Summer schools to remain open this week.  Updated announcement expected on Thursday.
    • Gatherings of 10 people in closed areas
    • Gathering of 20 people in open areas.
    • Houses of worship – 10 people
    • Street shopping remains open.
    • Shopping malls and centers closed on weekends
    • Convenience stores, food and pharma – open
    • Gyms and fitness centers – decision expected today
  • Stipends and financial assistance revised
    • Disadvantaged sectors of the community to receive an additional 750 NIS
    • Stipend for singles remains unchanged – 750NIS
    • No grants for those earning more than 640,000 NIS per year
    • Workers in the public sector, earning above 30,000 NIS per month will also not receive a grant
  • Skies remain closed until September
  • Unemployment continues to rise.  In the last 10 days the number of newly unemployed is double that of workers who have returned from CHALAT.  The unemployment rate now stands at 21.2%
  • Nurses strike comes to an end.  However the shortage of nursing staff and social workers is adding stress on an already stretched healthcare system and social services.
  • International News:
    • Oxford University completes 1st phase of clinical trials for coronavirus vaccine
    • Los Angeles and Texas: queues of up to 3.5hrs and drive in testing sites.

20 July – 7.38am

  • 924 new  cases of the Coronavirus were diagnosed, in Israel on Sunday. A total of 50,289 cases have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 28,205 active cases of the coronavirus. 252 are in serious or critical condition, 56 of them are intubated. The total death rate in this country as a direct result of the coronavirus has climbed to 409 – 8 new  deaths this yesterday – Worldometer
  • The stipends promised to Israeli citizens last week to come under revision. Netanyahu, Gantz and Peretz to deliberate. Full details not yet available but could include:
    • Cutting the 750NIS stipend to singles to around 400 – 500 NIS
    • Those receiving stipends like disability etc., may be given more
    • Possible distribution of  coupons that will help support retailers too.
  • Also under consideration:
    • Cancelling the beach closure on weekends
    • Keeping restaurants open
  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday asked the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee chairman to expedite hearings of far-reaching legislation that would grant the government significant powers to shut down public and private activities due to the COVID-19 crisis. – Jpost
  • Restaurateurs met with Netanyahu last night and demand than restaurants stay open.  They are also considering another demonstration on Tuesday.
  • Negotiations with nursing staff pending their strike today, have ended without success. The strike commences this morning and hospitals will be operating with skeleton nursing staff except for the corona wards.
  • MOH concerned that flu vaccines will arrive late this year.

19 July – 7:35am

  • Nearly 2,500 cases of the Coronavirus were diagnosed, in Israel over the weekend. A total of 49,365 cases have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 27,618 active cases of the coronavirus. 217 are in serious or critical condition, 56 of them are intubated. The total death rate in this country as a direct result of the coronavirus has climbed to 401 – 17 new  deaths this weekend – Worldometer
  • Tens arrested in demonstrations against the latest coronavirus restrictions and the government’s management of the crisis across the country last night.
  • N12 reports that parents are organizing a massive protest against school and camp closings to take place early in the week
  • Nurses strike pending: impossible conditions, severe shortages and impossible loads
  • In the meantime, from this morning, these restrictions are now in place
    • Public gatherings in closed spaces – 10 people
    • Public gatherings in open spaces – 20 people
    • Prayer services limited to 10 people
    • Gyms, fitness centers and health studios closed
    • From Tuesday – restaurants restricted to take-away service only
    • Fifty percent of government workers to be placed on CHALAT
  • Weekend curfew details
    • Beaches and public pools to be closed
    • Shops, malls, markets, hairdressers, beauty salons, zoos and museums – closed
  • Netanyahu intends to dismiss the Chairperson of the Corona Committee – Shasha Biton.
  • International & Diaspora News
    • Almost 14.5 million diagnosed cases of the Coronavirus worldwide and over 600,000 deaths
    • The USA – close to 4 million cases; New York, California and Florida are worst hit
    • South Africa continues to climb with over 350,000 diagnosed cases
    • The UK – just under 300,000 cases
    • Canada – 110,000 cases
    • Australia – almost 12,000 cases

17 July – 7:47am

  • 1,871 cases of the Coronavirus were diagnosed, in Israel yesterday. A total of 46,059 cases have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 25,305 active cases of the coronavirus. 202 are in serious or critical condition, 58 of them are intubated. The total death rate in this country as a direct result of the coronavirus has climbed to 384 – 8 additional deaths in the last 24 hours – Worldometer
  • The government approves new restrictions

From 5pm this afternoon (JPost)

  • Gatherings of 10 people in closed spaces or 20 people in open spaces
  • Gyms and studios used for sports or dance activities (except for use by competitive athletes) – closed
  • Restaurants: for takeaway and deliveries only
  • Workplace cafeterias for pickup only
  • Government offices will cut 50% of their staff who will continue to work outside the office or will be placed on leave
  • Public reception at government offices also to be reduced.
Weekend restrictions: Fridays from 5 pm until Sundays at 5 am
  • From next weekend beaches will be closed (this weekend they will remain open)
  • Stores, malls, retail markets, hairdressers, beauty salons, libraries, zoos, museums, pools and other tourist attractions will be closed. Grocery stores, pharmacies and those deemed ‘essential’ will remain open, optical stores and computer and communications repair shops will also remain open. Hotel pools with accessibility to guests only can operate.
  • Hotel restaurants will be able to continue operating at 35% capacity.
  • The decision with regards to summer camps and other educational programs has been postponed until some time next week. Netanyahu, Gantz, finance-, health- and education-ministers still to deliberate.

16 July – 17:55pm

  • IDF Maj.-Gen. Amir Abuafia appointed as the new head of Israel’s coronavirus authority
  • The chairman of the Israeli Public Health Physicians Association Prof. Hagai Levine criticized the government’s expected decision to lock down certain areas to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, saying that “if a sweeping decision is made to lockdown on weekends or prevent access to open spaces, it does not make epidemiological sense.”  – JPost

16 July – 15:00pm

Urgent Knesset meeting to discuss weekend lockdowns – final approval expected this evening

  • Lockdowns will commence Friday morning and end Sunday morning
  • Gatherings of 20 people in open spaces and no more than 10 in closed spaces (including houses of worship)
  • Restaurants – not sit down dining, deliveries only
  • Beaches and malls will be closed
  • All summer camps will be closed beginning Sunday.
  • Public transport may also be affected

The Israeli head of the World Medical Association, Professor Leonid Eidelman said Thursday that another nationwide lockdown would be the government’s admission that it has failed in the battle against coronavirus. – YNet

16 July – 7:27am

  • 1,828 cases of the Coronavirus were diagnosed, in Israel, on Wednesday. A total of 44,188 cases have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 23,923 active cases of the coronavirus. 205 are in serious or critical condition, 57 of them are intubated. The total death rate in this country as a direct result of the coronavirus has climbed tot 376 – 5 additional deaths in the last 24 hours – Worldometer
  • Netanyahu: People are getting infected because they do not observe the directives (masks and social distancing) at demonstrations.  “It’s simply a disaster”.
  • Benny Gantz: The statistics for Corona are growing – we do not want to get to a situation where we have to go back into lockdown. A lockdown will only happen once every other avenue has been explored.
  • Yuli Edelstein: If there isn’t a miracle in the next few days, we will be in lockdown.
  • The Ministry of Health: Those who do not present symptoms of the coronavirus will not be eligible for the virus test. (In other words – asymptomatic patients  will not get tested and sick people will continue to infect others)
  • Bibi Netanyahu and Yisrael Katz, last night, announced details of the latest stipend to be paid to citizens:
    • Families with 3 or more children will receive 3,000NIS
    • Families with 2 children will receive 2,5000NIS
    • Families with 1 child will receive 2,000NIS
    • All others, over the age of 18 can expect to receive a 750NIS grant
    • The grant is to be paid within days via Bituach Leumi
  • Reaction to the plan – mostly strong criticism – it is not effective and will hurt the economy
    • Ministers from the Blue and White Party called the program “populism instead of real help,”
    • Itzik Shmuli, Minister of Welfare, “it would be better for helicopters to take that cash and scatter the money where they really need it instead of throwing it from the clouds.”.
    • Moshe Gafni, MK, United Torah Judaism: “Why do we have to give money to the rich?”
    • Yoav Hendel, MK, Supports the pumping of funds into the economy but “Compensation should be given to those who are most in need”
    • Keren Turner, Director General of the Finance Ministry is against the latest plan
    • Meretz MK Tamar Zandberg praises Netanyahu: “The grant is the right thing to do, and it’s right that it be universal. It will give families money to spend on a shrinking economy and businesses that need it.”
    • Shaul Meridor, head of the Finance Ministry’s budget division, warned in a heated exchange: “This is not a very smart way to distribute money. We need to be careful not to become Venezuela,” Netanyahu calls for his dismissal. (Shaul is the son of MK Dan Meridor)
  • Police do not give approval for demonstration in Tel Aviv on Saturday night.  Their official response “It’s a public health hazard”

15 July – 7:21am

  • 1,728 cases of the Coronavirus were diagnosed, in Israel, on Tuesday. A total of 42,360 cases have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 22,324 active cases of the coronavirus. 183 are in serious or critical condition, 56 of them are intubated. The total death rate in this country as a direct result of the coronavirus has climbed tot 371 – Worldometer
  • The unemployment rate now stands at 21% – N12
  • Violent outbursts at the “Black Flags” demonstration in Jerusalem last night in front of Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s official residence on Balfour St.  Crowds were brought under control with water cannons. Protestors call on Netanyahu to resign.
  • Senior members of the MOH: We are days away from lockdown.
  • Possible restrictions Israel mulls limiting gatherings to 10 people, shuttering restaurants and synagogues. :
  • Thousands of small business owners receive a grant this morning – for the majority it is nowhere near the 7,500NIS cap that was promised.  It will be much harder for most to get the next grant as eligibility is narrowed.
  • Scientists at Hebrew U and Mount Sinai Medical Center experts claimed in a new research that the FDA-approved drug called “Fenofibrate” (Tricor), used to treat high cholesterol, could make the effects of COVID-19 feel like a common cold or eradicate it from the lungs altogether. – YNet
  • International news
    • Hot-spot South Africa overtakes the UK with 298,292 total number of corona cases -10,496 cases were diagnosed there yesterday
    • Italian company Moderna claiming promising  results with their corona vaccine.  All going well, they claim that they will be able to supply a billion doses of the vaccine in 2021.

14 July – 7:58am

  • We start our morning with Worldometer’s latest figures for Israel: 1,962 cases were diagnosed in Israel yesterday. A total of 40,632 cases of the coronavirus have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 20,872 active cases of the coronavirus. 183 are in serious or critical condition – a significant jump since Monday, 54 of them are intubated. The total death rate in this country as a direct result of the coronavirus has climbed tot 365.
  • Ministry of Health are troubled by the reopening of public swimming pools and fitness centers today – they are central points of infection
  • The MOH: There is no escaping another lockdown.
  • Small business owners are outraged by the actual amount of the grant they are supposed to receive by Wednesday.  Only 1/3rd will see the full amount of 7,500 NIS, 1/3rd will see about 3,000 NIS, and the rest will be amounts in between or even less than that.  A second demonstration on Saturday night is being called for.
  • The elite IDF intelligence unit – 8200, reports 100 coronavirus patients within the unit – soldiers and officers.  It is understood that many of them were infected while on army leave.
  • Coronavirus Committee Chairwoman MK Yifat Shasha-Biton (Likud) facing disciplinary action following her refusal to accept the Health Ministry’s recommendation to keep pools and gyms closed.
  • International News:
    • WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus “I want to be straight with you: there will be no return to the ‘old normal’ for the foreseeable future,”
    • Total number of cases diagnosed worldwide now stands at 13,240,427 with just under 5 million active cases. The world death rate is just under 600,000.

13 July – 6:30am

  • 1,206 cases were diagnosed, in Israel, on Sunday. A total of 38,670 cases of the coronavirus have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 19,300 active cases of the coronavirus. 151 are in serious or critical condition, 47 of them are intubated. The total death rate in this country as a direct result of the coronavirus has climbed tot 362 – Worldometer
  • The unemployment rate rises to 21%  (the peak in April was 27.6%) – N12
  • 400,000 self employed and small business owners receive confirmation by SMS that they are to receive a grant by Wednesday. The message reads “On Wednesday 15.7.20 your account will be credited with a grant in an amount as decided by the government”. The maximum grant is 7,500 NIS but the average is far less.
  • President of Bank of Israel: The economic plan will result in the worst deficit since the 1980’s
  • The Corona Cabinet to meet this afternoon to discuss lifting some of the latest restrictions. Latest statistics show that very small numbers of people are infected in gyms,swimming pools and bars.
  • Senior members in the government to the Chairman of the Corona Cabinet: “If you cut back on restrictions, lockdowns will return”
  • After all had been closed, three Corona hotels to open again on Tuesday
  • Excessive police enforcement reported within the Haredi community during a coronavirus lockdown protest in Jerusalem. Police are denying these claims saying “the police act with equal enforcement regardless of the sector.”
  • A Channel 13 poll:
    • 75% felt that the country was not handling the economic crisis well, 16% said that is was being dealt with well and 9% had no opinion
    • 61% are not satisfied with the Prime Minister’s handling of the corona crisis, 19% are fairly satisfied and 15% are completely satisfied.
    • 38% are very fearful of financial instability while 48% have some concerns
    • The country has lost faith in the emergency government and the Prime Minister

12 July – 7:09am

  • In the last week more than 7,000 new coronavirus cases were diagnosed in Israel and of them 1,198 cases were diagnosed on Saturday. A total of 37,464 cases of the coronavirus have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 18,296 active cases of the coronavirus. 134 are in serious or critical condition, 49 of them are intubated (10 more than on Friday). The total death rate in Israel as a direct result of the coronavirus now stands at 354. – Worldometer
  • Thousands protest against the economic plight of the self-employed in a demonstration in Rabin Square,Tel Aviv on Saturday night.  Hundreds blocked roads and demonstrated in the streets of Tel Aviv. During the demonstration 19 people were arrested and 3 policemen were slightly injured
  • The new economic plan presented by the Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu and Minister of Finance, Yisrael Katz is to be brought to the Knesset for discussion today.
  • The first stage of the economic plan is to give the self-employed another grant of up to 7,500 NIS.  The payment will be made between Sunday and Wednesday
  • Laboratories are collapsing and not coping with coronavirus testing demands.  From today the Ministry of Health to cut down on testing.  Health Funds are making it harder to get tested which means that people will continue to be infected but many will go undiagnosed.
  • Diaspora news:
    • Number of cases in South Africa double in the past two weeks.  Medical grade oxygen and oxygen concentrators are being bought up by private businesses and individuals
    • Florida, USA, daily new cases have nearly doubled and intensive care capacity is full at more than 40 hospitals across the state
    • Victoria, Australia back in lockdown. Australians returning home will be charged for a compulsory two-week hotel quarantine.
    • The number of new cases in the United Kingdom remains below 1,000 per day for the last two weeks
    • Canada – 27,308 active cases

10 July – 7:30am

  • 1,268 new cases of the covid-19 pathogen were diagnosed in Israel yesterday. A total of 34,825 cases of the coronavirus have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 15,903 active cases of the coronavirus. 122 are in serious or critical condition, 39 of them are intubated. The total death rate in Israel as a direct result of the coronavirus now stands at 348. – Worldometer
  • The latest plan to save the economy includes:
    • Extending the unemployment benefit until June 2021
    • Immediate grant to self-employed of up to 7,500 NIS (as early as next week)
    • 6,000 NIS assistance for businesses every two months
    • Up to 500,000NIS for large businesses.
  • A week-long curfew to commence today at 13:00 in selected neighborhoods in Jerusalem, Beit Shemesh, Kiryat Malachi, Lod and Ramlah  Entry and exit to these cities and towns will be limited as well as business as traffic activity.
    • In Jerusalem, the neighborhoods of Romema, Kiryat Sanz and Matersdorf
    • Beit Shemesh, the areas of Nahala and K’ne Habosem
    • Lod, Ganei Ya’ar and Sach
    • Ramlah, Amidar Beilav;
    • Kiryat Malachi, the Rotner area and Chabad neighborhood.

9 July – 15:05pm

  • Curfews on the cards for: Jerusalem, Kiryat Malachi, Bnei Brak, Beit Shemesh, Raanana, Modiin llit, Ramlah, Lod and Ashdod
  • Number of sick residents in these cities and towns: – JPost
    • Jerusalem: 2,085
    • Modi’in Illit: 234
    • Ramlah: 211
    • Beit Shemesh: 277
    • Lod: 225
    • Kiryat Malachi: 149
    • Bnei Brak: 1,109
    • Ashdod: 826
    • Raanana: 164

9 July – 6:32 am

  • The Israel Ministry of Health reports that as of 11pm on Wednesday there are:1014 new coronavirus cases in Israel.There are 14,875 active cases out of the 33,557 total number of cases.  There are 113 people who are in serious or critical condition and of then 39 are being ventilated. Two new deaths have been reported bringing the total to 344.who have succumbed to the virus.
  • Worldometer reports as at 03:25 GMT today (6:25am IL) – Israel has 1,335 new cases. (IAnglo-List mostly reports Worldometer statistics as they are the most up-to-date)
  • The presentation of the latest financial aid package for self-employed entrepreneurs and those who are unemployed has been postponed. It was reported on Channel 13 that the reason for the postponement was discourse between the politicians.  At the center of the package is the extension of unemployment benefits and grants until June 2021.  The package is similar to the previous one but extends further into the future. The 4 core elements of the plan which is now expected to be presented this afternoon, are:
    • Extending unemployment benefits until July 2021
    • A grant to self-employed of up to 15,000
    • Government loans to be increased by 23 billion shekels.
    • Freezing mortgages
  • A massive demonstration is scheduled by the unemployed and self-employed at Rabin Square on Saturday night.
  • The Ministry of Education announces 3 alternative plans for the start of the 2020/2021 academic year on 1 September 2020.
    • Plan 1 (the best case scenario – depending on infection levels)
      • Kindergartens and lowest grades to open with increased tools for protecting the children
      • Middle and high-schools: half the week at home and the other half on campus
    • Plan 2
      • Kindergartens as usual with classes of up to 30 – 35 children
      • Grade 1 – Grade 4 to be divided into small study groups
      • From the 5th Grade – remote learning
    • Plan 3 (in the worst case scenario)
      • Only 15 – 18 kindergarten children per group
  • There has been an increase of 60% in the number of requests, in Israel, for food assistance since the start of the corona crisis.
  • International news:  The USA sees its worst day yet – more than 60,000 new cases diagnosed yesterday.  Global coronavirus cases top 12 million.

8 July – 5:25 am

  • A massive spike in the number of new cases – 1,473 new cases of the covid-19 pathogen were diagnosed in Israel yesterday – the highest ever. A total of 32,222 cases of the coronavirus have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 13,567 active cases of the coronavirus. Eighty six are in serious or critical condition (2 less than yesterday), 34 of them are intubated. There were 8 new deaths bringing the total death rate to 342 in Israel as a direct result of the coronavirus. – Worldometer
  • 751 fines were issued yesterday for non compliance of the face-mask directive. – N12
  • Prof. Sigal Sadetsky, head of Public Health at the Health Ministry, resigns her position and warns of difficult or even tragic months ahead, as management of the second wave of coronavirus, in Israel, is plagued by frivolous, unsubstantiated and populist decision-making.  She accused the government of “making frivolous and unsubstantiated decisions, without considering their widespread and long-term public health implications.” – JPost
  • Six residents of a retirement house in Kiryat Bialik tested positive for coronavirus on Tuesday.
  • Commencing Wednesday at13.00pm, Beiter Illit becomes a restricted zone for the next 7 days. In the last 3 days, 51 new cases of the coronavirus where diagnosed there.
  • PM, Netanyahu blames the Tax Authority for not transferring financial aid to businesses.
  • Israel Hayom reports that it has obtained figures from the Corona National Information and Knowledge Center that reveal that most of the virus spread has occurred in people’s homes as a result of contact with a sick family member, rather than in public. Another 10.3% were exposed at schools, yeshivas, and universities, while 5.8% were exposed to it at medical facilities. Another 3.9% were exposed to the virus at an event or conference, while 2.2%, or 198 individuals, were exposed at synagogues. Another 2% were exposed to the virus at shopping centers or in stores. According to the corona center data, only 1.8% of confirmed cases were exposed at leisure venues.
  • Diaspora News
    • Brazil has the second highest rate of infection in the world, following the USA. How is Rio de Janiero’s Jewish community handling the coronavirus?  The Reform synagogue live streams the Friday evening Shabbat service and their ‘zoom minyan’ boasts about 500 people. – JPost

7 July – 10:00am

  • The bus directive has been delayed and will only come into effect tomorrow. – Wednesday.  Air-conditioners are to remain operational. The allowed number of passengers remains the same.

7 July – 5:27 am

  • 791 new cases of the covid-19 pathogen were diagnosed in Israel yesterday. A total of 30,749 cases of the coronavirus have been diagnosed since the onset of the pandemic. Israel has 12,271 active cases of the coronavirus. Eighty eight are in serious or critical condition (2 more than yesterday), 35 of them are intubated (8 more than yesterday). There were 3 new deaths bringing the total death rate to 334 in Israel as a direct result of the coronavirus. – Worldometer
  • Yesterday 1,564 fines were issued for non compliance of the mask wearing directive
  • New bill allowing coronavirus decisions to bypass Knesset voted into law yesterday.
  • Reminder of the new restrictions
    • Event halls, clubs and bars – closed
    • Restaurants – up to 20 people sitting inside, up to 30 outside
    • Synagogues –  up to 19 people
    • Gyms and public pools – closed
    • Cultural performances – closed
    • Organized sporting events – without fans
    • Hotels and tourism – clubs and bars closed, hotel restaurants 20 people (closed seating)
    • Summer camps – closed for children over fourth grade
    • Buses – up to 20 people per bus, with windows open and no air-conditioning
    • Gatherings – up to 20 people, two meters apart with masks
    • Government offices – 30% of staff required to work from home

6 July – 15:50pm

After the coronavirus cabinet meeting this morning, the following restrictions are to come into effect  upon government approval. The bill will be passed for approval of the Knesset plenum immediately.  The full list of restrictions is as follows:

  1. Event halls, clubs and bars – closed
  2. Restaurants – up to 20 people sitting inside, up to 30 outside
  3. Synagogues –  up to 19 people
  4. Gyms and public pools – closed
  5. Cultural performances – closed
  6. Organized sporting events – without fans
  7. Hotels and tourism – clubs and bars closed, hotel restaurants 20 people (closed seating)
  8. Summer camps – closed for children over fourth grade
  9. Buses – up to 20 people per bus, with windows open and no air-conditioning
  10. Gatherings – up to 20 people, two meters apart with masks
  11. Government offices – 30% of staff required to work from home
  • A bill to increase the fine for not wearing a mask, from 200NIS to 500NIS, must pass in the Knesset plenum to become law. It is expected to come to a vote by this evening. The National Security Council insisted on the fine being raised substantially to help ensure compliance.
  • Yeshivot are to remain open.
  • Lockdown is on the cards next week if immediate and drastic steps are not taken.

6 July – 5:53am

  • Sunday 788 new cases of the covid-19 pathogen were diagnosed in Israel. There are 11,677 active cases of the coronavirus in this country. Eighty six are in serious or critical condition, 27 of them are intubated. There have been 331 deaths in Israel as a direct result of the coronavirus. – Worldometer
  • New restrictions expected today after cabinet meeting which include limiting number of diners in restaurants to 50 people, new restrictions on theaters, clubs and cinemas, and 500NIS fine for not wearing a mask
  • From today:celebratory gatherings and prayer services limited to 50 people
  • Amid fear of another lockdown, supermarkets and food outlets report a significant increase in food sales; meat, canned goods, fruit and vegetables
  • A significant rise in appeals to food banks for food packages
  • Controversial Shin Bet phone surveillance system sends thousands of Israelis into quarantine. The Jerusalem Post reports that tens of thousands of citizens received text messages warning them to quarantine, but many of the messages seem to be demonstrable mistakes. The article continued to explain how inadequate staffing in the Health Ministry resulted in many citizens complaining that they spent hours waiting on hold to try to clarify their situation,  Many experts believe that the Shin Bet tool, even if superior to other tools in terms of identifying more potentially infected persons, has substantial holes in identifying false positives.
  • Two aid packages on the table for EL AL Israel airlines: 1) $400 million in bank loans guaranteed by the state or EL AL issuing $43 million worth of shares requiring capital from controlling shareholders – YNet
  • Walla reports that university entrance psychometric exams have been pushed off midway as a new directive allows for remote testing only and does not allow student testing on campus.
  • Unemployment rate rises slightly and as of yesterday, 20.9% of Israelis are now unemployed.
  • IDF combat soldiers to be allowed home every 21 days and will have restrictions placed on them to minimize their contact with civilians. – JPost
  • International news:
    • India overtakes Russia to become third worst-hit country in the world.  India reported almost 24,000 new cases in the last 24 hours
    • 8,773 new cases diagnosed in South Africa yesterday
    • Australia begins to see a rise again with 87 new cases diagnosed on Sunday.

5 July – 3:10pm

  • Netanyahu: “We are in a state of emergency, we cannot delay the legislation [on adopting virus measures], we must move forward with it to stop the spread,” he said at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting. “We will have to state steps beyond what was agreed upon during the coronavirus cabinet [meeting] last week.” – YNet
  • Deputy Health Minister Yoav Kisch tells coronavirus committee that Israel is in ‘a war of attrition’ against COVID-19; government’s top medical adviser recommends urgently closing restaurants, beaches and parks; ‘Of course, restaurants will be closed,’ says one minister – YNet

5 July – 06:20am

  • A shocking number of over 2,200 people tested positive for the coronavirus this weekend in Israel. These figures way surpass Israel’s previous record day on April 2nd when 765 new cases were diagnosed.
  • There are nearly 11,000 active cases of the coronavirus in Israel. Eighty four are in serious or critical condition, 32 of them are intubated. There have been 330 deaths in Israel as a direct result of the coronavirus. – Worldometer
  • Israel PM, Bibi Netanyahu: “You can’t hug your grandfather and grandmother now”.  He went on to say that we must all protect everyone in a high risk group.
  • Researchers from Racah Institute of Physics and Hebrew U warn that more than 100 deaths due to Covid-19 may occur in coming weeks. With Israel’s current infections rate the country’s health system could collapse in 2 weeks which would lead to a complete shutdown of the nation. A steep rise in hospitalizations over the next 10 days is inevitable. – Globes
  • Starting today all exams for higher education now to be taken online and not on campus
  • Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) areas of Jerusalem are becoming hot spots for the coronavirus,  Some 37% of Jerusalem’s coronavirus patients are in the following neighborhoods: Ramot, Kiryat Sanz-Belz, Geula, Neve Yaakov, Mea She’arim, Tel Arza, Mahanayim, Ramot Bet, Har Nof, Habukharim, Makor Baruch, Kiryat Mattersdorf, Givat Hamivtar and Sanhedria Murhevet. The number of infected people there is doubling every four days; nationally, the number is doubling every seven days. – JPost
  • CEO of Ben-Gurion Airport says that Israel’s aviation industry is on the brink of collapse because of the coronavirus outbreak.
  • Tzachi Hanegbi apologizes for his comment – “it’s bull-$%^! that some Israelis don’t have food”.  His comment was made on Channel 12′ program ‘Ofira and Berko’ on Friday evening.
  • Globes – the unemployment rate in Israel is currently at 21%, with over 800,000 Israelis jobless, up from under 4% before the start of the pandemic.

3 July – 06:27am

  • Channel 13 reports: A total of 27,047 coronavirus cases have been diagnosed in Israel since the beginning of the pandemic. There are currently 9,176 active cases in Israel. On Thursday 690  new cases were diagnosed.  Sixty five are in serious condition and 25 of them are being ventilated.  There have been 324 deaths to date. More than 21,000 tests were carried out yesterday.
  • Two Channel 13 TV presenters in isolation after being exposed to a guest with the coronavirus.
  • Cities and towns with highest infection rate:Jerusalem, Bnei Brak, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Ashdod, Bat Yam, Petach Tikva, Holon, Beitar Elit, Dimona, Rahat and Rishon LeZion.
  • 6 neighborhoods in Ashdod still under closure this morning.
  • P.M. Bibi Netanyahu announces new restrictions amidst the rise in new corona cases,
    • A maximum of 20 people in a closed space, effective from 8am this morning.
    • Houses of prayer, function halls and gardens, bars and clubs: up to 50 people effective from Sunday, July 5th
    • No restrictions on restaurants, the workplace, shopping malls, shops, transport or tourism
  • Netanyahu to announce a stimulus plan for the next 6 months – details not yet available
  • Netanyahu also wants to introduce a law where new restrictions can be introduced immediately without prior Knesset approval.
  • Israel’s MOH fears a dramatic increase of seriously ill patients.
  • This weekend police patrols to be stepped up. To date around 20,000 fines have been issued to violators of corona directives

2 July – 14:19pm

  • The Health Ministry is set to demand from coronavirus cabinet Thursday afternoon, to limit all public gatherings, including places of worship, to 20 people; from now on, IDF soldiers are allowed to use the railway only on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. – Ynet

2 July – 06:43am

  • A total of 26,257 coronavirus cases have been diagnosed in Israel since the beginning of the pandemic. On Tuesday a record of 868  new cases were diagnosed.  Fifty eight are in serious condition and 25 of them are being ventilated.  There have been 322 deaths to date. – N12
  • 17,980 corona tests were carried out yesterday and almost 5% of these test returned positive.
  • Week long lockdown in the following areas. Restrictions which come into effect today at 8am and will continue for one week.
    • Lod; Shkunat Harekevet, Shneer and Neve Shalom & Ashdod: Aleph, Gimmel and Chet
      • Limited access – entry and exit to these neighborhoods is restricted
      • Limited activity and business activity
    • Beitar Ellit:
      • limitations on public gatherings as well as activities within education institutions
  • 53 Knesset members vote in favour of SHABAK system to track corona infected citizens – 38 vote against. The tracking system will be in use for 3 weeks and not as previously suggested for 3 months.A long-term bill is still under debate.
  • The bill states that the Shin Bet will not contact a patient or any of their contacts and will not engage or assist in monitoring or enforcing the self-isolation of a patient or their contacts. In addition, the Shin Bet and the Health Ministry will submit a weekly report to Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on their activities and the nature of the information obtained under the authorities bestowed on the Shin Bet by the law. -YNet
  • Researchers at Tel Aviv University have developed a corona diagnostic kit said to be one of the most accurate in the world.
  • More people out of work in all sectors.  Finance Minister Yisrael Katz says that jobs in the public sector will be affected too.
  • Nine hundred workers in Israel’s aviation industry sent home yesterday
  • The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) and the Labor and Social Services Ministry collaborated to set up emergency funds (totaling $1.74 million) in 140 municipalities across Israel to help cope with the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. – JPost
  • Prof. Zeev Rotstein, Hadassah-University Medical Center’s director-general: “Because Israel does not randomly screen people, the country cannot easily and quickly enough identify and separate the infected people who are asymptomatic, so they continue to spread the disease.”

1 July – 06:21

  • A total of 25,244 coronavirus cases have been diagnosed in Israel. On Monday 803  new cases were diagnosed.  Fifty two are in serious condition and 24 of them are being ventilated.  There have been 320 deaths to date. – Worldometer
  • The unemployment rate stands at 21.1% which is a 0.1% drop since the last published figure on June 13th.  Approximately half of those unemployed are under the age of 34. Israel has an above average rate of young people who are not financially stable. – Channel 13
  • Curfews being considered by Corona Cabinet in selected hot-spots among them; Ashdod, Kiryat Gat and Dimona.
  • A patient at Hadassah Har HaTzofim hospital infects patients, 1 nurse and 4 kitchen workers.
  • Ashdod school “Shila”: 33 students infected and 7 teachers too
  • Dimona: Nuclear Research Center: 180 workers in isolation
  • An officer of the prison services tests positive for Covid-19, 7 prisoners are sent into isolation including 2 members of an organized crime ring
  • Green countries:  Israel is not on the list of green countries which are now allowing travel into the EU.  The list is updated every two weeks.
  • International news:
    • As America ebbs towards 3 million coronavirus cases they announce that if directives are not adhered to, America could be seeing 100,000 new cases a day in the very near future.
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