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Israel InformationBituach Leumi - Israel's National Insurance Institute

Bituach Leumi – Israel’s National Insurance Institute

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Last Updated on January 16, 2022

The National Insurance Institute – HaMosad LeBituach Leumi

Hebrew: המוסד לבי[td_smart_list_end]טוח לאומי

bituach leumi logoThe National Insurance Institute – Bituach Leumi –  is a government office responsible for collecting national insurance contributions and payments in accordance with the provisions of the law and regulations of the State of Israel.

Unemployment, monthly allowance for children up until age 18, disability, pension, maternity benefits, work accidents, burials, income support, righteous gentiles, benefits for demobilized soldiers are just some of the issues they oversee and of course registering your business and  insurance contributions for self-employed business people in Israel.

Branches of Bituach Leumi in the main centers, across the country

Afula 1 Menachem St. P.O.B. 2042, 1828201
Ashdod 14 HaBanim St. 77100
Ashkelon 101 HaNasi St. 73283
Beer Sheva 6 Wolfson St
Bnei Brak 12 Aharonowitz St. 51377
Hadera 7A Hillel Yaffe St. 3820310
Haifa 8 Pal-Yam Blvd
Holon 26 Pinhas Lavon St. 5816201
Jerusalem 4 Shimon Ben Shatach St. 9414704
Karmiel 11 Nesiei Israel Blvd. 2192111
Kfar Saba Weizman 39
Krayot 50 Ahi Eilat St.
Nahariya 62 Weizman St. 22100
Nazareth 3 HaMachzavot St. Industrial Area 16000
Netanya 68 Herzl St. 43239
Petach Tikva 72 Rothschild Blvd. P.O.B 454,4947332
Ramat Gan 15 HaHashmonaim St. P.O.B 10300, 5248284
Ramle 9 Danny Mass St.
Rechovot 64 Remez St. 76449
Rishon LeZion 7 Yisrael Galili
Tel Aviv 17 Yitzhak Sade, 61201
Tiberias 1 Zaki EI Harif St
Yaffo 30 HaTkuma St. P.O.B 8507, 61084

Bituach Leumi Self-Service Stations

An assortment of services are available at the self-services stations, at the main branches, including:

  • Authorizations regarding benefits – Authorizations of payments and entitlements in most issues relating to benefits
  • Authorization regarding insurance contributions – Account information and authorizations for income tax purposes
  • Authorization regarding insurance – Authorizations that delineates work periods and types of work according to NII listings
  • Authorization regarding health insurance – Authorization of membership in health funds
  • Summary of information regarding unemployment benefits
  • Summary of information regarding insurance and collection of contributions
  • Instructions, at the self-service stations, are provided in Hebrew, Arabic and Russian.

Mobile Branch

Bituach Leumi operates a mobile branch which reaches areas where there are no local National Insurance Institute branches and where there is a high demand for service. It provides a wide variety of services: forms and authorizations, replies to inquiries regarding the status of claims/files, payments, submission of claims and documents, etc..

The mobile branch is regularly active at Kuseifa, Ar’ara, Hura and Segev Shalom – Mondays, Wednesdays  08:30-12:30, at the bureau of social services.



Contact Bituach Leumi

The national telephone number for Bituach Leumi is *6050 

The Department of Public Enquiries is located in Jerusalem and their telephone number is 02-6709070

The Bituach Leumi website is www.btl.gov.il.

Online Services

The National Insurance Institute recently announced a number of services that can be done online via their website and they include filling in forms for:

  1. Application for maternity benefits
  2. Application for unemployment benefits
  3. Application for general disability allowance
  4. Application for work injury claims
  5. Annual tax returns
  6. Updating bank details for the monthly child allowance benefit

Calculating your Bituach Leumi Benefit

The Bituach Leumi website’s online calculators allow you to estimate the sum of the benefit you are entitled to.  A Bituach Leumi Claims Officer will determine the precise and exact amount you are entitled to receive.

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