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Aliyah StoriesWhat I love about Israel. (Besides all the obvious).

What I love about Israel. (Besides all the obvious).

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Last Updated on November 22, 2021

What I love about Israel (Besides all the obvious)

By Carol Ann Givati

Carol is a new Olah from South Africa.  After living in Haifa for a few months, close to her son, she moved to Tel Aviv.  Carol, like most new Olim is not yet working in her field.  An advocate by profession, she is looking for her ideal job in Israel.  We wish her every success and thank her for sharing her thoughts with us.

carol givati1. I love seeing a Mezuzah on every door. It is amazing. A powerful reminder that this is Israel.

2. I love the buses and trains. Public transport which is easily accessible, on time and there is no stigma attached to using it.

3. I love the fact that all the bus drivers speak Hebrew. It is very special – another reminder that this is our country.

4. I love the many public parks – almost on every corner, where the sound of Israeli children playing and laughing safely, can be seen and heard. A beautiful sight.

5. I love the fact that Israelis are so passionate about everything topical, they are very vocal and opinionated.

6. I love the sound of spoken Hebrew, a language that was mostly used only for religious purposes in the ‘galut’ and which after 2000 years has been revived to a national language. Seeing it everyday, everywhere on billboards, TV etc. is a miracle that less than 100 years ago , few would have thought possible.

7. I love the fact that wherever one goes in Israel, there is evidence that we were here a long time ago. Our heroes and patriarchs and warriors and saints walked, lived and fought here. They believed they were guided by Hashem in all their actions. We are now privileged to be part of that ongoing history.

8. I love the fact that the schools are all Jewish schools. The choices are secular or religious. But all are institutions where learning is valued and respected. Christian and Moslem schools are also available to those communities.

9. I love the feeling of being a part of something that is greater and more significant than just being a citizen in any other country. This is the only Jewish country in the world. It is unique among the nations. Unique in every way.

10. I love Shabbat here. Everyone looks forward to Shabbat. Shabbat starts basically on Thursday night when you leave work and wish everyone Shabbat Shalom. That is unique. Even in secular areas there is a silence, a peace that descends on Friday night and waking up Saturday morning all is very very quiet. Just the sounds of the birds in the trees and maybe a dog barking.

11. Lastly, I love the sight of the Israeli soldiers everywhere, on buses and trains. Proud of their uniforms. Proud of them for defending our country.

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