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Older PostsIsrael Coronavirus Updates November

Israel Coronavirus Updates November

Must Read

Reading Time: 21 minutes

Last Updated on November 1, 2020

News highlights – Israel Coronavirus updates for November.

Total number of coronavirus cases in Anglo countries recorded since 1 November:

november corona statistics

News sources: Channel 13, N-12, Jerusalem Post, YNet, Times of Israel, HaAretz and Globes, Israel MOH and Worldometer (based on the United Nations Geoscheme) for daily statistics

30 November – 6:21am

  • With the infection rate growing, the Ministry of Health is preparing for a third wave and further restrictions are expected to be put in place that will hopefully curb the rate of infection during the winter flu season and Hannukah, Christmas and New Year period were crowds of people are expected to gather for celebrations.  Another full lockdown is a possibility.
  • Prof. Ash – the new corona commissioner said he will do his utmost to limit damaging the economy and the education system.
  • Crowds packed shopping 15 malls around the country on Friday when the ‘shopping mall pilot’ went into effect. As a result of the excessive crowds, it has been decided to adjust the regulations.  Now only 1 customer per 15m will be allowed entry into a store.  It was decided NOT to open additional malls in order to disperse the crowds but to keep the same 15 malls open during the two week pilot.  Results of the pilot will be reviewed on December 6th.
  • According to the Ministry of Finance, the restrictions placed on the marketplace is costing the the economy 1.5 billion shekels every week.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 335,998 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 9,667 active cases
    • 809 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 23,111 tests performed yesterday with a 3% positivity rate
    • 263 in serious condition of which 92 are reported to be intubated
    • 10 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 2,864
    • 36,488 cases per million population
    • Seven day, daily moving average of new cases – 954
  • During November 20,664 coronavirus cases were diagnosed in Israel. These are the total numbers of new cases diagnosed in Anglo countries in the last 30 days
    • USA – 4,543,040
    • UK – 582,413
    • S. Africa – 60,884
    • Canada – 133,444
    • Australia – 302

29 November – 7:51am

  • 400,000 grades 10 -12 pupils in green zones return to school today for at least 2 days per week and on other days they will continue studying via zoom.. Not all subjects will be taught at school and others will continue via zoom.  Some high-school educators are against the current set-up saying that fontal learning is best for subjects like mathematics. New pupil grouping regulations (a maximum of 2 groups instead of 4 or 5) at schools, will not achieve best results.
  • Now under deliberation – will the Hannukah winter school vacation be cancelled?
  • First reactions to the shopping mall pilot: Excessive crowds at malls on Friday as large numbers of shoppers are allowed entry against the current directive. Ministry of Health officials suggest closing malls immediately but Ministry of Finance officials suggest opening more malls and dispersing the crowds is a better alternative.
  • Weekend stats – Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 334,988 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 9,923 active cases
    • 1,705 newly diagnosed cases recorded this weekend
    • 64,880 tests performed Friday and Saturday with a 2.7% positivity rate
    • 273 in serious condition of which 112 are reported to be intubated
    • 20 deaths over the weekend – total death toll: 2,854
    • 36,421 cases per million population
    • Seven day, daily moving average of new cases – 913

27 November – 6:35am

  • Pilot commences today: 15 shopping malls and centers re-opening across the country. Remember – 1 customer per 7m and no more than 10 customers per store.
  • Ayalon Mall, BIG Bet Shemesh, Center 1 Jerusalem, Malka Mall Jerusalem, Arad Mall, Am haDerech, 7 Stars, Sharonim – Hod Hasharon, Lev Hamifratz Haifa, Arena Nahariya, Mivne B’Nof Hagalili, Ofer Ber Sheva, Ofer Petach Tikva, Kirion and Azrielli Haifa.
  • Corona cabinet gives its approval – Grades 10 -12 in yellow and green zones to return to school on Sunday..
  • Corona commissioner: “The infection rate is worrying. If necessary a 3rd lockdown will be recommended”.
  • Senior official at the MOH: The politicians are hampering the exit from lockdown.
  • Due to an error, AstraZenica are expected to have to re-do their vaccine testing.
  • Yesterday’s stats –  Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 333,084 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 9,429 active cases
    • 1,169 newly diagnosed cases yesterday
    • 40,880 tests performed yesterday with a 2.2% positivity rate
    • 275 in serious condition of which 113 are reported to be intubated
    • 8 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 2,834
    • 36,007 cases per million population
    • 862 is the moving average number of cases in the last 7 days

26 November – 6:24am

  • Approved! The corona cabinet decided shopping malls to re-open across the country.  From Friday 15 shopping malls will reopen as part of a pilot trial period until Dec 6th. Every store will be allowed one customer per 7m and no more than 10 customers at a time.  The pilot will test out how these centers would operate under strict health guidelines. So far we know that the Malka mall in Jerusalem and the Grand Canyon in Haifa will be opening.
  • Markets will also be opening in full and will not be part of the pilot.  Stewards will attempt to control the crowds of shoppers and ensure they follow directives. Eating in the market will be prohibited.
  • The Ministry of Health and new corona commissioner, Prof. Nachman Ash are not in favor of opening the malls and markets. Prof. Ash said that opening the malls and markets will result in an increase in the rate of infections.  He added that ministers had been forced to submit to enormous pressure.
  • Seven museums will also be re-opening.  Visitors to the museums will have to book their visit ahead of time. So far, four museums have been selected to take part in the pilot program: Madatech museum in Haifa, the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, the Tel Aviv Museum of Art and the Eretz Israel Museum in Tel Aviv. Three more museums will be selected via a lottery organized by the Ministry of Culture and Sports. Strict rules will be set for visitors and those in violation could face a 5,000NIS fine.
  • The full list of malls and museums that will be re-opening is not yet available
  • Germany to remain in lockdown until January 2021 unless there is a dramatic decrease in the number of newly diagnosed coronavirus cases.
  • Yesterday’s stats – the infection rate is rising Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 331,915 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 9,168 active cases
    • 980 newly diagnosed cases recorded yesterday
    • 46,605 tests performed yesterday with a 1.7% positivity rate
    • 285 in serious condition of which 110 are reported to be intubated
    • 4 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 2,826
    • 36,007 cases per million population
    • 798 is the moving average number of cases in the last 7 days

November 25 – 9:15am

To open or not to open? That is the question.

  • The Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education still have differing opinions.  The Ministry of Health is worried about the infection rate but opening schools is an absolute must and cannot be compared to opening up the market place.
  • In spite of targets (number of new cases, infection rate, seriously ill etc.) not being reached, relaxing of restrictions is expected to continue
  • The MOH:  The restrictions that have been lifted so far have not caused a dramatic spike in infections.
  • Yesterday’s stats  – Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 331,179 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 9,064 active cases
    • 832 newly diagnosed cases recorded yesterday
    • 59,448 tests performed yesterday with a 1.4% positivity rate
    • 268 in serious condition of which 120 are reported to be intubated
    • 11 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 2,822
    • 36,007 cases per million population
    • 771 is the average number of daily cases in the past week

24 November – 7:19am

  • The corona cabinet meeting was delayed yesterday until the evening and Netanyahu’s return from his under-the-radar visit to Saudi Arabia. One of the major issues under discussion at the corona cabinet meeting was returning pupils back to school and getting them back into a regular framework. At the corona cabinet meeting it was decided:
    • To open all schools in yellow and green zones, with a low infection rate, by December 6th.  Tenth, 11th and 12th graders to return on Sunday 29th and grades 8-9 will return the following week.
    • Schools in red zones to remain closed.
    • On December 6th a decision will be made regarding the re-opening of shopping malls and markets according to the infection rate.
    • Buses have now been given the green light to carry 75% of their regular passenger capacity.
    • Other restrictions are also expected to be lifted or relaxed in orange zones – no details yet.
  • After more than 2 months of closure some 300,000 5th and 6th grade pupils return to school today as planned
  • It was reported that at the corona cabinet meeting Binyamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister and Benny Gantz, alternate Prime-Minister were in disagreement and were shouting at one another.
  • Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky orders all religious girls’ schools to be reopened.  In a letter to administrators he wrote to open all religious girls’ schools “carefully as possible.”
  • Yesterday’s stats  – Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 329,998 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 8,586 active cases
    • 1,080 newly diagnosed cases recorded yesterday
    • 52,045 tests performed yesterday with a 1.8% positivity rate
    • 297 in serious condition of which 120 are reported to be intubated
    • 12 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 2,811
    • 35,879 cases per million population

23 November – 9:22am

  • Corona cabinet to meet today and also under discussion is the ‘back to school’ issue.  Grades 5 and 6 are to return to school tomorrow but there is still no date for middle school pupils. Netanyahu has not ruled out the possibility of opening all grades in green zones however the new corona commissioner – Prof. Nachman Ash (also ex-IDF Surgeon General) is against opening schools even in green zones.
  • Prof. Ash (who replaced Prof. Ronni Gamzu as corona commissioner) is also of the opinion that there is no necessity for a third lockdown over the Hannukah vacation period.
  • Some good news – the northern town of Nesher (adjacent to Haifa) is the first in Israel to have zero corona patients.  Nesher mayor – Avi Benamo told Channel 13 this morning about the huge that was made to educate and encourage their residents to abide to corona directives. [Kol Hakavod Nesher!!]
  • Yesterday’s stats  – Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 329,403 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 8,456 active cases
    • 521 newly diagnosed cases recorded yesterday
    • 32,992 tests performed yesterday with a 2.3% positivity rate
    • 298 in serious condition of which 130 are reported to be intubated
    • 42 deaths recorded yesterday – total death toll: 2,799
    • 35,814 cases per million population

22 November – 7:11am

  • Nazareth under curfew.  The mayor of Nazareth objects strongly saying that residents comply with regulations.  The corona commissioner in the Arab sector: “localized curfews are not effective”.
  • According to Channel 13, a rise in infection rate in the Arab community in Israel is partly attributed to Israeli tourists infected while holidaying in Turkey.
  • Ofer malls to open in spite of official lockdown directives which are still in place preventing their opening to the public. Azrielli shopping malls however will not be opening today as planned.
  • The corona cabinet was supposed to meet today.  The meeting has been postponed until Monday.
  • The use of digital software (like Hamagen 2)  for tracking the public is under discussion as a condition for reopening the shopping malls.
  • On Tuesday Grades 5 and 6 pupils are to return to school.
  • The corona cabinet to discuss alternative measures to set in place as other directives are being lifted; nigh-time and weekend curfews could be set in place.
  • FDA approves another coronavirus treatment – a cocktail of medications and vitamins designed to treat people over the age of 12, with mild symptoms.  This is the same cocktail given to President Donal Trump during the time he was being treated for the coronavirus.
  • Israel negotiating purchase of 10 million doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine AZD1222.  The vaccines are expected to arrive in Israel sometime during the first half of 2021,
  • Anti-Netanyahu demonstrations continued across the country on Saturday night and largest demonstrations in Jerusalem and Caesarea.
  • Weekend stats – MOH, Worldometer & Israel MOH
    • 328,397 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 8,469 active cases
    • 1,348 newly diagnosed cases recorded this weekend
    • 56,149 tests performed Friday and Saturday with a 2% positivity rate
    • 315 in serious condition of which 120 are reported to be intubated
    • 15 deaths over the weekend – total death toll: 2,757
    • 35,705 cases per million population

19 November – 07:23am

  • Good news from the corona cabinet:
    • All attractions in Eilat and the Dead Sea are now authorized to re-open as well as restaurants in these areas.  Israel’s zoos are also authorized to re-open.
    • Street shops are now allowed 10 shoppers at a time – an increase of 6 shoppers from the current 4.
  • While some restrictions are being lifted, the corona cabinet continues to deliberate the implementation of other restrictions; weekend lockdowns and curfews in orange zones have been proposed.
  • Netanyahu announces that Israel is on the verge of signing a second agreement with Moderna (one of the coronavirus vaccine manufacturers).  Moderna will supply additional vaccines to Israel, over and above the number currently agreed on.
  • Yesterday’s statistics – Israel MOH, Worldometer & N12
    • 326,331 total cases recorded in Israel since the onset of the pandemic
    • 8,274 active cases
    • 820 newly diagnosed cases
    • 32,872 tests performed yesterday with a 1.7% positivity rate
    • 309 in serious condition of which 125 are intubated
    • 3 deaths yesterday – total death toll: 2,739
    • 35,394 cases per million population

18 November 8.27am

  • Police break up an illegal and large gathering of worshipers in a Bnei Brak synagogue last evening.
  • With some restrictions being lifted, Netanyahu proposes other restrictions in exchange.  Schools will be going back as planned but a nationwide night curfew and local curfews are on the cards as well as raising fines.
  • Yesterday’s statistics – Israel MOH & Worldometer
    • 325,357 total cases recorded in Israel since the onset of the pandemic
    • 8,151 active cases
    • 782 newly diagnosed cases
    • 39,225 tests performed yesterday (at press time) with a 1.5% positivity rate
    • 317 in serious condition of which 124 are intubated
    • 1 death yesterday – total death toll: 2,736
    • 35,480 cases per million population

17 November 7:54am

Mostly good news today!!!

  • Hotels in Eilat and the Dead Sea open their doors today after a 2 month shuttering. Conditions for visiting the towns:
    • Visitors are required to present a negative coronavirus test
    • Coronavirus test carried out 72 hours prior to arrival
    • Adults and children are required to take the test
    • Residents and workers in these towns are required to be tested every week.
  • Following yesterday’s corona cabinet meeting:
    • Fifth and 6th graders will be returning to school next week (from Tuesday)
    • Grades 11 and 12 will return to school on December 1st.
    • Schools will not re-open in red zones
    • Teachers will be required to undergo coronavirus testing.
    • Still no decision regarding junior-high pupils (Grades 7 – 10)
  • Monday’s announcement by Pfizer that their vaccine is 90% effective was followed by an announcement from Moderna that their vaccine is 94.5% effective.  The Pfizer vaccine needs to be stored at -70ºC while the vaccine from Moderna requires a temperature of -20ºC.  Storage and transport logistics for the Moderna vaccine are therefore less complicated.  Phase 3 clinical trials are still in progress for both vaccines.  Israel has signed purchase agreements with both companies to supply the vaccine.
  • Yesterday’s statistics – Israel MOH, Worldometer & N12
    • 325,035 total cases recorded in Israel since the onset of the pandemic
    • 8,030 active cases
    • 1,014 newly diagnosed cases
    • 9,463 tests performed yesterday (at press time) with a 1.2% positivity rate
    • 313 in serious condition of which 135 are intubated
    • 3 deaths yesterday – total death toll: 2,735
    • 35,339 cases per million population

16 November -9:37am update

  • Hotels in Eilat and the Dead Sea to re-open Tuesday. All hotel amenities, in those areas, are expected to re-open within a few days.  Visitors to Eilat and the Dead Sea will have to present a negative coronavirus test upon entry, carried out 72 hours prior to their arrival.  Tests are available via the Health Funds.  Residents of Eilat and the Dead Sea will be required to undergo coronavirus testing each time they enter the towns.  Resident testing via quick-testing stations and will be offered to them free of charge. – Channel 13


  • Yesterday’s 7 hour corona cabinet meeting adjourned without any clear decisions.  The cabinet is to resume today to discuss grades 5 – 6 and grades 11 – 12.  A final decision is expected to be made today and should the green-light be given to return these pupils to school, schools are expected to open towards the end of this week.
  • According to statistics presented to the corona cabinet yesterday by Minister of Education, Yoav Galant, there is no significant increase in the number of coronavirus cases reported in kindergartens.
  • In place of the proposed night time curfew, a shuttering of the economy at 7pm has been suggested. Does that mean offices and transport as well or just retail outlets? No further details are  available at this time.
  • Further lifting of restrictions, or not, is expected to be announced today.  Gatherings of many people at weddings stills remains one of the concentrated points of infection.
  • Channel 13 reports that infection within the Haredi community has plateaued significantly.  The community is reportedly euphoric and are even considering applying to BAGATZ to close their communities off to non-Haredi citizens and not allow them in [something along the lines of a reverse curfew].
  • Yesterday’s statistics – Israel MOH, Worldometer & N12
    • 323,741 total cases recorded in Israel since the onset of the pandemic
    • 7,629 active cases
    • 402 newly diagnosed cases
    • 9,215 tests performed yesterday with a  3.2% positivity rate
    • 304 in serious condition of which 133 are intubated
    • 11 deaths yesterday – total death toll: 2,732
    • 35,198 cases per million population

15 November – 7:22am

  • The corona cabinet is to meet again today to discuss further lifting of lockdown restrictions.  Targets have not yet been met (new cases per day, infection rate, serious cases etc.) and as such remaining restrictions should, theoretically, not be lifted.  Pressure from the Education Ministry, Health Ministry and Finance Ministry as well as various political parties is encouraging the corona cabinet to do a possible trade – a night curfew in exchange for opening up certain sectors of the economy and assigning red-zone status to additional towns .  On today’s corona cabinet agenda:
    • Reopening open-air shopping centers (BIG) – perhaps on Tuesday.
    • The map of red zones
    • Grades 5 and 6 – back to school or not?
  • Smaller crowds at anti-Netanyahu demonstrations in Jerusalem and across the country last night.
  • Two-day weekend statistics – Israel MOH, Worldometer & N12
    • 323,339 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 7,993 active cases
    • 1,180 newly diagnosed cases
    • 44,039 tests performed Friday and Saturday with a 2.2% positivity rate
    • 295 in serious condition of which 124 are reported to be intubated
    • 15 deaths over the weekend – total death toll: 2,721
    • 35,155 cases per million population

13 November – 7:00am

  • Israel to sign the agreement with Pfizer today.  Israel will be purchasing 4 million doses of the coronavirus vaccine from Pfizer.  A deposit of 100 million shekels was paid for the vaccine.  The vaccine is expected to be delivered in early 2021.  It is not yet knows if all of the vaccine will be supplied at that time, or if delivery will be staggered over a period of months.  Health care workers and high-risk members of the population will be vaccinated first. An interesting bit of information – this RNA type vaccine needs to be stored at -70°C.
  • The night curfew that  PM Bibi Netanyahu has proposed will probably come into effect from next week.  The curfew is likely to be between the hours of 22:00 or 23:00 until 05:00  Will a curfew be effective in bringing down the rate of infection?  Probably not however it is might be used to justify opening other areas of the economy next week.
  • With no final back-to-school decision, Yoav Galant – Minister of Education says that the MOH keeps putting the needs of school children last.
  • Until now, only the elderly were entitled to receive the flu vaccine however, as of today the flu vaccine will be available to all members of the population via your Health Fund.  These are the conditions for getting the flu-shot:
    • At-risk individuals will be given preference
    • You must make an appointment with your Health Fund ahead of time. No appointment – no injection.
    • At this current time there are only about 2.5 million flu vaccines in Israel – not enough for the entire population
    Yesterday’s statistics – Israel MOH, Worldometer & N12

    • 322,159 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 8,848 active cases
    • 833 newly diagnosed cases
    • 29,894 tests performed yesterday with a 2.1% positivity rate
    • 300 in serious condition of which 133 are intubated
    • 6 deaths yesterday – total death toll: 2,706
    • 35,026 cases per million population

    World news: Thursday – a record day with 643,043 new cases of the coronavirus diagnosed wolrd-wide and a death toll of over 10 thousand

12 November – 7:15am

  • While the proposed law to open hotels in Eilat and the Dead Sea has been approved, it cannot yet be implemented and hotels cannot yet open.  The reason: the quick-testing stations that are to be set up in the towns are not yet operational.  Until they are, hotels will not be able to open.  Hopefully next weekend the system will be in place and fully operational.
  • Outline for opening hotels in Eilat and the Dead Sea only:
    • Only eateries and attractions on the hotels’ premises will be allowed to open – other attractions  and restaurants in the area will remain closed
    • Residents of the towns and workers will have to undergo coronavirus testing every week
  • Yesterday’s corona cabinet meeting ends again without any clear progress
  • Ikea in discussions with the MOH: certain departments within the store, selling essential items, should be allowed to reopen.  No agreement has been reached and Ikea will continue to remain closed possibly for another day.
  • Back to school on Sunday for remaining pupils?  Still do final decision.  The proposed outline is expected to look like this:
    • Grades 1 and 2 : no capsules and a 5 hours per day 5 day school week
    • Grades 3 and 4: up to 20 pupils, a 5 hours per day 5 day school week
    • Grades 5 and 6:  up to 20 pupils, a 3 day school week and a minimum of a 14 hour study week.
    • Grades 11 and 12: a 2 day school week with up to 20 pupils
    • After school afternoon programs – tzaharonim –  no mixing of groups
    • Teaching staff will be allowed movement between 4 groups.
  • Is a night time curfew on the cards? In an attempt to slow the rate of infection, MALAL recommends a curfew from 10pm.  The MOH opposes the idea citing that it would not be effective.  They are willing to consider a 7pm curfew in exchange for opening up the education system or other parts of the economy.
  • Negotiations between Bibi Netanyahu and the pharma company Pfizer;  Israel hopes to purchase 7 million coronavirus vaccines from Pfizer, an amount sufficient for 3.5 million people.  Israel has already signed an agreement with Moderna for their vaccine but the Pfizer vaccine has fewer side effects.
  • Yesterday’s statistics – Worldometer & N12
    • 321,326 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 8,021 active cases
    • 665 newly diagnosed cases
    • Only 28,517 tests performed yesterday with a 1.8% positivity rate
    • 305 in serious condition
    • 16 deaths yesterday – total death toll: 2,700
    • 34,936 cases per million population

10 November – 6:33am

  • Are we heading for a 3rd lockdown? The corona cabinet to meet again today to decide on next steps and possibly cutting back on lifting restrictions
  • Markets and malls will not be reopening at this time according to the original plan and exit strategy and 5th and 6th graders will not yet be returning to school.
  • The MOH opposes the idea of a night curfew: “It is not effective”
  • Pfizer, the manufacturers of the first coronavirus vaccine, announces that their vaccine is 90% effective. Final results will be presented to the FDA towards the end of November.  The Pfizer vaccine will become available towards the end of the winter.  The USA and Germany are first on the list to receive the vaccine.
  • Moderna, one of the other pharma companies leading the way to a vaccine, will be announcing results of their trials soon.  Moderna will be supplying Israel with their vaccine.
  • The ‘blue and white’ vaccine being developed by Israel’s Biological Institute is expected to receive approval towards the end of summer 2021
  • First to receive the vaccine in Israel will be hospital workers, the medical fraternity and the elderly.
  • A wedding that took place in September, against coronavirus restrictions, has resulted in the deaths of 3 guests and 43 guests tested positive for the virus.  One hundred people participated in the celebrations. An asymptomatic couple were responsible for the virus spread.  One of the three fatalities was the former Shin Bet Deputy Director.
  • Eilat and the Dead Sea – the law allowing hotels in these two resorts to open up to local tourism last weekend, has been delayed.  Agreement has yet to be reached and MOH Yuli Edelstein is said to be causing a delay in the process.
  • Monday’s statistics – Worldometer & N12
    • 319,888 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 8,010 active cases
    • 647 newly diagnosed cases
    • Only 23,836 tests performed yesterday with a 2% positivity rate
    • 333 in serious condition
    • 4 new deaths yesterday – total death toll: 2,678
    • 34,780 cases per million population

9  November – 6:27am

  • As the infection rate remains above the projected goal, a warning comes from the Ministry of Health Sunday: Israel could be looking at another lockdown within one month.
  • Experts tell the Corona Cabinet that the model for the exit strategy was not adhered to and has therefore failed.
  • Prof. Itamar Grotto  Deputy General of the Health Ministry resigned on Sunday.  To those close to him he announced that he is frustrated by only complaints that came his way.  A report in the Jerusalem Post Grotto is alleged to have said that “the State Israel, together with all of humanity, is dealing with the severe virus that has attacked the entire world’ and that he has “devoted my best efforts and done everything I can, and a little more – to deeply connect” and support the country’s efforts. Channel 13 reports Grotto saying : “Every year of my service feels like a decade”.
  • A number of key figures in the MOH and MOF have resigned within months of each other and since the onset of the pandemic.  They include the ex-Minister of Health – Yaacov Litzman. ex-Minister of Finance – Moshe Kahlon, Director General Moshe Bar-Siman-Tov and Director of Public Health Services Prof. Sigal Sadetzki. and other senior officials
  • Sunday’s statistics – Worldometer & N12
    • 319,562 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 8,153 active cases
    • 292 newly diagnosed cases
    • Only 8,336 tests performed yesterday with a 3.1% positivity rate (up over the previous week)
    • 330 in serious condition
    • 143 are being ventilated
    • 10 new deaths Sunday – total death toll: 2,674
    • 34,744 cases per million population

8 November – 6:29am

  • Opening today retail street stores
    • In green zones only.
    • Stores in red zones will remain closed.
    • 4 customers per store only
  • Opening delayed
    • Shopping malls and shopping centers remain closed
    • 5th – 12th Graders
    • Hotels in Eilat and the Dead Sea
  • Approximately 2,000 people participate in an anti-Netanyahu rally near the PM’s official residence on Balfour St., Jerusalem, Saturday night.
  • Weekend statistics – Worldometer & N12
    • 318,949 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 8,812 active cases
    • 1,086 newly diagnosed cases over the 2 day weekend
    • 37,255 tests performed over the weekend with a 2.35% positivity rate.
    • 325 in serious condition
    • 62 new deaths Friday and Saturday – total deaths: 2,664
    • 34,667 cases per million population
  • Total number of cases in Anglo countries:
    • USA – 10,182,218
    • UK – 1,171,441
    • South Africa – 735,906
    • Canada – 260,055
    • Australia – 27,655

6 November – 6:35am

  • Concern of the rising number of newly diagnosed coronavirus cases results in Prof. Ronni Gamzu’s opinion that further steps to reduce restrictions should be halted.
  • Based on the infection rate, the planned opening, next week, of malls, museums and markets looks like it could come to a standstill.
  • Still no firm decision regarding fines for violating coronavirus directives.  PM Binyamin Netanyahu to meet with MK Moshe Gafni (United Torah Judaism) and MK Yaacov Litzman (United Torah Judaism) next week to proceed with the matter.
  • Grades 5 – 6 and 11 – 12 are expected to return to school in about 10 days (in capsules).
  • After school programs (Tzaharonim): It has now been decided that pupils from all classes will not mix in the afternoon at the tzaharon and they will remain within the same group of pupils as in the morning during school time.
  • Junior high-school students are expected to return to school towards the end of November depending on the level of infection
  • Thursday’s coronavirus stats – Worldometer & N12
    • 317,863 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 9,111 active cases
    • 531 newly diagnosed cases
    • 23,568 tests performed yesterday with a 1.7% positivity rate.
    • 331 in serious condition
    • 42 new deaths – total deaths: 2,639
    • 34,559 cases per million population

5 November – 08:09am

  • Announced Wednesday night – against MOH recommendations, approximately 80,000 street stores to open Sunday.
  • PM, Binyamin Netanyahu on a TV broadcast announced that decisions regarding the 3rd stage of the exit strategy will be made at the end of next week.  Should the infection rate increase significantly by then, we may have to stop where we are and even tighten restrictions.
  • Grades 5 – 6 to return to school.  High schools also – sometime this month.
  • Wednesday’s coronavirus stats – Worldometer & N12
    • 317,566 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 9,406 active cases
    • 804 newly diagnosed cases
    • 29,933 tests performed yesterday with a 2% positivity rate.
    • 353 in serious condition
    • 5 new deaths – total deaths: 2,597
    • 34,526 cases per million population

4 November – 10:24am

  • Outgoing coronavirus commissioner Prof. Ronni Gamzu urges the public to go and get tested.  The infection rate has stopped its decline nationwide and one reason for this is the the overall decrease in the number of tests conducted. According to the Health Ministry on Tuesday, one in every 44 coronavirus test returns a positive result.
  • Officials say Home Front Command soldiers will deploy coronavirus testing centers in workplaces housing hundreds to thousands of workers as well as shopping centers; IDF to assign special units to 37 municipalities to help fight the virus
  • Globes reports that coronavirus testing centers were set up at Ben-Gurion Airport and will be operational as of November 9 pending Health Ministry’s approval
  • Tuesday’s coronavirus stats – Worldometer & N12
    • 316,792 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 9,782 active cases
    • 892 newly diagnosed cases
    • 29,887 tests performed yesterday with a 2.1% positivity rate.
    • 365 in serious condition
    • 12 new deaths – total deaths: 2,592
    • 34,443 cases per million population

3 November – 6:28am

  • Parents complain that the directive for all grades 1 – 4 pupils to wear face masks the entire school day is not practical or realistic. Educators say that wearing a face mask the entire school day will hamper the verbal development of these young children.
  • Will shops open on Sunday as previously decided?  There is no clear answer yet.  The infection rate has started to rise again and the corona cabinet is concerned by the drop in the daily number of tests that are being carried out. Health officials recommend delaying the opening of shops. A final decision will be made on Thursday.
  • The fine for violating the directive and opening a shop has now been set at 10,000 NIS.
  • Monday’s coronavirus stats – Worldometer & N12
    • 315,636 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 9,651 active cases
    • 693 newly diagnosed cases
    • 27,173 tests performed yesterday with a 1.9% positivity rate.
    • 383 in serious condition
    • 26 new deaths – total deaths: 2,580
    • 34,317 cases per million population
  • As the American election dawns today, here at the latest covid-19 stats for the USA
    • 9,567,543  total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 3,159,144 active cases
    • 236,997 deaths
    • 28,846 cases per million population
    • State with most cases – Texas – 969,247 total cases
    • State with least cases – Vermont – 2,219 total cases

2 November – 6:34am

  • All elementary schools opened and grades 1 – 4 returned to school yesterday. Some 83% of schools opened for a 5 day week instead of the four day school week as approved by the corona cabinet.  Regional councils and local municipalities are subsidizing the difference.
  • It was hoped that shops would receive the green-light and officially be allowed to re-open this week.  Unfortunately they did not but in spite of this, numerous store owners opened their stores on Sunday.
  • Fighting within the corona cabinet continues as the Minster of Finance, Israel Katz and Minister of Health, Yuli Edelstein continue to disagree on how the exit strategy should be handled.
  • In principle it has been decided that coronavirus related fines will be increased.  The contravention of certain directives will result in doubled fines.
    • 10,000 NIS for operating a business/shop (a 5,000 NIS increase)
    • 20,000 NIS for holding an event, celebration of similar gathering (a 10,000 NIS increase)
    • 20,000 NIS for opening an educational institution (a 10,000 NIS increase)
  • The religious parties object to the increase saying that the religious communities are being singled out and the fines are not fair on them.
  • Ministry of Health is to shorten the isolation time following a positive coronavirus diagnosis, it is to be reduced from 14 to 12 days. New pilot will be finalized within days and remain in effect until end of 2020,
  • Sunday’s coronavirus stats – Worldometer & N12
    • 314,943 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 9,680 active cases
    • 521 newly diagnosed cases
    • 14,207 tests performed yesterday with a 3.5% positivity rate.
    • 394 in serious condition
    • 15 deaths – total deaths: 2,554
    • 34,242 cases per million population

1 November – 7:00am

  • Today’s openings
    • Back to school for Grades 1 – 4 who will be studying for a minimum of 4 days days per week. Classes will be held in capsules with a maximum of 20 pupils per classroom.  Face masks are mandatory and are to be worn all the time.
    • After school programs are opening too with a maximum of 3 capsules.
    • Hairdressers and beauty salons – and all one-on-one services; driving lessons, alternative medicine etc. (make an appointment before you go)
    • Zimmerim and guest houses – nuclear family only
    • Synagogues and houses or worship – up to 10 people inside and a maximum of 20 worshipers outside
    • Weddings – up to 10 people inside and a maximum of 20 guests outside
  • Two Day weekend coronavirus stats – Worldometer & N12
    • 314,442 total cases recorded since the onset of the pandemic
    • 10,642 active cases
    • 1,305 newly diagnosed cases
    • 38,478 tests performed over the weekend with a 2.5% positivity rate.
    • 409 in serious condition
    • 31 deaths – total deaths: 2,539
    • 34,185 cases per million population
  • Israel human clinical trials on the coronavirus vaccine developed by the Israel Biological Institute, commence toda
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