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EducationHomeschooling in Israel, a growing trend

Homeschooling in Israel, a growing trend

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Last Updated on November 13, 2021

Before the Coronavirus homeschooling in Israel, became a growing trend.

Hebrew:  בית ספר – לומדים מהבית

israel home schoolHome-schooling is possible in Israel.

There is a growing trend in Israel to home-school children.  In order to home-school your child, you need permission from the Ministry of Education.

Home-schooling is an attractive option for new immigrants who are struggling with the regular education framework.  You need to consider this choice from every possible angle.  Is it really in the child’s best interest?  

How do I get permission to home-school?

You need to write a letter to your local Ministry of Education representative requesting permission to home-school your child. The Ministry’s guidelines require you to explain your educational philosophy, your curriculum, teaching methods, and how you will evaluate the success of the education. The guidelines seem to allow for much less formal approaches as many families have had success with a wide range of application formats.  Your letter must include your child’s name and ID number (Teudat Zehut), as well as your own.


Home-schoolers in Israel who have received permission are required to maintain some contact with their local education authorities.

Bagrut – Matriculation Examinations

Many regular high school students in Israel prepare for their matriculation exams by taking extra lessons and private teachers to teach them what they need to know to pass the bagrut matriculation tests. Home-schoolers as well can consider this option too. There are also many students who do not take the Bagrut in the context of high school, but rather through an independent study framework. The fact is that a young person who wants to take the Bagrut may do so, and may do well, without having attended a formal high school.

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