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ALIYAHAliyah & Living in Carmit & the Negev

Aliyah & Living in Carmit & the Negev

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Last Updated on November 17, 2021

Carmit, a settlement community for new immigrants moving to the Negev

Hebrew: כרמית – ישוב קהילתי בצפון הנגב

Carmit: An area shot (Image Credit: Wikimedia)

Carmit is a developing, new community in the Northern Negev.  It has been planned to accommodate more than 2,500 families consisting of both native Israelis and immigrants, of all religious beliefs. With a mix of open spaces, community living and quality of life, Carmit is fast becoming a sought after residential area in Israel and especially in the Negev.


Carmit is located in the Northern Negev, a 1 minute drive from the Highway 6 (a toll road) interchange at Shoket junction.  It is a 15 minute drive from Be’er Sheva and an hour’s drive from Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.  Its unique location gives easy access to the entire Negev, Jerusalem and Central Israel, where there are numerous work opportunities, and at an affordable price.

Carmit’s infrastructure is still being developed.  The construction of the first public facilities began in 2011.

Some of the planned facilities for the neighborhood include:

A daycare center for 3 age-groups
A two classroom kindergarten
A two classroom pre-school
A synagogue and Mikve (Jewish ritual bath)
Various youth movement facilities
A library
A fitness center

Residents of Carmit will also have access to a full range of public services nearby:

The process of registration, application, selection of residents and purchase of land in Carmit, is laid out in the Carmit official website


We often choose our Aliyah destination based on the education requirements of our children. The Northern Negev has many varied education opportunities in the area. There are 55 educational facilities in close proximity to Carmit.  The neighboring community of Metar has high level education facilities.  This is also planned for Carmit. Within the Metar Regional Councils’ framework. The children of Carmit will also have access to a variety of social and cultural activities available in Metar;  after school activities, youth clubhouses,  the library and sports facilities.

Carmit is a 15 minute drive from The Ben Gurion University of the Negev.

Job Opportunities & Employment

The Negev and Galilee Information and Relocation Center have a database with hundreds of employment opportunities in the region which are continually updated. These job opportunities are in various fields such as: High-Tech, Engineering etc.

The number of high-tech companies in the Negev region is growing, and many of these companies are seeking local employees.

Planned military expansions in the south will facilitate the creation of many additional jobs in the region.   The Be’er Sheva Hi-Tech Park (Ramat Hovav) hosts 17 chemical factories. The Omer Industrial Park, south of Carmit, accommodates 31 companies and provides some 600 job opportunities.  This being so, there are also many entrepreneurial opportunities in the area.

For more information contact the Employment and Entrepreneurship Department
Tel: 08-6299000, ext. 4
Email: info3@carmit.org.il

Assistance for New Immigrants

A new immigrant, residing in the area, is entitled to the regular government assistance that is part of the general absorption basket “Sal Klita’ offered by the Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption (Misrad Haklita).  Financial assistance, Hebrew study, housing assistance, employment, assistance for entrepreneurs and new businesses and subsidies toward s University tuition fees are also available.

Counseling, orientation and direct financial assistance are also provided. The Ministry of Absorption (Misrad Haklita) coordinates other help by other government ministries, such as the Ministry of Housing (Misrad Ha’Diyur) and the Ministry of Education  (Misrad Ha’Hinuch).

The Absorption Basket is given to all new immigrants by the Israeli government without consideration of their financial background

Information for Returning Residents

The Ministry of Immigrant Absorption offers Israeli citizens, who have been living abroad and who choose to return to Israel, a wide range of benefits and assistance.

The Center for Absorption in Science

Immigrant and returning resident scientists can obtain assistance for their absorption from the Center for Absorption in Science in the fields of R&D and academic research.  They also encourage the expansion of the R&D system in Israel and the knowledge and experience that returning scientists bring with them.

For more information:
Lilach Ben-Barzilai             Tel: 050-6214562
Yoash Ben Yitzhak             Tel: 050-6214503

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