Last Updated on February 21, 2022
Rental Assistance for new Olim in Israel

The first months of Aliyah can be stressful and making sure you can meet your monthly rent when you are not working is a real worry. Thankfully Olim (new immigrants) are entitled to receive a rental assistance subsidy from the Ministry of of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption. Rental assistance is one of the benefits that Olim receive as part of the absorption basket or ‘sal klitah’.
When this period of assistance ends, Olim are then granted a rental allowance from the Ministry of Housing and Construction.
When can I expect my rental assistance?
- Olim who immigrated from January 2017 onwards, receive rental assistance beginning in the 8th month from the date you received Oleh status (the date of your Aliyah)
- If your Aliyah date is between May and December 2016, your assistance from the Ministry of Housing and Construction commences in the 9th month from the date of your Aliyah.
- Olim who immigrated to Israel in April 2016 and earlier, receive assistance from the Ministry of Housing and Construction from month 13 of their aliyah date.
- Tips for signing a rental agreement
How much rental assistance will I receive?
Months in Israel | Single Oleh | Oleh Family | Single Parent Family |
*8-12 | 223 NIS | 402 NIS | 402 NIS |
13-24 (second year after Aliyah) | 400 NIS | 800 NIS | 800 NIS |
25-36 (third year after Aliyah) | 400 NIS | 600 NIS | 600 NIS |
37-48 (fourth year after Aliyah) | 400 NIS | 400 NIS | 400 NIS |
49-60 (fifth year after Aliyah) | 89 NIS | 99 NIS | 223 NIS |
61-72 (sixth year after making Aliyah) | 134 NIS |
Rental Assistance Eligibility
Olim generally receive assistance until the end of the 5th year from the their Aliyah date when they received Oleh status.
A single Oleh/Olah, serving in the IDF or in national service (Sherut Leumi) while in active duty, and has Lone Soldier status (from the IDF or Ministry of Absorption) is entitled to rental assistance up to 5 years after their Aliyah at a rate of 402 NIS per month while in active duty. Once demobilized, rental assistance reverts as per the table above.
Olim, living in subsidized government housing and receiving support from National Insurance payments (Bituach Leumi), are eligible for extended rental assistance.
Olim living in a Merkaz Klitah/Ulpan are NOT entitled to the rent subsidy.
Home-owners – Mazaltov! You have bought your own home. However, you are now NO longer entitled to the rent subsidy.
Traveling abroad. Don’t worry you can go back home to visit your loved ones BUT you cannot be abroad for 2 months or more. If so, your rental subsidy will be suspended. Upon your return, you must notify Ministry of Housing & Construction so that subsidy payments can be reinstated. No extensions of the period of eligibility are given, if you have traveled abroad.
Extended Assistance
Single parent Olim are eligible for assistance for 6 years from their date of Aliyah.
Olim receiving income support from Bituach Leumi (elderly Olim, single-parent families with income support etc.) are entitled to extended rental assistance on the condition that they are both recipients of these benefits from Bituach Leumi, and are defined as “without housing”.
How do I get my rental subsidy?
Your rental subsidy will be paid directly into your bank account after the 8th month in an amount as per the table above.
Changes that could affect you
Changed your bank account? You must inform the Ministry of Housing and submit details.
Got married to an Israeli or veteran oleh? Your assistance will no longer be automatic. You must let the Ministry of Housing know and they will determine the new rate accordingly. Likewise if you got divorced.
Contacting The Ministry of Housing and Construction
The Ministry of Housing and Construction can be reached via their hotline on *5442