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DrivingIsrael Road & Traffic Signs

Israel Road & Traffic Signs

Must Read

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Last Updated on October 28, 2021

Must-know these Israel road & traffic signs!

Hebrew: רשימת תמרורים בישראל

There are 255 road signs and 87 road markings in Israel.  Here is a selection of road-signs, traffic-signs and road markings you need to know. Let’s be better and more responsible drivers.  

Warning Signs 

Road signs giving orders

With the exception the except of the “STOP” sign (an octagon) and the “yield” sign (a downward pointing triangle), road signs that give orders are circular.

Prohibitory signs

Prohibitory road signs take the form of a black-on-white symbol inside a red bordered circle.  Sometimes a red slash covers the black symbol as shown here in the “No left turn” sign.

Mandatory Road Signs

Mandatory road signs bear a white symbol on a blue disc.  Mandatory road signs can be dark blue or turquoise like the two examples shown below.




Information signs

Signs giving information are generally rectangular (sometimes pointed at one end as in the case of a direction sign).

Highways in Israel are classified as national and they bear a single digit number like Highway 1, shown below.

Intercity city road signs have 2 digits, regional roads have 3 digits and local roads have 4 digits.  

Each of these information signs is a different color – blue for national, red for inter-city, green for regional and black for local.

Directional Road Signs

Most directional signs to towns and cities are white-on-blue (motorways), white-on-green (main roads, black-on-white (local destinations), or white-on-brown (tourist destinations; landmarks, historical sites, nature parks etc.)


Street Information Signs

Street-name signs have black lettering (with Hebrew, Arabic & English) on a white background.  The street numbers are displayed in a red triangle.

Parking Signs

The sign for permitted parking in Israel, features the letter “P” – white-on-blue.  The Hebrew letter “Chet” (ח) for the word “chaniya” which means ‘parking’.



Know these important road signs

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