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Must Read

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Last Updated on October 18, 2021

Sukkot tool-kit. Your guide and resources for the Jewish Holiday of Sukkot – The Feast of Tabernacles & Simchat Torah.

etrog citron sukkot in jerusalem
Blessing the four species in the Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem.

Arba’at HaMinim (The Four Species)

The palm leaf, myrtle, willow and citron are grouped together and called  ‘lulav’.  What does each one symbolize?

Building a Sukkah

Complete guide to building a kosher Sukkah from the ground up

Candle Lighting

Hakafot – Sukkot & Simchat Torah

It is customary on Sukkot to encircle bimah with the Four Specie son each of the seven days of the Sukkot holiday and on Simchat Torah.

Hebrew English

Learn new words for Sukkot.  Free word sheet with Hebrew, English and transliteration.

Hol HaMoed Sukkot

Working hours of government offices and public services

Sukkot in Israel

How do things work in Israel over the Sukkot holidays? What public services are open? What are my employment rights? What about public transport – is it available?

Sukkot Jokes & Funnies

Best Jewish jokes, funnies and one liners for Sukkot

Sukkot Parable

There are many elucidations regarding the lulav and esrog. The Midrash says that the four species of the Lulav represent four different types of Jews

Sukkot Recipes

Sukkot is a harvest festival and in ancient times it was the duty of all Israelites to go up to the Temple in Jerusalem.  They would bring with them baskets of fruit and other delicacies.  We commemorate this by eating similar kinds of food during the festival.


Sukkot and Simchat Torah are two of the four festivals during the Hebrew month of Tishrei

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