Last Updated on October 18, 2021
Sukkot tool-kit. Your guide and resources for the Jewish Holiday of Sukkot – The Feast of Tabernacles & Simchat Torah.

Arba’at HaMinim (The Four Species)
Building a Sukkah
Complete guide to building a kosher Sukkah from the ground up
Candle Lighting
Hakafot – Sukkot & Simchat Torah
Hebrew English
Learn new words for Sukkot. Free word sheet with Hebrew, English and transliteration.
Hol HaMoed Sukkot
Working hours of government offices and public services
Sukkot in Israel
Sukkot Jokes & Funnies
Best Jewish jokes, funnies and one liners for Sukkot
Sukkot Parable
Sukkot Recipes
Sukkot and Simchat Torah are two of the four festivals during the Hebrew month of Tishrei
Torah Reading
- HaAzinu – the Torah reading for Sukkot
- The Torah reading for Simchat Torah, blessings, Hakafot and greetings