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Jewish IdentitySynagogues in Israel.

Synagogues in Israel.

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Last Updated on November 5, 2021

Synagogues & Religious Services in Israel

The office of the Chief Rabbinate is located in Jerusalem and it is the supreme rabbinic and spiritual authority for Judaism in Israel.  There are two Chief Rabbis – one is Ashkenazi and the other is Sephardi.  The Chief Rabbinate Council assists the two chief Rabbis who alternate in its presidency.

Stained glass windows at the Tunisian Shul in Akko
The Tunisian Synagogue in Akko

The Rabbinate has jurisdiction over many aspects of Jewish life in Israel; Jewish marriage and divorce, burials, Jewish conversion, kosher laws and kosher certification (kashrut), Jewish immigrants (olim) Jewish holy sites, Mikvaot (ritual baths) yeshivas and the Rabbinical Courts.

The Rabbincal Courts are part of Israel judicial system and are managed by the Ministry of Religious Services – HaMisrad LeSherutei Daat

There are Orthodox, Ashkenazi and Sephardi synagogues all over Israel.  Reform (Progressive Judaism) and Conservative congregations in the main centers, have a growing English speaking membership.  The LGBTQ community also offers religious activities for its members.

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Synagogues in Ashkelon

Kehilat Netzach Yisrael

Kehilat Netzach Yisrael is the only non-orthodox synagogue in Ashkelon and offers an egalitarian, pluralistic and family-orientated approach to Judaism and caters to a range of languages, including Hebrew, English, Spanish and Russian. Members come from many different backgrounds:  Sephardim and Ashkenazim daven there.

Central Afridar Synagogue

The Central Afridar Synagogue is on Zonabend Street,  close to the Ganei Shimshon Hotel is also popular with the English speaking immigrant community. It was established by the South African community of Ashkelon in the 1950’s.

Central Barnea Synagogue

The Central Barnea Synagogue is on Yiftach Hagiladi Street and Kehilat Migdat on Tzahal Street are part of  Chabad

Synagogues in Haifa

Members of our Haifa community wrote in and told us about their synagogues:

The Maor Yehuda Synagogue

By: The Hyman Family

Rabbi Shear-Yeshuv Cohen – Chief Rabbi of Haifa, describes Maor Yehuda Synagogue as  “an exceptional community consisting of members of the Technion faculty, new immigrants,… as well as long-time Israelis from many different backgrounds. The project that they have undertaken is holy in every sense…”Established in 1978 by immigrants from English-speaking countries, from Switzerland and from France, who wished to carry on the positive aspects of Orthodox Jewish communal life found in the Diaspora in their new home in Israel. 

For the first twenty years, the minyan was located in a variety of places, including the bomb shelter of a school.  In 1989 the city of Haifa granted us a plot of land in Ramat Almogi on the ridge of Mount Carmel.  Using funds provided by our members, private gifts, and some State grants, we built a synagogue and community room.   Located at 13A Blitental Street, Ramat Almogi, between the Technion (The Israel Institute of Technology) and the University of Haifa, the synagogue serves the needs of  75 plus member families and the residents of more than 1,000 newly completed homes in the area.  In addition, we welcome families spending a sabbatical at one of Haifa’s universities, high-tech campuses, or R&D centers. Mincha commences 20 minutes after candle lighting time, followed by Maariv.  Shachrit on Shabbat is at 08:15.

For more information write to info@maoryehuda.org

The Kehilat Moriah Conservative Congregation

By: Rabbi Dubi Haiun

Kehilat Moriah is the oldest Conservative congregation in Israel. We are located at 7 Moriah Avenue, in the Ahuza neighborhood on Mt. Carmel (near the Horev Center).  Moriah has  more than 150 families and individuals as members.

We welcome all worshipers, and during holidays, especially Yom Kippur, Simhat Torah, and Purim – we are joined by many neighborhood residents. Others come to us to commemorate life-cycle events, from the birth of a child through Bar or Bat Mitzvah, weddings, and memorial services. Moriah also runs a number of social, cultural and educational activities, including outreach programs aimed at non-members as well as members. The doors of Moriah are open not only on Shabbat and holidays. The congregation hast two preschool classes, and to a flourishing youth group under the auspices of NOAM, the youth branch of the Israeli Conservative movement.  We are extending our premises thus enabling us to expand our educational offerings. Finally, the idea of tikkun olam – a rabbinic concept that has come to mean the pursuit of human welfare and social justice – is an integral part of our worldview at Moriah, expressed in initiatives both ongoing and linked to events in the Jewish year.  Contact the secretary for service times, membership fees for families and individuals at moriahaifa@022.co.il or telephone 04-8251245. The Moriah Conservative Congregation offers free membership to unemployed new immigrants.

Ohel Avraham

By: Carol Goldgeier

The synagogue of the Leo Baeck Education Center, Ohel Avraham, is affiliated  with the Reform Movement (Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism).The synagogue holds Kabbalat Shabbat services at 5:30pm in the winter and 6:00pm in the summer. Most Shabbat mornings services are held at 9:30am. All services are open to the public. Social, cultural and educational events are held on an on going basis but change monthly. Likewise, we hold  life cycle events including Bar and Bat Mitzva, Shabbat chatan and kallah, weddings, baby naming’s and more. Our members include olim from around the world as well as native Israelis. Annual dues are 900 shekels but a discount may be considered, upon review, for new immigrants. Our spiritual leader is Rabbi Gabby Dagan. For more information about the synagogue please call 04-8300542

Or Hadash

By: Or Hadash Secretariat

Or Hadash – The Lyons Center for Progressive Judaism, in the Ahuza neighborhood is a thriving Reform community in Israel. Since 1964 Or Hadash has been growing, and developing in size and scope. Every year more than 15,000 visitors encounter Israeli Reform Judaism through participating in at least one activity at Or Hadash. With a large variety of Tikun Olam programs, Or Hadash is a world-leading congregation in the field of Social Action.

With an average of 200 Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremonies each year Or Hadash is a world leader in this field.  The synagogue accommodates children with special needs and has performed hundreds of bar and bat mitzvahs for them. Building strong connections with Reform congregations in the US, Or Hadash maintains weekly contact with 800 families/rabbis/educators from dozens of sister congregations in the US. Several hundred Jews-by-choice have studied at Or Hadash. Every year, 50-60 people apply to convert to Judaism at Or Hadash – representing almost 30% of the total number of conversion students in Israel over the past 7 years. Since 1999 three Or Hadash pre-schools have been educating children in the spirit of Reform Judaism and hundreds of youngsters have been schooled in this way. With a steady Kabalat Shabbat minyan of 150-220 and more than 300 life cycle events per year, Or Hadash is the largest Reform synagogue in northern Israel. Or Hadash has a widespread educational outreach program.  More than 4,000 pupils from 12 different elementary, junior high and high schools have the opportunity to become familiar with Reform Judaism. Over the past six years, 25,000 students from 37 different schools have visited Or Hadash. The only Israeli Religious Action Center office in the north of Israel is located inside the Or Hadash building. Legal aid is provided for thousands of new olim mainly from Ethiopia and Russia. Or Hadash in Haifa is a recognized institution and works in cooperation with the Haifa Municipality, with psychologists, social workers and dozens of volunteer organizations.  The spiritual leader, Rabbi Dr. Edgar Nof,  says “Members of our community are here for you.  We have a special program for helping new immigrants: we provide Hebrew lessons, social and financial support and reduced membership fees.  Joining Or Hadash is a wonderful way to become part of a vibrant community in Haifa. The State of Israel needs Reform Judaism and by joining Or Hadash, you are supporting the establishment of the ethical, egalitarian and democratic values of Reform Jewish life in Israel.”

Or Hadash has a large English speaking congregation.

For more information, in English, contact:
Or Hadash”, The Lyons Center for Progressive Judaism (R.Soc.)
55 Hantke St.
P.O.Box 3711, Haifa 31036
Tel: 972-4-8343905/6                  
E-mail: com1@or-hadash.org.il  

Synagogues in Modiin

With thanks to the Modiin Municipality

Heichal Michael Nachum Yemenite  
Heichal Shmuel Sephardi  
Kehilat Yachad Combined  
Achdut Modiin Ashkenazi  
Achva VeReut Sephardi  
Adir Bamarom Ashkenazi  
Amalei Shir Yemenite  
Ariel Ashkenazi  
Ayelet HaShachar Ashkenazi  
Beit Chabad Ashkenazi  
Bei HaRambam North African  
Ben Porat Yosef Sephardi  
Buchman Sephardi  
Choshen Modiin Ashkenazi Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur only
Darkei Noam Ashkenazi  
Dimri Sephardi  
Dvir Modiin Sephardi  
Etz Hayim Sephardi Indian
Gan Barkan Sephardi  
HaBen Ish Chai Sephardi  
HaKehilati HaMaccabim Combined  
HaMeginin Ashkenazi  
Kehilat HaShimshoni Synagogue Ashkenazi  
Lechu Nerana Ashkenazi Egeletarian
Meir Modiin – Mishkan Gershon Ashkenazi  
Kehilat Meitar Sephardi North African
Shivtei Yisrael Ashkenazi  
Tiferet Chen Ashkenazi  
Yachad Ashkenazi  
Yozma Reform  
Yedid Nefesh Masorti  
Mishkan Shalom – Edmond Safra Yemenite  
Kipodan Ashkenazi  
Kol Sasson Yemenite  
Kol Yaakov Sephardi  
Kol Yehuda Moroccan  
Lev Achim Ashkenazi  
Lev Modiin Carlebach Lots of Anglo families
Marom Yigal Moroccan  
Menorat Avner Ashkenazi  
Merkaz Modiin Ashkenazi  
Mesoat Neirah Sephardi  
Migdal David Sephardi  
Achva Masorti  
Darkei Zion Ashkenazi  
El-Ad Ashkenazi  
Mishkan Eliezer Moroccan  
Mishkan HaKohanim Sephardi  
Mishkan Rafael Sephardi  
Mishkan Shalom Yemenite  
Mishkan Shlomo Ashkenazi  
Moriah Ashkenazi  
Odaya Zechor LeAvraham Ashkenazi & Spehardi  
Ohel Rachel Moroccan  
Or Modiin Sephardi  
Orot HaKramim Ashkenazi  
Renana Combined Family orientated
Reut Ashkenazi  
Shaarei Yerushalayim Sephardi  
Shalhevet HaMakabim Masorti  
New Beit Chabad Ohel Menachem Ashkenazi  
Titora Ashkenazi  
Tzi’erei HaGiva Ashkenazi  
Tzi’erei Modiin Ashkenazi  
Tzi’eri HaKramim    
Ubecharta BeHayim Sephardi  
Minyan at the Irya Sephardi Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur only
Mishkan Elazar North African  
Uri Tzafon Yemenite  
Yakir Efraim Ashkenazi  
Yeshivat Hesder Meir Harel Yeshiva  
Yosef Li Sephardi  


Synagogues in Raanana

Thanks to the Raanana Municipality for sending us this list of synagogues.

 Sephardic  Kiryat Sharett  Ahava V’Achva
   50 Hapalmach Street  Ahavat Zion
 Ashkenazi  10 Ramchal Street  Ohel Moed
 Yemenite  Migdal Street  Or Zion
   Kiryat Sharett  Orach Chaim
 Yemenite  Hahistadrut Street  Achim
 Ashkenazi  1 Haprachim Street (Aviv High School)  Achva
 Sephardic  55 Ravutzki Street  El Olam
 Ashkenazi  33 Sheshet Hayamim Street  Kehilat Ariel
 Ashkenazi  Bilu School  Bilu
 Yemenite  2 Ben Zakhai Street  Beit Aharon
 Sephardic  Fisher  Beit El
 Sephardic  8 Herzl Street  Beit Ari
 Ashkenazi  101 Ahuza Street  The Great Synagogue
 Yemenite  10 Ramchal Street  Beit Ya’akov
 Sephardic  41 Hatchiya Street  Bar Yochai
 Sephardic Ibn Gvirol Street  Birkat Yitzchak
 Ashkenazi Motzkin Street  Gan Aliyah
 Ashkenazi  Aharon Katzin Street  Heichal Binyamin
 Ashkenazi  11 Har Sinai Street  Heichal Habracha
 Sephardic  Ramchal Street  Heichal Zion
 Ashkenazi  Sheshet Hayamim St.-  Ariel School  Haminyan Hechadash
 Ashkenazi  Kfar Batya  Haminyan Hakehilati
 Ashkenazi  18 Brandeis Street  Hapoel Hamizrachi
 Ashkenazi  2 Tel Chai Street – Inside the school  Chorev
 Ashkenazi  16 Hanegev Street  Chabad
 Ashkenazi  Hafetz Haim Street inside the school  Yavneh
 Yemenite  Hapalmach Street  Yemin Moshe
 Sephardic  Brandeis Street  Yeshurun
 Ashkenazi  Kfar Batya Youth Village  Kfar Batya
 Ashkenazi  5 Herzl Street  Lechu Neranena
 Yemenite  Kiryat Sharett  Migdal Tzedek
 Sephardic  Katzenelson Street  Magen David
 Ashkenazi  184 Ahuza Street  Moriah
 Yemenite  10 Shvartz Street  Moreshet Avot
 Sephardic  Kiryat Sharett  Ma’ayan Hasimcha
 Sephardic  Shvartz Street  Mikdash Melech
 Yemenite  Rasco  Mekor Chaim
 Ashkenazi  Ostrovsky Street  Aliyah Absorption Center
 Sephardic  Ostrovsky Street  Beit Yisrael Absorption Center
 Yemenite  Rasco  Nachalat Achim
 Yemenite  Rasco  Netzach Yisrael
 Ashkenazi Kiryat Sharett  Adat Yisrael
 Ashkenazi Bialik Street  Adat Yisrael
 Ashkenazi  7 Abarbanel Street  Adat Bnei Yisrael
   Migdal Street  Olei Bavel
 Sephardic  Migdal Street  Olei Luv
   Shmuel Hanagid Street  Etz Chaim
 Ashkenazi   Etzion Street   Etzion Street
 Ashkenazi  Arlozorov Street  PAI Poalei Agudat Yisrael
  Ashkenazi  11 Brenner Street  Tzur Yisrael
 Sephardic  90 Herzl St. – In the Retirement Home  Tzimmerman
 Reform  94 Pardes Meshutaf  Kehilat Raanana for Progressive Judaism
Ashkenazi  108 Ravutzki Street – Open University  Kehilat Netivot
 Ashkenazi  Degania Street  Kiryat Eliyahu
 Yemenite  28 A’ Shabazi Street  Rachel V’Leah
 Ashkenazi  Bilu Street  Re’ut
 Yemenite  Shchunat Ovdim  Shabazi
 Ashkenazi  Har Sinai Street  Shivtei Yisrael
 Sephardic  Kiryat Sharett  Shevet Achim
 Yemenite Neot Sadeh  Sha’ar Harachamim
 Carlebach 159 Ahuza (Beit HaNoar, Cr.HaSharon) Kinor David


A complete list of synagogues in Israel can be found (in Hebrew) on www.kipa.co.il/synagogue

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