Good news if you’re 80 or older – just a click of a button and you’re exempt from standing in line at the post-office
PLEASE NOTE: Previously 70-year-olds+ were exempt from standing in line, but as of 1.01.2023 the law has been changed and now stands at 80-years and older

Israel seniors, 80-years and older, are now entitled to an extra level of service at the post office. It’s no longer a requirement for people in this age-group to set up an appointment for the post office ahead of time; telephonically, via the internet or via an app.
When you arrive at the post-office all you need to do is press on the “Exempt from Line” button (פטור מתור) at the self-service machine (ATM) and immediately thereafter, your turn will be called.
- Learn new “Post-Office” Hebrew words and phrases with English and transliterations
- Postal and area-code information
- Instructions for receiving a parcel from abroad
- The MyVisit appointment app
If, for some reason, you are refused this service you should call 03-6921195 and provide details of post-office branch where the incident took place, date of your visit and the name of the public service representative you dealt with. We have not yet been unable to verify whether the service is available in the English language as well. As soon as we know, we’ll update this article.
The telephone number for the senior citizens call center of the Ministry of Social Equality, is *8840.
Did you know that a pregnant woman or person with disabilities and their companion are also entitled to receive services in some places without waiting in line?
- At the post office
- When filling prescription medications at the pharmacy (in private pharmacies and in HMO or hospital pharmacies)
- When waiting to receive a passport at the Population and Immigration Authority
- When paying at the supermarket
Proof of eligibility must be presented in the form of a disability certificate from the National Insurance Institute or the Ministry of Defense.