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CoronavirusLockdown Details & Israel Coronavirus Red Zones

Lockdown Details & Israel Coronavirus Red Zones

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Reading Time: 14 minutes

Last Updated on June 29, 2021

Lockdown details, exit strategy, red zones & the traffic light system.

In the fight against the coronavirus, Prof. Ronni Gamzu (Israel’s Coronarus Coordinator) put a traffic light system into place  Cities, towns and regional councils are divided into; red-, orange- yellow- and green-zones and scale of restrictions are in place for them accordingly.  Zoning is reassessed every 2 weeks. On the eve of the second lockdown in September, 98 per-cent of Israel was either ‘red’ or ‘orange’ and only 2% was ‘green’.  The second, 3 week lockdown, commenced on September 18th. On October 1st, it was announced that the exit strategy could take 6 months to one year to be fully implemented.  October 18th saw the reopening of small offices in the private sector.  November 1st will bring some relief to parents of first to fourth graders who will be going back to school.

exit strategy

5 November

Stores to reopen on Sunday, November 6th under the following restrictions (not in red zones)

  • Street shopping only (not malls)
  • Maximum of 4 clients per store
  • Shop assistants have to undergo coronavirus testing
  • Even though some have already opened against directives, open-air shopping centers (like BIG) will not officially be allowed to re-open at this stage

The school day

  • Grades 1 – 2 will not need to study in capsules
  • Grades 5  – 6 will return to their studies in the middle of November
  • Grades 11 – 12 a final decision is yet to be announced
  • Mobile testing stations will travel between schools

27 October

The plan for re-opening schools or Grades 1 – 4 only, on Sunday, November 1st, is as follows – Channel 13 reports:

  • First and second graders will attend school 3 days per week (no capsule/pod system)
  • Third and  fourth graders will study in capsules 6 days per week
  • The capsule system will not be in place for afternoon, after school programs (tzaharon) which means that children who are in capsules in the morning, will not be in capsules in the afternoon)
  • Fifth graders and upwards will continue to learn remotely from home

13 October

Exit strategy as of today:

Milestone – 2,000 daily diagnosed cases

  • Private sector to re-open (those not receiving customers or members of the public)
  • Take away services at restaurants
  • Public parks and beaches to re-open
  • Street shopping
  • Small businesses

Milestone – 1,000 daily diagnosed cases

  • Schools – Grade 1 – Grade 4
  • Non-medical treatments (beauty salons, hair dressers etc.)

Milestone – 500 daily diagnosed cases

  • Opening to the public (government offices etc.)
  • Houses of worship
  • Shopping malls and all retail outlets
  • Zimmerim

11 October

The planned exit strategy expected to commence on October 18th, 2020.  The exit will take place in stages according to the number of new, daily diagnosed cases. – Times of Israel

Stage 1 – 2,000 daily diagnosed cases

  • Kindergartens to open
  • Opening the private sector and businesses that do not receive customers
  • Take-aways from restaurants
  • Cancelling the 1km restriction on movement
  • Restrictions on protests will be lifted
  • Beaches to re-open
  • Ben Gurion airport to re-open

Stage 2 – 1,000 daily diagnosed cases

  • Opening schools from 1st – 4th grades
  • Synagogues re-opening
  • Elective medical procedures

Stage 3 – 5,00 daily diagnosed cases (mid-November)

  • Opening shops and malls, gyms and markets

Stage 4 – 250 daily diagnosed cases (end-November)

  • Restaurants and eateries to accept diners.
  • Leisure activities expected to re-open

Stage 5  – mid-December

  • Pools, hotels and guest houses expected to re-open

Stage 6 – end-December

  • Museums and entertainment venues to re-open
  • Group sporting activities

Stage 7 – early-January

  • All grades from the 5th upwards to return to school

Stage 8 – end-January

  • Audiences at sporting events, clubs and bars to re-open

6 October

The suggested plan for easing the lockdown as presented to the Corona Cabinet on Monday, 5th October. – Channel 13

Details Daily sick Percentage of infected
 Returning to work and opening kindergartens  2,000  up to 10%
 Schools – Grades 1 – 4  1,000  up to 10%
 Public reception, shops and malls  500  up to 5%
 Restaurants, hotels, cultural events  205  up to 2%
 Education – Grades 5 upwards  250  up to 2%

1 October

Restrictions as they stand today and until October 14th

  • Restriction on movement – no more than 1km from home except for permissible activities.
  • Labor force – essential workers and essential services only
  • Sport – alone or with your nuclear family only within a 1km radius from home
  • Gatherings – 10 people inside, 20 people outside
  • Visitors to the home not allowed including to a Sukkah – 500 NIS fine
  • Prayer services outside – 20 people within a 1km radius from home
  • Demonstrations – 20 people within a 1km radius from home
  • Public transport – reduced services

Gamzu proposes upping fines

Current Proposed
Not wearing a mask 500 1,000
Defying isolation 5,000 10,000
Operating a business or public venue 5,000 10,000
Functions and celebrations with multiple participants 5,000 50,000
Opening an academic institution 5,000 50,000

30 September

  • Demonstrations’ law finally passed: No more than 20 people within a 1km radius from home.
  • Reminder: Synagogues now closed.

27 September

Recap of main restrictions

  • Restriction on movement – no more than 1km from home except for permissible activities.
  • Gatherings: 10 people inside, 20 people outside
  • Forbidden to be in the home of another
  • Permissible to buy food, pharma and other essential items
  • Sport – alone or with your nuclear family only

Special directives for Yom Kippur

  1. Synagogues will be open for 25 hours only
  2. Number of worshipers is dependent on the rate of infection in the area (red – orange – yellow or green) and the number of entrances to the synagogue.
  3. 1 worshiper for every 4m
  4. There must be a separation of 2 seats between worshipers

25 September

Details of Friday’s lockdown from 2pm.

Updated at 15.04 פm

  • Restriction on movement – no more than 1km from home except for permissible activities.
  • Supermarkets, pharma and optical will be open
  • Markets closed
  • Swimming pools, gyms and fitness clubs, hairdressers, beauty salons and all entertainment – closed
  • All shops are able to operate a delivery service only
  • Restaurants – closed but home deliveries are allowed
  • All gatherings (even to the park), synagogues open for Yom Kippur services only and demonstrations – 20 people outside within 1,000m from home.
  • Forbidden to be in the home of another
  • Sport – alone or with your nuclear family only
  • You can leave the home for medical services, alternative medical services and mental health services which will continue to operate as usual.
  • Public transport – very limited services
  • Ben Gurion Airport – regulations still pending
  • Workplace – essential services only with the exception of the large hi-tech companies (no visitors allowed), delivery and building industry, Bituach Leumi and banks also.
  • Demonstrations and prayer services – maximum of 20 people outside
  • Education – closed until after Simchat Torah (except special-ed)
  • Masks, hygiene and social distancing must be observed
  • Fines for those defying directives

24 September

Lockdown comes into effect at 14:00, Friday, September 25th, 2020

Restriction on movement – 1,000m from your home (except under special circumstances)

Synagogues Closed except for 25 hours of Yom Kippur Outdoors only in capsules of 20 people. 1km from home.  Limited number of worshipers.
Demonstrations Allowed Outdoors only in capsules of 20 people. 1km from home
Gatherings Allowed Up to 5 people
Workplace Private & public sectors Only essential services (to be published later)
Essential services Open Pharma, food outlets and other
Markets Closed
Factories Operating
Education Closed Special-ed and services for youth at risk continue as usual
Sport Closed International games to continue
Public transport Operating Limited service (as per March)
Ben Gurion Airport Open Open for departures and will close completely before Sukkot.

23 September

Corona cabinet meets again today to finalize the proposed restrictions and tightening  the current lockdown and is expected to include:

  • Synagogues and Mikvot are expected to close after Yom Kippur
  • Shuttering of markets as well as those selling the 4 species
  • Restrictions on workplace to include an age restriction (from age 55)
  • No more than 5 people at indoor gatherings

17 September

Update: the distance that members of the public will be able to move has been extended from 500m from their homes to 1,000m from their homes.

  • Lockdown comes into effect at 14:00h, Friday, September 18th, 2020 – Erev Rosh Hashanah – תשפ”א – and will remain in effect for the next 3 weeks.
  • The Knesset approves the proposed directives early this morning
  • Movement from home is limited to 500m except under special circumstances. This excludes:
    – Those working outside their home and soldiers going to and from their base
    – Purchase of medicine, food and essential products and services
    – Travel for medical care and essential social services
    – Blood donation
    – Circumcisions or funerals
    – Travel to visit victims of the Yom Kippur War who were family members of those traveling
    – Permitted educational institutions
    – Visits by people with disabilities with their family members
    – Women who require immersion in the mikvah
    – Cantors and their family who have permission to lead prayer services
    – To bring a minor to the home of a divorced parent
    – Essential care for an animal
    – Travel to the Knesset
    – Participation in a protest
    – Arrival to a legal hearing
    – Aid for a person in need
    – Travel to the airport within eight hours of a flight
    – Travel from one residence to another for the same person, including to quarantine, from an educational or medical institution to a residence or moving from one apartment to another
    – Sports or exercise by oneself or with those living with them
  • Traveling more than 500 meters for home to prayer, even on the High Holy Days, is forbidden.
  • It is forbidden to stay in another person’s residence when not there for a permitted purpose, such as for work or helping someone in need
  • It is forbidden to stay at the beach, except for when performing a permitted sports activity
  • Gatherings
    – Up to 10 people inside, 20 people outside
    – Two meters must be maintained between people
    – Masks are required
    – Three people in a vehicle (except family members) and up to one additional person on each bench
  • Capsule system for pray services according to red, orange and green zones.  A complicated set of parameters determine the number of permissible worshipers; size of the structure, number of entrances, indoor prayer, outdoor prayer etc.  In ‘red’ zones capsule size is 10 persons indoors.
  • All customer-facing businesses – closed including retail, culture, leisure and tourist attractions, swimming pools, gyms and restaurants
    – Businesses that are not customer-facing may open and operate as usual
    – Deliveries will also operate as usual (restaurants deliveries only)
  • Essential services remain open; grocery stores, pharmacies, establishments selling hygienic products, hardware, communication and medical devices and opticians, will remain open – even in malls or marketplaces
    – Customers can be received in essential workplaces in which services cannot be received remotely (post office, bank)
    – Hotel and rental units, when being used as a residential alternative, but without use of public spaces
    – From Wednesday, September 23, to Thursday, October 1, travel to purchase the “four species” for Sukkot, to build a sukkah or to perform the Kaparot ritual will be permitted
  • Education system – closed except for special education and programs for youth-at-risk
  • Public transport
    – In a city bus a maximum of 32 passengers
    – In an intercity bus a maximum of 30 passengers
    – In an accordion bus a maximum of 50 passengers
    – By bus – 50% of the number specified in the vehicle license
    – Trains – 50% of the number of seats
    – Taxis – The driver and one passenger or the driver and two passengers, if one of the passengers is a person who needs an escort or the passengers live together
    – No eating on public transportation
    – Ticket may not be purchased from the driver, except in special circumstances
    – An inspector will monitor the directives
    – Passengers cannot sit in the two rows behind the driver unless there is an approved partition
    – No standing on intercity buses
    – No standing near the row behind the driver on inner-city buses
    – In taxis, a passenger cannot sit next to the driver unless there is an approved partition
    – If possible, windows should be opened
    – Train tickets should be purchased in advance
  • Public / private sector
    – The number of employees working out of government ministries, local authorities and religious councils should not exceed 10 employees or 50%, whichever is higher
    – Non-customer facing businesses can continue work as usual, according to the Purple Ribbon outline
  • Jerusalem Post full article

16 September

  • Movement more than 500 meters from home forbidden but you can leave the house for groceries and pharma, medical treatments, essential social services, neighborhood walks or jogs. Beach visits are permissible but swimming is not. Neighborhood parks will remain open
  • Supermarkets open, pharmacies too, restaurants closed (except for deliveries), shopping malls, beauty salons and hairdressers will be closed.  Hotels and zimmerim closed.
  • Schools to close on Thursday (instead of Friday).  Kindergartens will be closed except for special ed.
  • Public gatherings: 10 people inside or 20 people outside
  • Demonstrations are permissible
  • Caregivers may provide their services in the homes whereat they are employed. Day centers for the elderly will remain open under the ‘purple ribbon’ directive.
  • Funerals – 20 people. Mikvehs (ritual purification baths) will remain open
  • Mahane Yehuda market in Jerusalem and Carmel market in Tel Aviv to remain open.
  • Court hearings will continue
  • Practicing the ritual of the 4 species during Sukkot is allowed up to 500 m from your home.
  • Synagogue attendance for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur:
    • Outdoors: in capsules of 20 worshipers, 2 meters between capsules, capsules partitioned and demarcated, an empty seat between worshipers who are not from the same household, permanent seating within your capsule.
    • Indoors in red zones (almost all of Israel): in capsules of 10 worshipers adjacent to each entrance and 2 or 3 capsules at each entrance
    • Indoors in orange zones in capsules of 25 worshipers and up to 2 capsules at each entrance
  • Public transport will run at 50% capacity.  Inter-city buses will not run on weekends but inner-city buses will (of course only in a handful of towns that usually operate buses on weekends. Night lines, student lines and other special lines will cease to operate. Taxis will operate as usual.  The airport remains open
  • Soldiers will be allowed to travel back to their families
  • Children of divorced parents will be allowed to commute to other cities or towns
  • Public sector workers to operate in limited capacity. Private sector work as usual, following Purple Ribbon directives (no visitors allowed) and a maximum of 10 workers on the premises.

15 September

4;00pm Update

  • Beauty salons and hairdressers to close
  • You will be allowed to leave the house for groceries and pharma, also alternative medical treatments, for essential social services for doctors appointments and psychological services.
  • Attending a demonstration is permissible
  • Court hearings will continue
  • For Rosh Hashana the movement of shofar blowers and chazanim will not be restricted.
  • Caregivers can continue to provide services at the homes where they are employed.
  • Funerals with a maximum of 20 participants
  • Mikvehs (ritual purification baths) will remain open
  • Enjoy a walk or a jog on your own – the 500 m restriction does not apply
  • Visits to the beach are permissible but swimming is not.
  • The 4 species (for Sukkot) are considered essential and you will be able to purchase them and practice the ritual up to 500 m from your home.
  • Day centers for the elderly will remain open under the ‘purple ribbon’ directive.
  • Foreign workers entering Israel for the farming sector can continue to do so as well as Palestinians entering for the building sector.
  • Fruit and vegetable markets will all probably remain open
  • Synagogue attendance for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur only:
    • Outdoors: in capsules of 20 worshipers, 2 meters between capsules, capsules partitioned and demarcated, an empty seat between worshipers who are not from the same household, permanent seating within your capsule.
    • Indoors in red zones (almost all of Israel): in capsules of 10 worshipers adjacent to each entrance and 2 or 3 capsules at each entrance
    • Indoors in orange zones in capsules of 25 worshipers and up to 2 capsules at each entrance
  • Kindergartens will be closed (only special ed operational)
  • Residents of boarding schools, dormitories and yeshivot will not be let out until the end of Sukkot.

  • Movement more than 500 meters from home forbidden.  However families will be allowed to take walks in their neighborhoods beyond 500 m. Fines will be issued to offenders.
  • People can partake of sporting activities on their own. Which sports? We still do not know. Israel’s basketball and soccer teams will also continue to train and play
  • Neighborhood parks will remain open
  • Public gatherings: 10 people inside or 20 people outside
  • Education system closes on Friday (except for special ed)
  • Shuttering of businesses, restaurants (except for delivery – no take-aways) and shopping malls. Despite intense pressure hotels and zimmerim will remain closed.
  • It is still unclear if  beauty salons and hairdressers will remain open.
  • Public sector workers to operate in limited capacity. Private sector work as usual, following Purple Ribbon directives (no visitors allowed)
  • Public transport will run at 50% capacity.  Inter-city buses will not run on weekends but inner-city buses will (of course only in a handful of towns that usually operate buses on weekends.
  • Taxis will operate as usual
  • Night lines, student lines and other special lines will cease to operate.
  • The airport to remain open.  Members of the public who will be flying over the next few days will have to present a valid ticket, 4 hours prior to departure as proof.
  • Immigrants will still be allowed to enter the country.
  • Soldiers will not be under lockdown and will be allowed to travel back to their families
  • Children of divorced parents will be allowed to commute to other cities or towns and are not affected by the 500 m directive.

14 September

  • A 3 week lockdown commencing Friday, 18th September, 2020 up to and including Simchat Torah – 9 October, 2020
  • Movement more than 500 meters from home forbidden
  • Public gatherings: 10 people inside or 20 people outside
  • Education system closes on Friday (except for special ed) – remote learning comes into effect.
  • Shuttering of businesses, restaurants (except for delivery), hotels and shopping malls.
  • Public sector workers to operate in limited capacity. Private sector work as usual, following Purple Ribbon directives (no visitors allowed)
  • The airport to remain open
  • People can do sports activities on their own.

Still to be finalized

  • Prayer services for the Chagim still to be finalized
  • Demonstrations
  • Public transport
  • Government offices

slider 13 September

Stage 1

  • Movement to be limited to 500m from home
  • Schools likely to close from Wednesday
  • Closure of the private and public sectors (except for essential services, including supermarkets and pharmacies)
  • Restaurants will be closed, except for delivery.
  • Activities related to leisure, entertainment, recreation, and tourism will all be barred.
  • Public gatherings: 10 people inside or 20 people outside

Stage 2

  • Inter city transit will not be allowed
  • Cancellation of the 500m directive
  • Public gatherings: 10 people inside or 20 people outside
  • Schools to remain closed
  • Leisure and entertainment activities remain shuttered
  • Internal tourism – closed
  • Up to 50% of employees will be allowed to return to work.

11 September

Phase 1

  • Movement to be limited to 500m from home
  • Schools will be closed (special ed will continue as normal}
  • 5th graders and upwards will study remotely
  • Businesses and the public sector will be closed, except for essential services, including supermarkets and pharmacies
  • Some public prayers will be allowed, but details are not yet available
  • Restaurants will be closed, except for delivery.
  • Activities related to leisure, entertainment, recreation, and tourism will all be barred.
  • Public transport needs to be assessed and addressed

Phase 2

  • Inter city transit will not be allowed
  • Outdoor gatherings will be capped at 20 people, and indoor gatherings at 10
  • Restaurants to remain closed, except for deliveries.
  • Leisure and entertainment activities and malls will be closed.
  • Business places will be barred from receiving customers
  • Schools will remain closed. The renewal of in-person studies will be reviewed after the Sukkot holiday in early October.
  • The public sector will operate in an “emergency format” (no further details yet).
  • Private businesses, including offices and factories, will be limited to 30-50 percent worker capacity, and will not be allowed to receive customers.
  • Working from home is encouraged
  • Public transport needs to be assessed and addressed

Phase 3

  • The 3rd and final phase will see the implementation of Prof. Ronny Gamzu’s traffic light plan which addresses each city and town based on its morbidity rate. Red zones with strictest restriction, orange, yellow and green with the latter enjoying fewer and more lenient directives.
  • Public transport needs to be assessed and addressed accordingly

8th September

The final list of red zones under night curfew

Elad Bnei Brak Beitar Illit
Beit Shemesh Emanuel Kfar Kasam
Tira Uhm El Faham Taibeh

A final decision on these zones is still pending

Eilat Ashkelon Sderot
Netivot Kochav Yair Ashdod
Kiryat Yearim (Telzstone)

The night-curfew restrictions now include:

  • Movement from home will not be allowed from 7pm at night and until 5am the following morning
  • Businesses will operate until 7pm
  • The education system will be shuttered with the exception of special ed and kindergartens

6th September

Eleven ‘red’ towns and districts to come under full curfew from Monday

Bnei Brak Tira Kfar Kasam Uhm El Faham
Beitar Illit Lakia Daliat El Carmel Ma’aleh Iron
Elaad Taibeh Beit Shemesh

Curfew restrictions will include:

  • Restricted entry and exit
  • Movement beyond 500m from the home not allowed
  • Closure of all education institutions (except special-ed and kindergartens)
  • Business and commercial shuttering except for food and pharma

4th September

These 10 towns to come under full curfew from Monday and another 20 to come under ‘night curfew’.

Bnei Brak Tira Kfar Kasam Uhm El Faham
Beitar Illit Lakia Daliat El Carmel Ma’aleh Iron
Elaad Taibeh

These  towns have been added to the ‘red list’

 Kuseifa  Kafr Bara  Kiryat Ye’arim  Betar Illit
 Bnei Brak  Jaljulya  Deir el-Asad  Hevel Modi’in
 Hura  Hazor Haglilit  Kafr Kassem  Modi’in Illit
 Meitar  Ma’aleh Iron

3rd September

Restrictions for red zones are likely to include:

  • Restricted entry and exit
  • Movement beyond 500m from the home not allowed
  • Closure of all education institutions (except special-ed)
  • Business closure except for food and pharma
  • Public transport restrictions

Red, redder and reddest – a list of towns with the highest percentage of coronavirus patients:

Bnei Brak Tira Kfar Kasam Uhm El Faham
Beitar Illit Lakia Daliat El Carmel Ma’aleh Iron
Elaad Taibeh

31st August

This is the list of red zones as of August 31, 2020

  • A’avlin
  • Al-Batuf
  • Asfiya
  • Beit Jinn
  • Beitar Illit
  • Daliyat al-Karmel
  • Ein Mahil
  • Immanuel
  • Jaat
  • Jadeidi-Makr
  • Jaljulia
  • Ka’abiyye-Tabbash-Hajajre
  • Kfar Aza
  • Kafr Bara
  • Kafr Kanna
  • Kafr Qasim
  • Lakiya
  • Ma’ale Iron
  • Nahel Sorek
  • Rehasim
  • Tiberias
  • Tira
  • Umm al-Fahm
  • Zamar
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