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EmploymentIsrael Labor Laws for Teens

Israel Labor Laws for Teens

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Last Updated on November 22, 2021

Is your teen looking for a summer job? Must-know employment and labor laws for Israeli teens.

ISRAEL youth labor laws

As parents, we are often conflicted about our teens taking on summer or other temporary jobs.  The experience is good for them on many levels but the fear of exploitation is very real.  This is an explanation of the labor laws pertaining to teens and youth in Israel as outlined in the government portal (in Hebrew).

The youth labor law

Age Restrictions

  • During the summer holidays it is forbidden to employ anyone under the age of 14.  Fourteen to fifteen year old youth, can  only perform light work where no harm to their health or development can occur.
  • During the school year a youth aged15 or older can be employed however the conditions of employment must in no way conflict with the Compulsory Education Law.
  • A 15 year old may not be employed in certain hazardous jobs (definition of a hazardous job was not outlined in the article). Again the Compulsory Education Law is applicable here.
  • A youth, under the age of 15, who wants to work has to obtain a special permit from the Ministry of Economy, and specific rules apply regarding conditions and and hours of employment.

Workers’ Registration Booklet

  • The Ministry of Economy is in the process of cancelling the current legislation for a special work registration document/booklet for youth.  Until such time, a medical certificate and a photo ID of the youth or his parents will be considered as an alternative to  inspectors of the Ministry of Economy.
  • The employer must be able to produce these documents upon request and  the medical certificate and photo ID must  also be accessible to the youth at all times.
  • The medical certificate needs to be signed by your family doctor as a condition for employment. In certain jobs,  special permission from a specialist physician must be obtained as a condition of employment.

Working hours

  • Youth, up until age 16,  may be employed for a maximum of 8 hours a day, and no more than 40 hours a week in total.  Youth aged 16 and over, may be employed for up to 9 hours per day, provided that the working week does not exceed 40 hours per week. This rule does not apply to youth who have physical, emotional or mental disabilities and are employed in sheltered workshops in which the State Treasury participates in maintaining them.
  • Working over-time is prohibited.
  • Jewish youth are not allowed to work on Saturday. Other religious groups can choose their forced day of rest from Friday, Saturday and Sunday. This prohibition is absolute and no exceptions can be made.

Work breaks

A youth must be given a 45 minute break after 6 hours of work to rest and eat which includes a 30 minute break without interruption. The break is usually at the expense of the youth which means he/she will only be paid for actual hours worked.  For example if the youth works 6 hours a day he/she will be paid for 6 hours but he/she is not entitled to a break.  If the youth works 8 hours, he/she will only be paid for 7.25 hours.  It is important to get this in writing with the employer.

Night Shifts

The law in Israel states that no youth under the age of 16 can be employed between the hours of 20:00 pm to 8:00 am

Between  22:00 pm to 6:00 am, a youth between the ages of 16 and 18 cannot be employed except under special circumstances A special work permit for this must be obtained.  Call  03-7347440 for more information.

Keeping track of working hours

  • The employer is required to keep an accurate record of the youth’s working hours.  If this record is kept manually i.e. not using a mechanical/electronic clock, the youth and his/her employer must sign  the time-sheet at the end of each working day.  Encourage your teens to record their working hours separately as well.
  • Do not only rely on the employer in this matter. Buy a small notebook and record every work day, the date, starting time, break times and finishing times. Any decent employer will be happy and willing to sign and confirm your records.


Minimum Wage

Even if youth are willing to work for lower wages, there is a minimum and mandatory amount for employers to pay a youth who work full time (40 hours per week, and no more than 173 hours per month). The minimum wage for part-time employees is calculated relative to the hours worked.

As of December 2017, minimum wages for youth are as follows:

Age Monthly Wage (up to 40hrs/week) Hourly Wage
Up to 16 3,710 21.45
16 – 17 3,975 22.98
17 – 18 4,399 25.43
Apprentice (as defined by law) 3,180 18.38
18+ (adult minimum wage – 42 hours per week) 5,300 28.49

Transport & Traveling Expenses

In addition to salary, youth are entitled to be reimbursed for their traveling expenses, but the total amount to be reimbursed will not exceed ₪ 26.40 per day. The employer is obligated to pay only the minimum public transport cost for the youth to get to work. The employer must make sure that the youth has the means to return home safely!

Training or Trial Period

  • An unpaid training or trial period is NOT legal.  Youth are to be paid for every working hour.
  • Training days, special courses, meetings etc. are at the expense of the employer.  The youth must be paid for these hours.


Taxes  & National Insurance – Bituach Leumi

Until age 18 youth are not required to pay personal income tax. It is illegal to deduct income tax from a youth’s wages.  In addition, the employer is wholly responsible for any and all payments to Bituach Leumi.

Health Taxes – Mas Briut

A youth, under the age of 18, is not required to pay any health taxes.  Israeli residents under the age of 18 are automatically insured.

Fines & Penalties

It is illegal for the employer to impose or deduct any amount of money in fines and penalties even in the case of an accident like a broken plate or cup.

The contract of work for Israeli youth

Don’t take anything for granted – get everything down on paper beforehand!

  • Business name
  • Employers name and personal ID number
  • Employees name and personal ID number
  • Work location
  • Working hours
  • Hourly or monthly wage
  • Start date and end date
  • Job description
  • Name and details of immediate supervisor
  • Any other information that you feel is relevant

Best ways to find a summer job

Jacob Share runs JobMob and his blog is full of useful tips and information.  His tips for finding a great summer job are:

  1. If you were employed last summer, ask for your old job back.
  2. Ask someone you know if they are looking for summer/seasonal workers
  3. Ask family and friends to refer you at their place of work
  4. Ask family and friends if they know of any vacancies
  5. Get family and friends to mention that you are available
  6. Mosey on down to your nearest shopping mall and see which stores are looking for workers
  7. Business that tend to boom in the summer months are always on the lookout for workers. Food servers, ice-cream parlors, summer-camp supervisors are just a few ideas we came up with.
  8. Approach hi-tech companies who might be willing to intern your budding techie
  9. Don’t forget the power of social media – use Twitter, Facebook or even Instagram

Learn New Hebrew Words & Phrases with English & Transliterations – Employment Terminology

English Transliteration Hebrew
Break (lunch, tea) Hafsaka הפסקה
Conditions/terms of employment Tnei avoda תני עבודה
Deductions Niku’im ניכוים
Labor laws Dinei avoda דיני עבודה
Medical certificate Ishur refu’i אישור רפואי
Minimum wage Schar minimum שכר מינימום
Part-time job Misra helkit משרה חלקית
Salary/wages Maskoret משכורת
Shifts Mishmarot משמרות
Temporary job Avoda zmanit עבודה זמנית
Travel expenses Nisiyot נסיעות
Work experience Nisayon נסיון
Working hours Sha’ot HaAvoda שעות עבודה
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