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Medical & HealthCalling the Israel Ambulance service.

Calling the Israel Ambulance service.

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Last Updated on November 7, 2021

Calling the Israel Ambulance service and your entitlements.

Hebrew: הזמנת אמבולנס


Emergency Telephone Number – 101

 israel ambulance service

First step to calling an ambulance in Israel

Make sure that the emergency services telephone numbers are prominently positioned around your home.   Dialing 101 from any phone in Israel connects you with MADA – Magen David Adom – the emergency medical response unit.  The ambulance and paramedics will come to your aid, and give you the best care possible and transport you to a hospital if necessary.

Under the provisions of the National Health Insurance Law, a health-fund member (insurant) is eligible to receive partial or total participation in ambulance evacuation fees in the following cases as outlined by the Ministry of Health:

  • Anyone covered by national health insurance who is evacuated to a hospital by Magen David Adom (MADA) and is subsequently hospitalized is automatically entitled to full funding of ambulance evacuation costs
  • Anyone covered by national health insurance who is evacuated by MADA in a mobile intensive care unit (“NATAN”) and is not subsequently hospitalized is entitled to partial funding of the evacuation costs
  • One who is evacuated by a regular ambulance (not an intensive care unit) and not hospitalized must pay for the evacuation except in certain cases.  For specifics and more information, see the “Kol HaBriut website and the Ministry of Health’s English website

An insurant that was taken by an ambulance should approach a health fund clinic as soon as possible and present the ambulance report and bill. This, in order to settle the payment through the Health Fund, according to the above-mentioned regulations.

It is also recommended to make inquiries as to whether any other eligibility exists, beyond the regulations that are specified above and within the framework of the Fund or of the Fund’s supplementary insurance.

An insurant who doesn’t settle payment through the Health Fund within 60 days of receiving ambulance services, is obliged to pay the entire sum to the ambulance company. Thereafter, he may contact the Health Fund and ask for a partial or total reimbursement, in accordance with the regulations.

Calling your Health Fund can be a headache so we’ve translated their automated answering machines from Hebrew to English

Private Ambulance Services

Private ambulances are available countrywide, for your medical transport requirements if you are not covered by the Health Funds.

In any case of doubt, you may approach the Ministry of Health’s complaints commissioner.

Contact Tel: 02-5681257, Fax: 02-5655981 – 29 Rivka St., Jerusalem

Health Tips

  1. Hospital bills not covered by the Health Funds, are payable within 14 days.  Ambulance bills are payable within 30 days.
  2. Have regular family drills!  Explain and show young children how to call an ambulance or any emergency service.

Some rules are just ridiculous!

Myra, one of our readers wrote in..

After an unfortunate medical emergency, I took my hospital discharge and ambulance bills to my health-fund for settlement.  In spite of the law, I was surprised when I was told that I had to pay 50% of the ambulance bill.  I was told by the health-fund representative that the only way to ensure that I was fully covered for an ambulance and an hospital stay (which was not the result of a doctors referral), is to call the health-fund’s emergency number, ask for the nurses station, and explain the nature of the health problem to them.  They will then authorize and arrange an ambulance if necessary (and payment) as well as any hospitalization or emergency-room treatment, if required. In my case it was not possible to call the Health Fund for pre-approval as I was unconscious.  My young children did a fine job calling the ambulance and did their best to cope with this emergency on their own – they would never have been able to call the health fund for pre-approval.

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