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HousingPest & Bug Control Tips for the Israeli household.

Pest & Bug Control Tips for the Israeli household.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Last Updated on July 16, 2023

10 best pest control & bug extermination tips for the Israeli summer when the ‘jukim’ rear their ugly heads.


Pest-ControlPrevention is always the best way to overcome many unwanted situations. Here in Israel we live in an especially warm and humid climate which serves to increase the chances for pest infestation of all kinds. So, in additional to a yearly visit from a professional pest controller, be sure to follow these pest and bug control tips:

#1 – Keep trash bins tightly covered and empty them frequently.

#2 – Clean up crumbs, spills or food that falls on the floor, counters, shelves and other surfaces.

#3 – Store food products properly, including keeping them in sealed containers, off the floor and at the proper temperatures.

#4 – Clean the drains regularly in your home to remove any standing organic debris.

# 5 – Repair any leaks causing excess moisture in your home.

#6 – Avoid over-watering lawns and gardens, Not only will it save water, but excess watering creates puddles that become the water sources where mosquitoes and especially the Asian tiger mosquitoes breed. Their bite is painful!

#7 – Stay healthy by keeping bugs away. Many pests and insects are more than just annoying. Many of them are disease carriers.

#8 – Avoid damage to your home and property. Many pests can do irreversible damage to materials in and around your home.

#9- Most important!! Always ask to see the official license of the professional pest controller you want to engage with never use someone who is unlicensed.

# 10 – Remember when you call in a professional, make sure you get a warranty. A typical pest-free warranty is six to twelve months, depending on the pest.

Know who’s near.  Locate Oleh-friendly professionals in your area.

Quick reference household pest and bug identifier

Household Bugs and Pest identifier


Tips for the household

Grandma’s tips for non-toxic ways to control those nasty household insects

    • Leave a few tea bags of mint tea near areas where ants seem most active. Dry, crushed mint leaves or cloves also work as ant deterrents. Spray soapy water on the ants and scatter some garlic cloves in the kitchen.
    • Leave bay leaves, cucumber slices, or garlic in cockroach-affected areas as deterrents.
    • Citrus is a natural flea deterrent. Pour a cup of boiling water over a sliced lemon. Include the lemon skin, scored to release more citrus oil. Let this mixture soak overnight, and sponge on your dog to kill fleas instantly. Do not use citrus oil on cats.
    • Thai lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus) is a natural and effective mosquito repellent. It contains the natural oil, citronella, which is safe and effective; lemon grass citronella is considered more effective than true citronella as an insect repellent. 

DIY Garlic Mosquito Repellent

Garlic is a well-known insect repellent and is an especially effective mosquito repellent. Here’s how to make your own – mix one part garlic juice with five parts water in a small spray bottle. Shake well before using. Spray lightly on exposed body parts for an effective repellent lasting up to six hours. Strips of cotton cloth can also be dipped in this mixture and hung outdoors.

Do you know the Hebrew word for ants, cockroaches, and spiders? Click here for our free Hebrew-English word sheet with transliterations.


Watch out for snakes.  If your hiking, wear boots.  If you are strolling in the evening hours, use a flashlight to light the way.  Keep your garden free of refuse, piles of stones, dense shrubbery or thorns where snakes like to hide.  If you are out camping, check your sleeping bag, shake out clothing (which you should store high up off the ground).  

The Israel Poison Information Center at Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa, is the national hotline for poison advice and related matters.



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