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About IsraelDialing Access Codes & Telephone Numbers in Israel

Dialing Access Codes & Telephone Numbers in Israel

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Last Updated on October 20, 2021

International and local dialing access codes & telephone numbers in Israel.

Hebrew:  קידומת טלפון בינלאומית


Israel has a very well developed and highly efficient telecommunications network.  Competition between the national telephone company – Bezeq, the cable companies and mobile phone carriers is rife.  All of them are competing for your business and there are many opportunities for good phone rates and internet, landline, mobile phone and TV packages.  It pays to shop around.

Israel Local Calls – Area Codes

For calling between geographical areas, there are 5 local area code prefixes. 

02 Jerusalem area
03 Tel Aviv & Central region
04 Haifa & Northern region
08 Beer Sheva & Southern region
09 Sharon region


Calling an Israel local land-line from within Israel

Local land-lines have 7 digits.

If for example, you are in the 04 area, and you need to call another number in the 04 area, just dial the 7 digit number – xxx xxxx

If, you are in the 04 area, and you need to call a number in another area, you need to add the prefix.  So for example, if you are dialing from a 04 number to a number in 02 – the Jerusalem area, you need to dial

02 + xxx xxxx


Israel Mobile Phone Prefixes

Local mobile phones are comprised of 10 digits as do new telephone land lines issued by cable companies.

050 xxx xxxx Pelephone
052 xxx xxxx Cellcom
053 xxx xxxx Hot Mobile
054 xxx xxxx Orange
055 22x xxxx Home Cellular
055 66x xxxx Rami Levy
055 88x xxxx YouPhone
056 xxx xxxx Wataniya  – Palestinian territories
057 xxx xxxx Hot Mobile
058 xxx xxxx Golan Telecom
059 xxx xxxx Jawal – Palestinian territories
072 2xx xxxx VoB 012 Smile
073 2xx xxxx Cellcom local calls
073 3xx xxxx Cellcom local business telephone lines
073 7xx xxxx VoB 013 Netvision
074 7xx xxxx Orange local calls
076 5xx xxxx VoB Bezeq International
076 88x xxxx Bezeq local
077 xxx xxxx Hot Cable Phone Service

Calling a landline from a mobile phone, use the area prefix; 03-xxx-xxxx

Calling Abroad from Israel

When calling abroad from an  Israel landline, you need to dial the  general international dialing code – 00 or if you are a registered client of any of the undermentioned telecommunication companies, you dial their international dialing code, as listed below – 012 or 013 etc.

  00 General International Access Code
012 For clients of 012 Smile
013 For clients of Netvision
014 For clients of Bezeq International
015 For clients of Hallo 015
016 For clients of Golan Telecom
017 For clients of Hot Mobile
018 For clients of Xfone
019 For clients of Telzar


Calling from Israel to a land-line abroad

To call a land-line abroad you would dial as follows:

International Dialing code (00) + country code + area code + land-line number

For example a call to South Africa:

00 + 27 (country code) + 11 (Johannesburg area code) + XXX XXXX (land-line number)

For clients of the above-mentioned telecommunication companies, you would dial

013 + 27 + 11 + XXX XXXX

Calling a toll-free number abroad

Note: if you are calling a toll free number from Israel to another country abroad (1-800 number for example), it is considered a special call and you will be charged according to the tariff of the phone company abroad.

Calling from Israel land-line to a mobile number abroad

You would dial as follows:

00+ 27 (country code) + XX (mobile prefix, and drop the preceding “0”) + XXXXXXXX (mobile number)

For clients of the above-mentioned telecommunication companies, instead you would dial

013 + 27 + XX + XXXXXXX

Calling from an Israel mobile number to a land-line or mobile number abroad

The mobile phone carriers are now offering attractive packages which include calls from mobile phones to land-lines or mobile numbers abroad which include unlimited calls to selected countries.  Verify the precise details with your mobile phone carrier.

Telephone numbers for Israel’s Emergency Services









Learn  these useful Hebrew words & phrases

Hebrew, English & Transliterations

English Transliteration Hebrew
Area code/prefix Kidomet קידומת
Cost of a call Alut sicha עלות שיחה
Hello, goodbye Shalom שלום
I have a call Yeish li sicha יש לי שיחה
International dialing code kidomet bein leumi קידומת בין לאומי
Land-line number Mispar nayach מספר נייך
Mobile phone Telefon nayad (slang – mobeil) טלפון נייג (מובייל
Mobile phone number Mispar (telefon) nayad מספר טלפון נייד
On-hold B’hamtana בהמתנה
Phone package Chavilat sichot telefon חבילת שיחות טלפון
Please call me Na le’hitkasher eilay נא להתקשר עלי
Telephone Telefon טלפון
Telephone number Mispar telefon מספר טלפון
Unlimited calls Sichot le lo hagbala שיחות ללא הגבלה
What is your mobile phone number? Ma mispar hanayad shelcha? מה מספר הנייד שלך
What is your telephone number? Ma mispar hatelefon shelcha? מה מספר הטלפון שלך



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