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Israel InformationIsrael Embassies & Consulates

Israel Embassies & Consulates

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Last Updated on November 10, 2021

Locate foreign embassies & consulates in Israel and Israel embassies abroad.

embassies consulates israel abroad

Some Embassies & Consulates in Israel

Australian Embassy

Discount Bank Tower

(28th Floor) 23 Yehuda Halevi St   (Corner Herzl St)

Tel Aviv 65136

Tel:  +972 3 6935000

Fax: +972 3 6935002

British Embassy


192 Hayarkon Street

Tel Aviv 63405

Tel:  +972 3 725 1222

Fax: +972 3 527 1572

Consular: +972 3 510 1167

Canadian Embassy


3/5 Nirim Street

Tel Aviv, 67060

Tel: +972 3 636-3300

Fax: +972 3 636-3380

By appointment only

Guatemalan Embassy in Jerusalem

Derech Agudat Sport Hagudat Sport HaPo’el 2

Tower Building, 3rd Floor

Technology Park Malha

Jerusalem 9695102

Tel: (+972) 9 957-7335

Fax: (+972) 2 646-8488


Indian Embassy


140 Hayarkon Street

Tel Aviv, 61033

Tel: 03-529-1999

Fax: 03-529-1953

Kingdom of Thailand


1 Abba Eban Blvd.

P O Box 2125

Herzliyah Pituach, 46120


Fax. 09-954-8417

 Philippine Embassy

Carmel St.

Mevaserret Zion

Tel: +972 9 773 2555




18 Bnei Dan Street

Tel Aviv

Tel: 03-601-0500 or 03-546-1499

South African Embassy


Sasson Hogi Tower,

12 Abba Hillel Silver Street,

Ramat Gan, 52506

Tel:   03-525-2566

Fax: 03-525-6481

Turkish Embassy

202 Hayarkon Street

Tel Aviv 63405

Tel: 03-524 11 01

Fax: 03-524 13 90

U.S. Embassy Jerusalem


14 David Flusser

Jerusalem 9378322, Israel

Phone: 02-630-4000

U.S. Consulate General Jerusalem


18 Agron Road

Jerusalem 9419003

Tel.: +972.2.622.7230

Israel Embassies in Popular Tourist Destinations Abroad

Embassy of Israel in Buenos Aires, Argentina: Av. de mayo 701, piso 10, Buenos Aires,
Tel: 54 -11-43382500,
Fax: 54 -11-43382555,
E-mail: info@buenosaires.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Canberra, Australia 6 Turrana St. Yarralumla, Act. 2600 Canberra,
Tel.: 61-2-62731309/0, 61-2-62733541,
Fax: 61-2-62734273,
E-mail: info@canberra.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Vienna, Austria 20 Anton Frank Gasse, 1180 Vienna,
Tel.: 43-1-47646500, 43-1-47646510,
Fax: 43-1-47646555,
E-mail: info@vienna.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Brussels, Belgium Av. De l’Observatoire 40, 1180 Brussels (EU),
Tel.: 32 -2-3735500,
Fax: 32 -2-3735677,
E-mail: info@brussels.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in La Paz, Bolivia Av. Maruscal Sta Cruz 2150 Piso 10 Edificio Esperanza, La Paz,
Tel.: 591 -22-391126,
Fax: 591 -22-391712,
E-mail: info@lapaz.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Brazilia, Brazil S.E.S. Av. Das Nacoes Lote 38, Q 809 Brazilia CEP 704 24 900,
Tel.: 55 -61-2447675,
Fax: 55 -61-2446129,
E-mail: info@brasilia.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Sofia, Bulgaria 1 Bulgaria SQ, NDK Administration Building, 7th Floor Sofia,
Tel.: 359 -2-9515044,
Fax: 359 -2-9521101,
E-mail: info@sofia.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Ottawa,Canada 50 O’Connor Street Suite 1005 Ontario K1P6L2 Ottawa,
Tel.: 1 -613-5676450,
Fax: 1 -613-2378865,
E-mail: info@ottawa.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Santiago, Chile San Sebastian 1812 Santiago de Chile,
Tel.: 56 -2-7500500,
Fax: 56 -2-7500555
Embassy of israel in San Jose, Costa Rica Edificio Centro Colon, Paseo Colon, Calle 38, San Jose,
Tel.: 506 –2218447, 506 –2216011/6444,
Fax: 506 –2570867,
Embassy of Israel in Nicosia, Cyprus 4 Gripari Street, P.O.B. 25159 Nicosia,
Tel.: 357-22-369500,
Fax: 357 22-663486
E-mail: info@nicosia.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Prague, Czech Republic Badeniho 2, 17000 Prague 7,
Tel.: 420 -2- 3309 7500/1,
Fax: 420 -2-33097529
Embassy of Israel in Copenhagen, Denmark Lundeb Angsvej 4, 2900 Hellerup, Copenhagen,
Tel.: 45 –88185500,
Fax: 45 – 88185555
Embassy of Israel in Cairo, Egypt 6 Sharia Ibn-El Maleck, Cairo,
Tel.: 20 -2-3610528, 20 -2-7610458, 20 -2-7610528/45,
Fax: 20 -2-7610414,
E-mail: info@cairo.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Higher 16 Kebele 22 House No. 283, Addis Ababa,
Tel.: 251 -1-460999, 251 -1-461953,
Fax: 251 -1-461961,
E-mail: info@addisababa.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Helsinki, Finland 00170 Helsinki 71 Vironkatu 5 A, Helsinki,
Tel.: 358 -9-6812020,
Fax: 358 -9-1356959,
E-mail: info@helsinki.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Paris, France WEB-site
Embassy of Israel in Tibilisi, Georgia 61 D Agmashenebeli A. Ve. Tibilisi, 0102 Tibilisi,
Tel.: 995 -32-942705, 995 -32-951709, 995 -32-964457,
Fax: 995 -32-237133,
E-mail: info@tbilisi.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Berlin,Germany WEB-site
Embassy of Israel in London, Great Britain and Northern Ireland WEB-site
Embassy of Israel in Athens, Greece Marathonodromou Street 1 Paleo Psychico 15452 Athens,
Tel.: 30 -210-6719530, 30 -210-6719531, 30 -210-6722183,
Fax: 30 -210-6749510,
E-mail: info@athens.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Budapest, Hungary Fullank Utca 8, 1026 Budapest,
Tel.: 36 -1-2000781, 36 -1-2000782,
Fax: 36 -1-2000783,
Embassy of Israel in New Dehli, India 3 Aurngzeb Road, New Dehli,
Tel.: 91-11-23013238,
Fax: 91-11-23014298
Embassy of Israel in Dublin, Ireland Carrisbrook House122, Pembroke Rodeballs Bridge Dublin,
Tel.: 353 -1-2309400,
Fax: 353 -1-2309446,
Embassy of Israel in Rome, Italy WEB-site
Embassy of Israel in Amman, Jordan 47 Maysaloun Street Rabiya,
P.O. Box 950866 Amman 11195, Jordan,
Tel.: 962 -6-5524680-8, 962 -6-5525170-5, 962 -6-5524689,
Fax: 962 -6-5525177,
E-mail: info@amman.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Mexico City, Mexico Sierra Madre No. 215, Lomas de Chapultepec 11000,
Mexico DF,
Tel.: 52-55-52011500,
Fax: 52-55-52011555,
E-mail: info@mexico.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Kathmandu, Nepal Bishramalaya House, Lazimpat Street, Kathmandu
Tel.: 977 -1-4411811, 977 -1-4419103,
Fax: 977 -1-4413920,
E-mail: info@kathmandu.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in The Hague, Netherlands WEB-site
Embassy of Israel in Oslo, Norway Parkveien 35, 0258 Oslo

Tel.: 47 –21019500 Fax: 47 –2101 9530

email: info@oslo.mfa.gov.il

Embassy of Israel in Lima, Peru Natalio Sanchez No. 125, Piso 6, Santa Beatriz Lima
Tel.: 51 -1-43 34431,
Fax: 51 -1-4338925
Embassy of Israel in Manila, Philippines 23rd Floor, Trafalgar Plaza H.V.
De la Costa Street Salcedo Villamakati Metro Manila
Tel.: 63 -2-8925330/32, 63 -2-8940441/43,
Fax: 63 -2-8941027,
E-mail: info@manila.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Warsaw, Poland Ul. Krzywickiego 24, Warszawa 02-078 Warsaw
Tel.: 48 -22- 8250923, 48 -22-8252897
Fax: 48 -22-8251607,
E-mail: info@warsaw.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Lisbon, Portugal Rua Antonio Enes No. 16 Lisbon,
Tel.: 351 -21-3553640,
Fax: 351 -21-3553658
E-mail: info@lisbon.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Bucharest, Romania B-Dul Dimitrei Cantemir 1 Tronson 2+3 B2
Piata, Unirii, Bucharest,
Tel.: 40 -21-3304149/99
Fax: 40 -21-3300750,
E-mail: info@bucharest.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Moscow, Russian Federation Bolshaya Ordynka 56 P.O.Box 113095 Moscow
Tel.: 7-095-2306700
Fax: 7-095-2306768
E-mail: info@moscow.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Pretoria, South Africa (for Zimbabwe as well) 339 Hilda St. Hatfield, Pretoria,
Tel.: 27 -12-3485288, 27 -12-3485512, 27 -12-3480256,
Fax: 27 -12-3484216,
E-mail: info@pretoria.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Madrid, Spain WEB-site
Embassy of Israel in Stockholm, Sweden Torstenssonsgatan 4, 11456
P.O. Box 14006, 10440 Stockholm,
Tel.: 46 -8-6630435,
Fax: 46 -8-6625301,
E-mail: info@stockholm.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Bern, Switzerland Alpenstrasse 32, 3006 Bern,
Tel.: 41 -31-3563500, 41 -31-3563501,
Fax: 41 -31-3563556,
E-mail: info@bern.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Bangkok, Thailand Ocean Tower II, 25th Floor, Sukumvit Soi 19 Bangkok 10110,
Tel.: 66 -2-2049200,
Fax: 66 -2-2049255,
Embassy of Israel in Ankara, Turkey OK Mahatma Gandi 85 Ankara,
Tel.: 90 -312-4463605,
Fax: 90 -312-4468071,
E-mail: info@ankara.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Kiev, Ukraine G.P.E. – S Lesi Ukrainki 34252195 Kiev,
Tel.: 380-44-2948108, 380-44-2961731,
Fax: 380-44-2949748,
E-mail: info@kiev.mfa.gov.il
Embassy of Israel in Washington, United States of America WEB-site
Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations in New York WEB-site
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