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Israel InformationHow do I call Israel's emergency services?

How do I call Israel’s emergency services?

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Last Updated on January 26, 2022

Calling Israel’s emergency services is not that hard if you know what to say.  Here’s how…

Information you will need to provide the emergency services with – Hebrew, English and transliterations.


How do I contact the emergency services with my limited Hebrew skills? Hopefully you will not have to call the local Israeli Emergency Services any time soon but if you do, it is important to make sure you have the right information on hand to pass onto the operator or dispatcher on duty. To help you through what could be a traumatic experience, we have put together key information, questions and answers you might be asked to provide.

Emergency service hotlines – contact numbers


Mishtara משטרה


Ambulans אמבולנס


Mechabay Eish מכבי אש

100 101 102


פיקוד העורף Pikud HaOref


Chances are when you make the call to the emergency services, you will be nervous and stressed. You could be short of breath, crying or in a state of shock or panic that might impede your speech and communication skills. Now you can practice the conversation with our guide below.

Have this information when you call the emergency services

  1. Your location and the precise location of the emergency (these could be different). If you do not know the exact address of the incident take note of any landmarks in the area.
  2. The type of emergency
  3. A concise description of the emergency. What happened? What do you know? Who was involved?
  4. Your telephone number – the operator may need to call you back for more information
  5. Your name and address

The conversation in English, Hebrew with transliterations

The conversation with the dispatcher might go like this

Hello, I want to report an emergency situation / terrorist attack / an accident / crime

Shalom, ani rotzeh/rotzah le daveyach al irua / pigua / teunat drachim / irua plili

שלום , אני רוצה לדווח על אירוע / פיגוע / תאונת דרכים / אירוע פלילי

There has been a stabbing / kidnapping / explosion / burglary / attack / flood

Haya po irua dekira / hatifa / pitzutz / pritza / tkifa / hatzafa

היה פה אירוע דקירה / חטיפה / פיצוץ / פריצה / תקיפה / הצפה

In Jerusalem / Haifa / Tel Aviv on Jabotinsky Street, at the bus stop opposite the main Post Office / at the beach / downtown

B’Yerushalayim / Haifa / Tel Aviv b’rechov Jabotinsky al yad tachanat ha’otobus mul ha’doar / b’hof hayam / b’ir hatachtit

בירושלים / חיפה / תל אביב ברחוב ז’בוטינסקי על יד תחנת האוטובוס מול הדואר / בחוף הים / בעיר התחתית

One person is badly wounded and others are lightly injured / people are in shock

Yeish po ish echad patzua kasheh ve kama p’tzuim kal / yeish po anashim b’helem

יש פה איש אחד פצוע קשה וכמה פצועים קל / יש פה אנשים בהלם

There has been an explosion and a car/house is on fire

Haya pitzutz ve’oto/bayit alah b’esh

היה פיצוץ ואוטו/בית עלה באש

There is a person with a knife / gun / weapon running through the street

Yeish po ish/isha im sakin / ekdach / neshek sh’ratz b’rechov

יש פה איש/ה עם סכין / אקדח / נשק שרץ ברחוב

We are trapped in our car / apartment and the water is rising

Anachnu lekudim b’oto shelanu / b’dira shelanu v’hamayim olim

אנחנו לקודים באוטו שלנו / בדירה שלנו והמים עולים


My name is _______ my telephone number is ______ my address_______ my identity number is______

Korim li ________ hamispar telefon sheli __________ ha’ktovet sheli _________ mispar teudat zehut________

קוראים לי________ המספר טלפון שלי _________ כתובת _______________ מספר תעודת זהות________


Listen carefully to the dispatcher’s questions and instructions

These are some questions you may be asked:


Where are you located?

Ayfo ata nimtza

איפה אתה נמצא

What is the location/address of the incident?

Ayfo ze kara / mikum ha’irua

איפה זה קרה / מיקום האירוע

What happened exactly?

Ma bidiyuk kara

מה בדיוק קרה

Who was involved in the incident?

Mi haya m’urav b’irua

מי היה מעורב באירוע

Is anyone injured?

Ha’im yeish p’tzuim

האם יש פצועים

What can you let us about the condition of the victims?

Ma ata yachol lesaper al matzav ha p’tzuim

מה אתה יכול לספר על מצב הפצועים

Can you describe the perpetrator – terrorist / thief?

Ha’im tuchal la tet li ti’ur al ha mechabel / ganav

האם תוכל לתת לי תיאור על המחבל / גנב

Can you describe the vehicle?

Ha’im tuchal le’ta’er eich nirah ha rechev

האם תוכל לתאר איך נראה הרכב

Please stay on the line

Tish’aer al hakav bevakashah

תישאר על הקו בבקשה

Thank you, you can hang-up the phone now

Todah, ata yachol le’natek et ha’sicha

תודה אתה יכול לנתק את השיחה


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