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Israel InformationTerrorist Attacks in Israel.

Terrorist Attacks in Israel.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Last Updated on October 23, 2021

home front command pikud haoref

The Home Front Command – How to behave in the event of a terrorist attack in Israel.

Hebrew  – פיגועי טרור בישראל

We never know when there will be another wave of terror or even an isolated terrorist attack. Correct behavior when confronted with these dangerous situations can and will save lives.  Pikud Haoref (The Home Front Command) – פיקוד העורף – shares some valuable information with us.

There are three situations that the public and Israeli citizens need to be especially aware and suspicious of:

  1. A suspicious object
  2. A suspicious vehicle
  3. A suspicious person

A Suspicious Object

A suspicious object or Hefetz Hashud – חפץ חשוד is defined as an unfamiliar item in a location that raises the suspicion of possibly being used for the purposes of sabotage.   Weapons, ammunition and similar items can be hidden in school bags, shopping bags or any type of receptacle.  Seemingly harmless items like a loaf of bread in a shopping bag, can camouflage an explosive device.  If you notice a case, box, shopping bag or any other item left in a public or private location without an owner or without supervision do NOT touch it, move it, try to open it or peek inside it! The object may explode at any time.

Don’t ignore it and don’t hesitate – act immediately!!!

What do I do when I notice a suspicious object?

  1. Do not approach the suspicious object and do not join the crowd that might be gathering around it.
  2. Distance yourself from the suspicious object.
  3. Warn bystanders and ask them to move away from it
  4. Ask an additional person to warn the passers-by of the danger
  5. Dial 100 for the police emergency line
  6. Report the precise location and description of the object to the police.

Suspicious Vehicles

A car or a truck loaded with explosives can be detonated at a location chosen by a terrorist organization. The detonation can be carried out by a suicide bomber driving the vehicle, or by remote means. Car bombs are used for random acts of terror and also for specific assassination attempts. A  car bomb can have a large explosive load, thus achieving a potentially high number of casualties.  Car bombs can destroy barriers and can cause extensive damage and casualties.  The victims of these terrorist attacks suffer long-term emotional trauma. If you require emotional first aid can call ERAN – The Israel Association for Emotional First Aid by dialing 1201 .

When is a vehicle considered suspicious?

  1. If the vehicle is parked in an unusual location
  2. If the vehicle is parked for a long time in a illegal parking space
  3. If the driver of the vehicle appears suspicious
  4. If the driver of the vehicle is disoriented in his surroundings and appears unusually agitated
  5. If the vehicle looks overloaded
  6. For any other reason like suspicious number plates, unusual markings etc.

What do I do when I notice a suspicious vehicle?

When a suspicious vehicle is identified, it should be assumed that it contains munitions.

  1. Do not approach the vehicle
  2. Do not touch the vehicle
  3. Do not try to open any of the doors or the trunk of the vehicle
  4. Disperse the bystanders
  5. Try block any street approaches to the vehicle.
  6. Contact the police immediately – dial 100 and make sure you specify the vehicle’s location and the reason for your suspicion.

Suspicious persons (possibly a suicide bomber)

A suspicious person is a person whose behavior causes suspicion. Such behavior may be inappropriate to the circumstances or location.

Suspicious signs & behavior

  • Showing signs of excitement and nervousness. Heavy perspiration is one of these signs.
  • The suspect seems to reveal signs of collaboration and communication with other people by expressions, signs, hints and movements directed at them
  • The appearance of the suspect is unusual and does not match his personality.  His clothing may be inappropriate for the circumstances or for the season for example; a long coat on a hot summer’s day
  • The suspect seems to be hiding something under his clothes.

How should I act if I identify a suspicious person?

  1. Maintain visual contact with the suspect
  2. Inform the security forces and/or persons in charge; a store manager or security guard, the driver of a bus etc.
  3. Try to prevent,  if possible,  the suspicious person’s proximity to others
  4. Try to prevent the gathering of a crowd.

In any suspicious event….

Please help small children, the elderly and infirm to get to a place of safety.

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