Last Updated on November 6, 2021
Before making Aliyah to Israel – need to know first steps

Mazaltov on your decision to make Aliyah to Israel. Moving to Israel is exciting and many challenges lie ahead.
The practical business of moving to Israel is a huge undertaking, but we’ve broken it down into manageable steps and with our detailed and flexible Aliyah plan in place, you should be able to step into your new life and integrate with the minimum of disruption.
First steps – before making Aliyah:
Contacting the Aliyah organization and shaliach (Aliyah emissary) in your country
Aliyah from the United Kingdom
Extra Aliyah and relocation information
- Aliyah Benefits
- Aliyah shipping
- Bringing a car
- Choosing a community
- Aliyah tips
- Your first week
- Relocation A – Z
- After Aliyah