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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Last Updated on June 21, 2021

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Best Passover Jokes

Best Pesach jokes that will crack you up! This Pesach, in the hard dark days of the Coronavirus, we all need something to brighten our...

Favorite Matzah Toppings

Favorite, top-voted matzah toppings. Results of a fun survey showed the most and least favorite matzah toppings. The results are surprising.

Candle-lighting blessings for Passover

Candle-lighting blessings for Pesach (Passover). Jewish women are obligated to perform 3 mitzvot (special deeds); 1) Hafrashat Challah - separating the Challah bread for Shabbat ...

No oleh alone for Pesach.

No oleh alone for Pesach 2019 Host or be hosted with Keep Olim in Israel 's 'No Olen Alone for Pesach' program. Downloadable Pesach shopping...

Medications Kosher for Pesach

A comprehensive list of Kosher medications for Pesach as provided by Kupat Holim Clalit - Israel Clalit Health Fund.

Parting and Crossing the Red Sea

Parting and Crossing the Red Sea. This is the name chart that is mentioned in The Tu B'Shvat lesson in this week's Parsha Beshelach

Pesach Torah Reading

The Pesach Torah Reading. In the Pesach Torah Reading we discover why Matzah is the bread of 'Emunah'. (From Lev Sholom  – Rav Sholom Schwadron) מַצָּה זוּ...

Pesach Communal Seders 2018

Communal Seders in Israel Pesach 2018 - Nissan 15, 5778 No need to be alone this Pesach! A list of communal seders around the country.  This...

Pesach Cleaning Checklist

The count down to Pesach has begun. Cleaning never ends and it goes beyond Pesach but we've got just days to get the house chametz free

Counting up to the Omer from Pesach to Shavuot.

Counting up to the Omer. The Omer is counted every evening after nightfall, from the second night of Passover till the night before Shavuot..

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