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Must Read

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Last Updated on October 18, 2021

Recommendations & Testimonials

Jewish Agency – Yehuda Sharf 

I have looked at your website and find it very informative and extremely helpful to the Anglo community. We are aware of the importance of having information on-line to help new Olim and also about our partner organizations.  I wish you the best of luck in your important endeavor.

Cheryl Zlotnick RN DrPH, Associate Professor, Head, International Study Abroad Program in Nursing, Cheryl Spencer Department of Nursing, Faculty of Social Welfare and Health Sciences, University of Haifa

As an olah, I have consulted and benefited from the user-friendly Anglo-List.  But I see it is more than that.  In our collaboration between Anglo-List and University of Haifa, it is Anglo-List’s status as a community resource that is giving us the  opportunity  to disseminate surveys to learn about English-speaking immigrants’ struggles, successes and well-being.  Our finding may benefit Israel’s desire to assist olim, and perhaps even provide information to other countries who have an influx of immigrants.   I can’t thank you enough for your thoughtful and helpful collaboration!

Sara Jacobovici – Israel

It is hard for me to think of Anglo List as something separate from Suzanne Suckerman. From day one (almost 4 years ago!), Suzanne has extended her hand and heart to support me and my professional needs. She has guided me, provided feedback, made recommendations and has taken initiatives on my behalf. Anglo List is a dynamic and invaluable resource for me and it is directly due to Suzanne.

Thanks Suzanne for your time, efforts and energy to make Anglo List such a tremendous resource and for being there for me every time I needed your help.

Julie G – Israel

Just a message to say thank you for all the work you do on Anglo List!! You are really an angel! I wish I had known about Anglo List when I first arrived here but there you go! What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, lol! I’m a big believer in appreciating one another and SAYING so! So – thank you!! Your hard work is so appreciated and so helpful!

Dawne – Israel

You guys are awesome!  Love your website. You provide such great information!

Cynthia L – San Francisco, U.S.A

I just discovered your site today and am thrilled by the wealth of information and resources on your site. We live in San Francisco but will be spending the next year in Tel Aviv.


I just wanted to share the excitement – I was in the Jerusalem Post today, about my business. And I just wanted to thank Suzanne Suckerman for noticing me and wanting to encourage me!! It paid off!!


First-aid for Olim!

Chana – Perth, Australia

My husband and I were anticipating numerous difficulties with our Aliyah. About 3 months before we left Perth, I came across the Anglo-list. I was thrilled to find this kind of resource with so much practical information. The tips have all been incredibly useful. We have been here for 7 months and are now renting in Ramat Bet Shemesh. Even though we have a very supportive community here, I am still using the Anglo-list. I am able to understand my household bills and the phonetic vocabulary at the end of each article really helps me a lot. It is a great source of support and has helped us to overcome many of the challenges of our Aliyah. I am also finding the Business Directory really useful now – a great idea! Every time I use the website, I find something new. Thanks for this unbelievable resource.

Tamara K – Galil, Israel

The information on this site is priceless!

Trisha – Haifa, Israel

I just wanted to say THANK YOU for providing such a wonderful wealth of information, for those of us who have been in Israel for many years and still do not speak Hebrew well and to those who have just, or are about to, make Aliyah – kol hakavod!


Well done – you have worked hard on this.


I have passed this information onto a friend of mine, she is planning her Aliyah. I am sure she will get a lot out of it.


I am so grateful for the translations, they really help.


I’ve lived in Israel for two years and did not realize that such a resource existed. It’s great to know for those of us living in Israel as well as those contemplating making Aliyah.


My blessings go out to Anglo-list.com for making the aliyah process, living here, and wading through all that paperwork in Hebrew just that bit easier.

Thank you so much.

The Anglo-list I think, now covers every possible bill/paperwork and makes life so much simpler (if they are missing any, just notify them and they will endeavor to add it.)

Wilma – Haifa, Israel

I have been “following” your website’s progress during the past few years.

Heartiest congratulations are due to you – in that you have followed the trends of the new age of technology, especially that of the social networks genre, and you have harnessed your efforts in the world of up- to-date, state of the art, communications technology, with great success.

I take my hat off to you….as the saying goes…..Kol Ha’Kavod…..wishing you all the best and may you continue going from strength to strength.

Lynn U – From Pittsburgh to Rehovot

Even though I have lived in Israel for 43 years and I am for sure not an oleh hadash, I still truly enjoy your wonderful emails with suggestions, advice, and pointers on how to make life easier in this great country of ours. Kol hakavod!!!


I’ve been using the site for a long time and I really like how it looks these days. The information is very comprehensive but I would like to see more about holidaying in Israel and travel destinations.

Greta R

Thanks ever so much for this wonderful informative list. We shall use some of your suggestions.

Business Directory

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