Pesach cleaning downloadable checklist.
A few days left to get the house Chametz free.
The Pesach countdown has begun. We are in’ frenzy’ mode preparing for family and friends who might be joining us for Seder night.
Cleaning never ends, and it goes beyond the festival, but we’ve got just days now to get the house chametz free. I always try to remember which nooks and crannies I should clean, but I only sometimes do. Here is a list of all the areas in a typical household you could check, clean, and scrub. Remember, kitchen and dining areas are most important for Pesach, but you cou do a thorough spring clean while you are at it.
You can download the printable version of our checklist that incorporates Pesach and general spring cleaning. Pesach cleaning can be backbreaking, so follow these tips to keep your back healthy and strong.
Once you’ve finished your cleaning, you can get cracking with the shopping – we’ve also put together a downloadable and handy Pesach shopping list.
Download our useful Pesach lists
1. A handy Pesach cleaning checklist
2. The ultimate master Pesach shopping list