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Tuesday, April 1, 2025
PesachCommunal Pesach Seders in Israel.

Communal Pesach Seders in Israel.

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Last Updated on October 30, 2021

Communal Seders in Israel – Pesach 2017

seder plate

No need to be alone this Pesach! Benjy Singer of IsraelK is very kindly putting together a list of communal seders for Erev Pesach on Monday 10th, April.

We’ll be adding to the list as the updates come in.

Communal Seders in Jerusalem

  1. Chabbad in Bakaa
  2. No Oleh Left Alone for Seder Night
  3. Yiboneh

See the full list and details here….

Communal Seders in Tel Aviv

  1. The White City Seder (Why is Tel Aviv is fondly known as the White City?)
  2. White City Young Jews
  3. iTV young professionals Seder

See the full list and details here…

Communal Seders in Haifa

To be announced

Chabbad Seders

To find a Chabbad Seder in your area click on this link…


On Thursday, April 6 (a few days before the first day of Passover, also known as “Sedar night”) we will celebrate Passover, which is the Jewish Festival of Freedom, at the “Holot” detention center.
The purpose of this event is to become familiar with the detention center and the detainees, through an eventful and interesting evening.
The event is a call to close the detention center and to release the asylum seekers. While correlating with Passover and the meaning of freedom and liberty in Israel.
The course of the event will be as followed:
Gathering at the lot outside of the detention center – 15:30.
Joint reading of an alternative “Hagadah”, in partnership with “Rabbis for Human Rights” – 16:00.
Dialogue circles and African drum circles – 16:30
Speeches – 17:30
The evening will conclude with an uplifting concert.
We would love to see you!
You are welcome to contact us on our Facebook page and spread the good word.
Happy Passover

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