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TagsParshat Hashavua

Last Updated on June 21, 2021

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Parshat Hashavua

Parshat Hashavua Terumah

Parshat Hashavuah Terumah starts out with Hashem speaking to Moshe saying that the Klal Yisrael should contribute for the Mishkan for the

Weekly Torah Portion: Parshat Hashavua Mishpatim

Parshat Hashavua - Mishpatim, delves into laws relating to personal injury, loans, usury,  property damage and more. The end of the parsha

Weekly Torah Portion: Parshat Hashavua Yitro

Parshat Hashavua Yitro - Jethro gives some sound advice to the Israelites. At Mt Sinai they witness the divine revelation and hear the Ten

Weekly Torah Portion: Parshat Hashavua Beshalach

Parshat Hashavua - Beshalach. At the start of the parsha we learn of the miraculous forces with which God accompanied the Nation of Israel

Parshat Hashavua Bo

Parshat Hashavua Bo. The Torah relates that Hashem commanded Moshe to go to Pharaoh once again, but it does not mention any instructions

The Weekly Torah Portion: Parshat Hashavua Va’era

Parshat Hashavua Va'era The Purpose of the Plagues - we are taught that It is perfectly clear that the Exodus did not actually require any of

Weekly Torah Portion: Parshat Hashavua Shemot

Parshat Hashavua Shemot: R’ Moshe Feinstein points out Rashi's comments that although Hashem had counted Yaakov’s sons during their lifetimes,

Weekly Torah Portion: Parshat Hashavuah Vayechi

Parshat Hashavuah Vayechi. Vayechi is the Hebrew for "and he lived," The parashah tells of Jacob's request for burial in Canaan, Jacob's

Weekly Torah Portion: Parshat HaShavuah Mikeitz

Parshat HaShavuah MikeitzBy: Yoseph, a righteous person, dreamed about working in the field with his brothers, building sheaves. Pharaoh...

Weekly Torah Portion: Parshat Hashavua Vayishlach

Parshat HaShavua Vayishlach Contributed by: Rabbi Nissim Mordechai Makor Parshat Hashavua Vayishlach in a nutshell:  Jacob, who still fears Esau returns to the land of Canaan...

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