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TagsParshat Hashavua

Last Updated on June 21, 2021

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Parshat Hashavua

Weekly Torah Portion: Parshat Hashavua Kedoshim

Parshat Hashavua Kedoshim covers many mitzvot including the prohibition against idolatry, the mitzvah of charity, the principle of equality

Weekly Torah Portion: Parshat Hashavua Vayekhel

Parshat Hashavua Vayekhel - A poor man named Yosef once knocked on the door of a wealthy man, Moshe, to ask for charity. When

Parshat Hashavua Vayishlach – Part 2

Parshat Hashavua Vayishlach - Part 2. By: Rav Nissim Mordechai Makor Vayishlach - Part 1 There are some very interesting incidents in Vayishlach. First, when Yaacov and Eisav...

Weekly Torah Portion: Parshat Hashavua Vayeira

In Parshat Hashavua Vayeira Rashi comments that when Sarah Imanu gave birth, there was so much rejoicing everywhere. Many other childless

Weekly Torah Portion: Parshat Hashavua Noach

In Parshat Hashavua Noach we learn that Noah tried to convince the people to change their way of life. In a world of violence and corruption

Weekly Torah Portion: Parshat HaShavua Bereishit

In Parshat HaShavua Bereishit why does the Torah commence with “In the Beginning” rather than with the first mitzvah given to the Jewish

Weekly Torah Portion: Parshat Hashavua VeZot Habracha

When the time came for Moshe to die, he declared 'I will not die, for I will live and relate the deeds of G-d'. But G-d replied in the negat

Weekly Torah Portion: Parshat Hashavua HaAzinu

Parshat Haswhavua HaAzinu - The major portion of this sedra is devoted to the poem Ha'azinu. It is instructive to note that this poem or song

Weekly Torah Portion: Parshat Hashavua Nitzavim

In Parshat Hashavua Nitzavim our Sages explain that when we contemplate the judgment that is facing us, we need to do teshuvah, and then we

Weekly Torah Portion: Parshat Hashavua KI TAVO

Parshat Hashavua Ki Tavo is the 50th weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה‬, parashah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah readings.

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