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Israel Business Directory

Last Updated on February 13, 2022

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Dadook Diamonds & Engagement Rings

Photo of Dadook Diamonds & Engagement Rings
Work Diamond Exchange Ramat Gan Israel

We make buying a diamond engagement ring, in Israel, easy. Guys, you only have 2 things to do  to make your bride’s dream come true: surprise her with a unique, custom made diamond engagement ring and then  turn up to the chuppah on time.

Dadook – engagement rings and diamond jewelry.  Explanations and certifications in English. 

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Diamond Exchange Ramat Gan Israel

Dafna Saltsberg: Hebrew English Translation Services

Photo of Dafna Saltsberg: Hebrew English Translation Services
Contact: Dafna Saltsberg Cell: 052-4844026 Website: Dafna Saltsberg Translations


Hebrew, English

As a native speaker of Hebrew, English has fascinated me from a very young age.
I remember myself, only eight years old, at a dinner with guests from oversees, standing up with pure Israeli hutzpah, and introducing myself and my brother with the very few words I had acquired at school up to that point. Needless to say, my English was less than perfect at the time.

My interest in English boosted alongside my curiosity to understand the many volunteers, who frequented the Kibbutz I grew up in, and my parents’ home, where they were welcome to a home-away-from-home.

I was a real bookworm, and by the fifth grade, when I realized that translation does not capture all the nuances of the original text (e.g. accents, idioms, etc.), I replaced my Gone with the Wind Hebrew translation with the original version and enjoyed every bit of it. Since then, I have been reading in both languages.

My interest in the English language drew me to the English-Hebrew Translation Program at Beit Berl College, where I studied and received my diploma nearly 40 years ago.

Ever since then, I have been translating on a freelance basis –
from English to Hebrew and vice versa.


My translations encompass texts in diverse fields, including: medicine, pharma, law, accounting, hi-tech, music, real estate, education, psychology, sociology, economics, technical pamphlets, resumes, marketing, and more.

My clientele includes individuals and companies.

References and translation samples will be submitted upon request.

תרגום – עבור רבים – הוא עוד מטלה שצריך להתמודד איתה, עוד מכשול שצריך לעבור –
בלימודים, בעבודה, בטיולים בחו”ל, בהבנת הוראות הפעלה, ועוד ועוד…

עבורי תרגום הוא לא רק מקצוע, אלא גם אתגר – שההתמודדות עמו מעניקה לי סיפוק והנאה רבה.

מאז סיום לימודיי לתעודת מתרגם, מזה קרוב לארבעה עשורים, אני מתרגמת

מאנגלית לעברית ולהיפך (ולשפות אחרות בשת”פ עם מתרגמים אחרים)

טקסטים ותעודות במגוון תחומים: משפט, רפואה, פסיכולוגיה, פרמצבטיקה, אלקטרוניקה ועוד.
קהל לקוחותיי כולל חברות תרגום מוכרות, מוסדות, עמותות, עורכי דין, חברות שונות
וכמובן לקוחות פרטיים.

עבודתי מתאפיינת במקצועיות ומהימנות, תוך הקפדה יתרה על דיוק במונחים

והכל במחירים נוחים.

לפרטים בקרו באתר: http://www.dafnasaltsberg.co.il    052-4844026  saltsbrg@bezeqint.net

Dash Express Freight Forwarding

Work Ashdod Israel

Dash Express Freight Forwarding.

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Ashdod Israel

David Katz – Air Conditioning Technician

Photo of David Katz – Air Conditioning Technician
Work Israel

Air conditioning and refrigeration repairs and American appliances.

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Deborah Bach Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Haifa – CBT – – CLICK HERE

Photo of Deborah Bach Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Haifa – CBT – – CLICK HERE
Contact: Deborah Bach Work Haifa Israel Work Phone: + 972 54 652 3556

*Cognitive behavioral therapy *Family therapy *Holistic approach to problem management for achieving a healthier family *Life-style improvement *Pre- and post-natal adjustment *Assertiveness training *Enhancing communication skills *Creative and effective solutions to aliyah issues *Weight management *Navigating the Israeli medical system *Group therapy *Hebrew and English

Practicing according to the David Burns evidence-based TEAM CBT model: depression and anxiety and many other issues resolved in 5-10 sessions or less.

FREE: 1/2 hour telephone consultation for Anglo-listers


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Haifa Israel

dfsfjdsfksjflkj – CLICK HERE

Contact: fdsfsfjdsskfjskl

Diamond Hebrew English Translations, Writing, Editing & Office Services

Work Kefar Sava Israel

Diamond Hebrew English Translations, Writing, Editing & Office Services

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Kefar Sava Israel

DK Wellness

Work 1 הרב ס.בן אור רעננה Israel
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1 הרב ס.בן אור רעננה Israel

Donny Fein Insurance

Photo of Donny Fein Insurance
Work Israel

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Dr Alan Permut D D S

Work Haifa Israel

American dentist in Haifa.

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Haifa Israel

Dr Jacob Gordon

Contact: # Work 2/4 Ha Elanot St. Karmiel Israel
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2/4 Ha Elanot St. Karmiel Israel

Dr Jacob Hans – Chiropractor

Work 38 Hanassi Haifa Israel
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38 Hanassi Haifa Israel

Dr Lisa Kainan Kivun Chadash: Psycho-educational Assessments

Photo of Dr Lisa Kainan Kivun Chadash: Psycho-educational Assessments
Work 34 Beitar Street Jerusalem Israel
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34 Beitar Street Jerusalem Israel

Dr. Ram Kalus, Plastic Surgeon – CLICK HERE

Photo of Dr. Ram Kalus, Plastic Surgeon – CLICK HERE
Contact: Ram Kalus Work HaMenofim 2 Herzliya Pituach Israel Cell: 052-675-0606 Website: Dr. Ram Kalus – Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Ram Kalus was born in Tel Aviv and grew up in New York City. He has been practicing in the United States since 1990 and is Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, and the Israel Scientific Council of Medical Specialties. He has an undergraduate degree in Psychology and Music from Boston University, where he also completed his medical studies. After being appointed Associate Professor of Surgery in the Department of Plastic Surgery at the University of South Carolina in 1996, Dr. Kalus established and became Director of Pediatric Plastic Surgery at Schneider Children’s Medical Center of Israel, and has been senior faculty in the Department of Plastic Surgery at Rambam Medical Center, and is now senior faculty and consultant in Plastic Surgery at Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer. Dr. Kalus is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons and an active member of The Aesthetic Society (ASAPS), the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), and the Israeli Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery.

He has a practice in Charleston, South Carolina, and recently returned to his native Israel and opened a branch of his practice in Ramat HaChayal, Tel Aviv. Dr. Kalus specializes in AESTHETIC and RECONSTRUCTIVE surgery of the FACE and BREAST. One of his areas of expertise includes “Mommy Makeovers’’, combining breast surgery, tummy surgery, and/or labiaplasty after one or more pregnancies, as well as BREAST RECONSTRUCTION following mastectomy or lumpectomy/radiation therapy. Additionally, he specializes in pediatric plastic surgery. He performs state-of-the-art surgical procedures with the highest level of precision to achieve superior results and a totally natural and ‘’NON-OPERATED’’ appearance.

Dr. Kalus possesses a reputation for the highest level of expertise both in Israel and internationally. He is one of the most respected plastic surgeons in the United States with patients from across the USA as well as the Caribbean, Central and South America, Europe, the UK, Australia and Russia.


Find us at:

HaMenofim 2, 4th floor
Herzliya Pituach, Israel

ram kalus plastic surgery israel



July, 2021

“An outstanding specialist with golden hands! Highly recommended in his field. Great results. In addition to his professional expertise, he has a wonderful ‘bed-side manner’, is compassionate, fast and reliable.”



“Dr. Kalus performed a procedure on me and it was painless, even the injections and administering the anesthetic.  He was compassionate and I truly appreciated his professionalism and kindness.  Although my tumor was not malignant, Dr. Kalus relieved me of unnecessary stress.  Now, some 6 weeks later, I am delighted I reached out to him for help.”

A.B. – Maccabim, Reut

June, 2021

“A  great combination of compassion, professionalism and incomparable service.”


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HaMenofim 2 Herzliya Pituach Israel

Dr. Stuart Kushner – Geriatric Psychiatry and Psychotrauma Specialist in Haifa – CLICK HERE

Photo of Dr. Stuart Kushner – Geriatric Psychiatry and Psychotrauma Specialist in Haifa – CLICK HERE
Contact: Stuart Kushner Work Moriyah 44 Haifa ישראל Cell: 058.531.9848 Work Phone: 04.816.7684 Website: Click Here
My name is Dr Stuart Kushner.  I am an American born psychiatrist specializing in geriatric psychiatry and psychotrauma.
  • I treat individuals from age 18 and over.
  • I do initial evaluations and medication management.
  • I sometimes do psychotherapy , but often refer to trusted colleagues (psychologists and psychotherapists) for concurrent therapy.
  • I also work with women, including pregnant women and postpartum.
  • I see individuals in the LGBTQ community
  • I am board certified in psychiatry, neurology, and geriatric psychiatry, and also trained and certified in EMDR, a special technique for treatment of PTSD.
  • I am bilingual in English and Hebrew
I currently work at Moriah Medical Center, in Haifa, 44 Rechov Moriah.  (In the Merkaz HaCarmel area)
My hours are Sundays from 8 AM – 2 PM, and will be expanding in the future.
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Moriyah 44 Haifa ישראל

