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Last Updated on February 13, 2022

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Dafna Saltsberg: Hebrew English Translation Services

Photo of Dafna Saltsberg: Hebrew English Translation Services
Contact: Dafna Saltsberg Cell: 052-4844026 Website: Dafna Saltsberg Translations


Hebrew, English

As a native speaker of Hebrew, English has fascinated me from a very young age.
I remember myself, only eight years old, at a dinner with guests from oversees, standing up with pure Israeli hutzpah, and introducing myself and my brother with the very few words I had acquired at school up to that point. Needless to say, my English was less than perfect at the time.

My interest in English boosted alongside my curiosity to understand the many volunteers, who frequented the Kibbutz I grew up in, and my parents’ home, where they were welcome to a home-away-from-home.

I was a real bookworm, and by the fifth grade, when I realized that translation does not capture all the nuances of the original text (e.g. accents, idioms, etc.), I replaced my Gone with the Wind Hebrew translation with the original version and enjoyed every bit of it. Since then, I have been reading in both languages.

My interest in the English language drew me to the English-Hebrew Translation Program at Beit Berl College, where I studied and received my diploma nearly 40 years ago.

Ever since then, I have been translating on a freelance basis –
from English to Hebrew and vice versa.


My translations encompass texts in diverse fields, including: medicine, pharma, law, accounting, hi-tech, music, real estate, education, psychology, sociology, economics, technical pamphlets, resumes, marketing, and more.

My clientele includes individuals and companies.

References and translation samples will be submitted upon request.

תרגום – עבור רבים – הוא עוד מטלה שצריך להתמודד איתה, עוד מכשול שצריך לעבור –
בלימודים, בעבודה, בטיולים בחו”ל, בהבנת הוראות הפעלה, ועוד ועוד…

עבורי תרגום הוא לא רק מקצוע, אלא גם אתגר – שההתמודדות עמו מעניקה לי סיפוק והנאה רבה.

מאז סיום לימודיי לתעודת מתרגם, מזה קרוב לארבעה עשורים, אני מתרגמת

מאנגלית לעברית ולהיפך (ולשפות אחרות בשת”פ עם מתרגמים אחרים)

טקסטים ותעודות במגוון תחומים: משפט, רפואה, פסיכולוגיה, פרמצבטיקה, אלקטרוניקה ועוד.
קהל לקוחותיי כולל חברות תרגום מוכרות, מוסדות, עמותות, עורכי דין, חברות שונות
וכמובן לקוחות פרטיים.

עבודתי מתאפיינת במקצועיות ומהימנות, תוך הקפדה יתרה על דיוק במונחים

והכל במחירים נוחים.

לפרטים בקרו באתר: http://www.dafnasaltsberg.co.il    052-4844026  saltsbrg@bezeqint.net

Ulpan Aviv

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Work Jerusalem Israel

Ulpan Aviv Hebrew Learning

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Hebrew learning resources and free word sheets


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Jerusalem Israel

Ulpan Israeli

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Work Ra’anana Israel

Hebrew learning at Ulpan Israeli

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Hebrew learning resources and free wordsheets

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Ra’anana Israel

Ulpan LaInyan – CLICK HERE

Photo of Ulpan LaInyan – CLICK HERE
Work Israel Work Phone: +972 76-599-1122

Learn to speak Hebrew like never before!

*One or two hours a day with Ulpan La-Inyan *We offer friendly, state-of-the-art classes throughout Israel and via the Internet *Our innovative and super-effective language-learning program empowers you to take your Hebrew from the classroom into the street right from your very first class


  • Jerusalem
  • Tel Aviv

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“Love this course!!!

Ruti Mizrachi 5 September 2016

I LOVE THIS COURSE!!! I am so pleased with the concept, with the length of each session, with the love of the subject and the students that the instructors display, with the size of the classes… I could go on. But then I wouldn’t get my homework done.”
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