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Israel Business Directory

Last Updated on February 13, 2022

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ABZ Law Offices

Photo of ABZ Law Offices
Contact: Daniel Schwartz Work 15 Yad Harutsim Street Jerusalem Israel

We are pleased to introduce you to the firm of Ben-Tzvi, Schwartz & Associates.  Our firm is committed to the practice of law at the highest level.

Avraham Ben-Tzvi, an attorney admitted to the practice of law in Israel since 2009, has vast experience in representing and advising corporations.  He has guided many companies through the process of “going public,” and has handled literally hundreds of commercial transactions on behalf of his clients.  Prior to studying law, Mr. Ben-Tzvi worked for over ten years in the finance trades, in 2004 he began studying law, and was admitted to the bar in 2009, after completing his articled clerkship at a leading Israel law firm, where he worked for five years.

Daniel Schwartz, an attorney admitted to the practice of law in New York in 1995, enjoyed a distinguished career as a litigation attorney in New York, prior to relocating to Israel in 2016.  He completed the Israeli bar exams and his articled clerkship at a prestigious Rehovot law firm, and was admitted to the bar in Israel in August, 2018. Mr. Schwartz has extensive trial and appellate experience.  As part of his litigation practice, he negotiated literally hundreds of agreements, often complex agreements. He is also a certified mediator in New York and Israel.

The firm of Ben-Tzvi, Schwartz & Associates is thus uniquely poised to handle your commercial needs.  We have both the technical knowledge as well as the practical hands on negotiation experience to tackle your corporate matters.  We can:

  • negotiate on your behalf
  • draft and review commercial agreements and contracts
  • advise on the formation of appropriate entities to accomplish your business needs
  • maintain corporate records
  • address and advise on compliance issues
  • draft wills, powers of attorney (including the Ongoing Power of Attorney) and other estate documents
  • arbitrate and mediate disputes

We look forward to providing you excellent legal services.

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15 Yad Harutsim Street Jerusalem Israel

Dafna Saltsberg: Hebrew English Translation Services

Photo of Dafna Saltsberg: Hebrew English Translation Services
Contact: Dafna Saltsberg Cell: 052-4844026 Website: Dafna Saltsberg Translations


Hebrew, English

As a native speaker of Hebrew, English has fascinated me from a very young age.
I remember myself, only eight years old, at a dinner with guests from oversees, standing up with pure Israeli hutzpah, and introducing myself and my brother with the very few words I had acquired at school up to that point. Needless to say, my English was less than perfect at the time.

My interest in English boosted alongside my curiosity to understand the many volunteers, who frequented the Kibbutz I grew up in, and my parents’ home, where they were welcome to a home-away-from-home.

I was a real bookworm, and by the fifth grade, when I realized that translation does not capture all the nuances of the original text (e.g. accents, idioms, etc.), I replaced my Gone with the Wind Hebrew translation with the original version and enjoyed every bit of it. Since then, I have been reading in both languages.

My interest in the English language drew me to the English-Hebrew Translation Program at Beit Berl College, where I studied and received my diploma nearly 40 years ago.

Ever since then, I have been translating on a freelance basis –
from English to Hebrew and vice versa.


My translations encompass texts in diverse fields, including: medicine, pharma, law, accounting, hi-tech, music, real estate, education, psychology, sociology, economics, technical pamphlets, resumes, marketing, and more.

My clientele includes individuals and companies.

References and translation samples will be submitted upon request.

תרגום – עבור רבים – הוא עוד מטלה שצריך להתמודד איתה, עוד מכשול שצריך לעבור –
בלימודים, בעבודה, בטיולים בחו”ל, בהבנת הוראות הפעלה, ועוד ועוד…

עבורי תרגום הוא לא רק מקצוע, אלא גם אתגר – שההתמודדות עמו מעניקה לי סיפוק והנאה רבה.

מאז סיום לימודיי לתעודת מתרגם, מזה קרוב לארבעה עשורים, אני מתרגמת

מאנגלית לעברית ולהיפך (ולשפות אחרות בשת”פ עם מתרגמים אחרים)

טקסטים ותעודות במגוון תחומים: משפט, רפואה, פסיכולוגיה, פרמצבטיקה, אלקטרוניקה ועוד.
קהל לקוחותיי כולל חברות תרגום מוכרות, מוסדות, עמותות, עורכי דין, חברות שונות
וכמובן לקוחות פרטיים.

עבודתי מתאפיינת במקצועיות ומהימנות, תוך הקפדה יתרה על דיוק במונחים

והכל במחירים נוחים.

לפרטים בקרו באתר: http://www.dafnasaltsberg.co.il    052-4844026  saltsbrg@bezeqint.net

Diamond Hebrew English Translations, Writing, Editing & Office Services

Work Kefar Sava Israel

Diamond Hebrew English Translations, Writing, Editing & Office Services

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Kefar Sava Israel

Harry Brodie

Photo of Harry Brodie
Contact: Harry Brodie Work 2 Nordau Street Herzliya Israel Work Phone: 09-956-2864

Complete range of Notarial Services – signatures, translations etc. Free counseling: e.g. do you really need a Notary?
Service area: Herzliya – Sharon – Tel Aviv .
24 hour delivery service for almost every confirmation (some translations may take longer).
Flexible hours – easy to work with – Recognized translator of the Israel Translators Association.

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2 Nordau Street Herzliya Israel

John De Frece

Contact: John De Frece Work Ramat Gan Israel

John De Frece legal services.

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Ramat Gan Israel

Nigel MacLennan Attorney

Photo of Nigel MacLennan Attorney
Contact: Nigel MacLennan Work Tiberias Israel

Nigel MacLennan Legal Services

Legal advice and resources

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Tiberias Israel

Rebecca Hale English Teacher

Photo of Rebecca Hale English Teacher
Work Haifa Israel

Rebecca Hale, English Teacher, Haifa

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Haifa Israel

Translations & Advocacy by Hudi

Photo of Translations & Advocacy by Hudi
Contact: Hudi Jacobson Work Phone: +972-587-922-688 Cell: 0587 922 688 Website: Translations & Advocacy for Olim

Translations and Advocacy by Hudi services both new and old olim and helps them to calmly navigate the Israeli system in Hebrew, from translation of bituach leumi forms to credit cards and bank statements and of course, sorting out issues related to kupat holim. After working with clients of AACI in Jerusalem for two years, Hudi Liptz now offers private professional translation and advocacy services. She not only translates documents but walks them through the process and empowers her clients to understand them on their own. With a Master’s in Public Health from the Hebrew University and three intensive semesters of ulpan, Hudi has been through the struggles of learning Hebrew and dealing with Israeli bureaucracy and wants to help her clients get through it too.

Ulpan Aviv

Photo of Ulpan Aviv
Work Jerusalem Israel

Ulpan Aviv Hebrew Learning

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Hebrew learning resources and free word sheets


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Jerusalem Israel

Ulpan Israeli

Photo of Ulpan Israeli
Work Ra’anana Israel

Hebrew learning at Ulpan Israeli

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Hebrew learning resources and free wordsheets

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Ra’anana Israel


Contact: Sue Work Phone: +972 523 965 675

Start-up-nation and industrial powerhouse, Israel is unique.  Positioned midway between the USA and the developing Chinese and Eastern markets, my experience in English writing, editing and translating incorporates an understanding of both markets, opportunities and business practices.

Whether you are a company abroad looking to invest in the Israeli market or an Israeli company looking at opportunities abroad, I can help you improve your image.

With an excellent command of the English language, experience with content writing, marketing writing, editing, translating and other business correspondence, I can help you improve the standard of your written material.

I have worked with ministers, academics, inventors, C-level executives and SMB’s.

Priced per project. Let’s discuss the details.
