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HousingPay Water Online - Instructional Video

Pay Water Online – Instructional Video

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Last Updated on September 27, 2021

Step-by-step instructional video for paying your Israel water bill online.




Welcome to another Anglo–List video – “Step-by-step instructions for paying your Israel water bill online.”

Before we start I’d like to share some background information.

It’s important to know that utility bills in Israel are sent out in 60 day cycles. Different municipalities and regional councils have different systems.  Some municipalities and regional councils have a combined water and Arnona bills (Arnona is the Hebrew word for property tax) while others have separate bills for each.  Some municipalities and regional councils are connected to the CityPay payment portal.  CityPay enables you to pay a host of bills like water, Arnona, parking fines, school fees and other municipal services.  Some are not connected to the CityPay portal and those municipalities and regional councils have other payment facilities which can be accessed on their websites.

To use the CityPay portal you need to begin the process with a google search.

Enter the keyword phrase ‘citypay israel’

The first result is the one you need – w w w dot citypay dot co dot il

Just click on the link to enter the website

Don’t be alarmed! The citypay link automatically directs you to a website with the URL w w w dot city4u dot co dot il 

You will immediately notice that CityPay is a Hebrew website and has NO English interface so you’ll need to learn a few important Hebrew keywords in order to take full advantage of the site.

First you need to know how to recognize the name of your city or town in Hebrew and select it from the drop-down menu on the right-hand side of the webpage as we’ve illustrated here.

For example – Eilat, Ashkelon, Beer Sheva, Jerusalem etc.


You will also have to identify the Hebrew word for the type of payment you wish to make – and Here are a few examples of those

Property tax, water, school fees….

Now, make sure you have your water bill on hand, your teudat zehut number and your credit card details in order to proceed with the payment process.

The City Pay portal offers you a selection of payment options and profiles but in order not to confuse you or overload you with information, we will be paying a single bill using the standard credit card payment option.

Once you have selected your municipality or regional council, the utility you wish to pay and clicked on the PROCEED TO PAYMENT button a new  screen will popup and you can commence payment.

Before this, there is an important Hebrew term you should learn MISPAR MISLAKA which is the Hebrew term for CLEARING NUMBER.  Mispar Mislaka is one of the terms that pops up frequently on a host of household bills, so learn it and remember it.

Now we get to Step 1 of the online payment process.

The first thing you need to fill in is a client number which is usually a teudat zehut number followed by the clearing number – that’s the MISPAR MISLAKA – in the space provided.  Extract the corresponding information from your actual bill as is marked in red. Click on the DISPLAY AMOUNT button, as shown here in green, and the amount due will automatically pop up.

Click on the PROCEED button to continue or on the GO BACK button if you need to change an entry.

In step 2 of the payment process you are required to fill in your personal details and contact information.  All fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory.  Your name and physical address can be filled in in Hebrew or in English and that is really convenient.

Click on the CONTINUE button to proceed to the next step.

Step 3 of the online payment process asks you to choose payment terms. There are 2 options – the first option is a regular and immediate payment and the second option is for a credit payment in installments.  If you wish to take installments you will have to pay some interest.

You will notice that the amount due is shown in large blue numerals

For the purposes of this video, we are assuming that you will be making a regular and immediate payment.

Once you have made the appropriate selection, Click on the CONTINUE button.

You are now being directed to the credit card payment portal CREDIT GUARD.  Here you need to fill in your credit card number, the card’s expiration date, the CVV number and the teudat zehut number of the card holder. Once you have filled in these details, click on the blue CONTINUE button.

You’ll automatically exit CreditGaurd and re-enter the CityPay portal.

In Step 4, you will receive payment confirmation together with a transaction reference number.  If you’d like to make additional payments via the CityPay portal you can do so by clicking on the grey MAKE ANOTHER PAYMENT button, CIRCLED HERE IN GREEN, that allows you to make an additional payment.  At this stage you can also print your receipt by clicking on the PRINT icon.

Earlier in Step 2, you provided your email address when you filled in your personal contact details and a receipt of payment will be sent directly to that email address.

As we said before, municipalities and regional councils not affiliated with the CityPay portal will have payment options on their websites which you can make use of.

Here are a few other useful words we suggest you familiarize yourselves with….

Water bill…

Water authority or corporation…

Save water…

We’ll be providing a link to our website article – Ten, easy to implement, water saving tips and solutions for the Israeli household in the comments section below.

With that we have completed the payment process. We hope you have enjoyed this video, and if so, please give us a thumbs up and share the video with your friends. If you have a comment please share it below where we will also be posting other useful links

Thanks for watching and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel.

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