Last Updated on November 8, 2021
The community of Modiin Maccabim-Reut
Making Aliyah, moving to and living in the community of Modiin
Hebrew: עליה ומגורים במודיעין

Modiin is less than an hours drive from Jerusalem in the south and Tel Aviv in the north. In 1990, the towns of Maccabim-Reut and Modiin merged into one and are now officially known as Modiin Maccabim-Reut or just Modiin for convenience.
Unlike many of Israel’s other large and older cities, careful town planning, the strategic positioning of services, the modern architecture and consideration of the environment, have all contributed to the success of Modiin.
Ancient history of Modiin
The ancient town of Modi’in was the place of origin of the Jewish Hasmonean dynasty that ruled Judea in the 1st and 2nd centuries BCE, and it is where the Maccabean revolt against the Seleucid Greeks started.
Modiin Demographics
A community of about 80,000 people. Set in green hills and wadis, it was designed to preserve the natural landscape. Unlike the weather in other parts of Israel, low humidity, light winds and comfortable temperatures make it an ideal location.
The city of Modiin includes a residential area, the main business center, an industrial park, and all surrounded by greenery. The residential neighborhoods are conveniently built around the city’s core close to the railway station, shopping areas, business and commercial sites.
The community is made up of a young, educated, professional, Israeli population that are socioeconomically stable. About 10 percent of the community are new immigrants from the FSU, the USA, the UK, South Africa and France.
Modiin is a modern city. Town planners gave careful consideration to preserving, maintaining and promoting a green, eco-friendly environment.. Re-cycling is high on Modiin’s agenda. Collection bins for plastic bottles, batteries, newspapers etc. are scattered across the city and at some of the educational institutions. School children are actively involved in re-cycling with regular campaigns and activities in the city’s schools.
Employment opportunities in Modiin, Maccabim & Reut
With an emphasis on the environment and preserving the surrounding green areas, Modiin’s industrial park is located in the north of the city near the Ben Shemen Forest. The industrial park was planned to provide employment for 35,000 people in the fields of office industry, hi-tech, manufacturing, retail and education.
Education options
Around 25,000 children of school-going age live in Modiin. There are over 150 kindergartens of all types, educational frameworks and religious orientation. Contact the Department of Ganim (kindergartens) & Tzaharonim (after school programs) at Telephone 972-6079/6081/6123 for more information.
- 19 primary schools, 7 secondary schools and a yeshiva, offer educational programs in the fields of science and technology, arts and sports. For information on primary and high schools in Modiin, contact Department of Education & Information Telephone 972-6075/80.
- After school programs are available in the kindergartens and in the schools (see contact info above).
- Special education facilities are continually being developed in the city to meet the needs of all of Modiin’s students. Liaise with your Aliyah emissary and the Aliyah office of Modiin’s municipality for a list of special-ed facilities. Contact the Department of Special Needs at Telephone 975-0939
- Computers, internet and information technologies have been integrated into the schools and various learning program.
Adult Education
The Multidisciplinary Center in Modiin under the Open University offer bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Career development, personal advancement, women’s advancement and other types of training are also offered at the Multidisciplinary Center.
The Jewish community & religious life in Modiin, Maccabim & Reut
About 20 percent of the population in Modiin are Orthodox and Ultra Orthodox Jews. Reform and Conservative communities and prayer services are also held in Modiin. The Modiin rabbinate oversees the synagogues, Mikves (ritual baths), kashrut and all other religious public services
Youth Movements
Among others the Bnei Akiva Youth Movement and the Progressive Judaism Youth Movement offer activities for religious children and teens.
Plenty of transport options in Modiin
Transport Options: Conveniently located between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, Modiin connects to the most largely populated areas in Israel. In every main direction, 4 main highways connect Modiin to the rest of the country. Another highway is on the drawing board and this will feed in and out of Jerusalem.
Modiin is closely located to Highway 6 (Kvish Shesh) – the Trans-Israel Highway. It is a toll road, but one of the most convenient ways of getting across the country.
The Modiin Railway Station connects the city on the Ben Gurion International Airport – Tel Aviv – Haifa – Nahariya line. Modiin is just 17 minutes by train to Tel Aviv.
Modiin also has an efficient bus service and the night-time bus line (kavei leila) no. 222 operate there as well.
Entertainment & fun stuff
There are lots of parks scattered across the city, the largest of which runs along a wadi. It has an amphitheater used especially in the summer for outdoor concerts and gatherings. The amphitheater overlooks an artificial lake that attracts various bird species and aquatic fauna and flora. Walking and biking paths can be found around the city. Water activities are planned around the lake.
Numerous archaeological, historical and tourist sites are in close proximity. The Monastery in Latrun, Mini Israel and a military museum are easily accessible. In 2001 the archaeological remains of ancient Modiin were discovered. It is here that the brave Mattityahu and his sons lived; the leaders of the Maccabean revolt.
Every year, the national maths olympiad, a Purim parade, a dance festival, the national chess championship, a book week and art exhibitions are organized and held in the city.
Making Aliyah to Modiin
In order to help the new immigrate assimilate and integrate, the Absorption Department in Modiin, runs several activities for both adults and children:
Ulpan options and learning Hebrew
Mornings and evenings, the Department runs several different levels of Ulpanim. There are 3 different levels; Alef, Bet and Gimmel as well as a pensioners Ulpan. If your level of Hebrew is higher, or Ulpan hours do not suite you can get a referral from the Ministry of Aliyah & Integration to travel to another Ulpan in the area.
Olim Children
Olim children between the ages 6-18 up to 10 years in the country can attend the Study Center two afternoons a week with professional teachers and religious girls doing a volunteer program as part of their national service. The children get assistance with homework, have social activities, extra Hebrew lessons and a special course to prepare the young children for the first grade.
- Children grades 1-6 are eligible to participate in an intensive 5-6 month Ulpan every morning.
- Grades 7-12 also receive ulpan hours in Modiin or attend an Ulpan in Jerusalem.
When the Ulpan program is completed, the students are integrated back into their regular schools and are provided with extra assistance if needed.
Olim clubs offer activities in various different languages: Russian, Spanish, English etc. and include:
- MATI courses – Entrepreneurs in Israel, transfer from culture to Culture, Education in Israel.
- Lectures: subjects such as Israeli history, current affairs, health, army service
- Tours around the country, Israeli holidays and more.
Hosting New Olim
The Modiin Absorption Department can provide English speaking host families to help assist in the absorption process.
Employment for New Olim
The Absorption department coordinators connect the Olim with different human resources and employment offices and guide them through every step of finding a job and entrepreneurship.
Discounts on Arnona municipal tax
The Modiin Municipality subsidizes Arnona Municipal Tax for the first year and gives you a 90% discount on the first 100sqm of your home.
Volunteering is an excellent way to integrate into Israeli society. Today the department works together with volunteer families who assist the new Olim families with their integration process into the community and day to day life.
Housing options and rentals in Modiin Maccabing & Reut
- A 3 roomed apartment with or without a garden is about 3,600-4,000 shekels per month.
- A 4 roomed apartment with or without a garden is about 3,800-4,800 shekels per month.
- A 5 roomed apartment with or without a garden about 4,800-5,500 shekels per month.
Floor plan and design of a typical 4 roomed Israeli apartment
The starting price for purchasing a home in Modiin is from NIS17,000 per sq/m (roughly $5,000)
Thanks to the Modiin Municipality for their contribution to this article.
Very good reading.
We a family of 3 from south africa who made aliyah 6 months ago.we currently lives in dimona .we not very happy here because of no job opertunities no social interaction no friends and little help.
How do l go about relocating to Modin and find a 2 room accommodation.
Is there also amidar or public housing in modin?