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ALIYAHIsrael Aliyah Statistics 2020

Israel Aliyah Statistics 2020

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Last Updated on October 17, 2021

Israel Aliyah statistics for 2020 as published by the CBS.

Seventy three years since statehood, the population of Israel nears the 10 million mark and these are the official Aliyah statistics for 2020 as published by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics.

In 2019, 33,247 immigrants arrived in Israel – 18.1% more than in 2018. The largest number of immigrants came from Russia (15,821 immigrants, 48.2% of all immigrants), an increase of about 50% compared with 2018.

Immigration to Israel during the period of coping with the Coronavirus epidemic, March-June 2020:

According to preliminary data from the beginning of this year, there was a decrease of 65.5% in the number of immigrants compared with the corresponding period last year. Tourists who changed their status from tourist to immigrant were about 42% of all immigrants in 2020 compared with about 17% in 2019.

From 1948

Since Israel’s establishment as a State, about 3.3 million immigrants immigrated to Israel, about 44.3% of whom immigrated from 1990 onwards.

In 2019, about 33,000 immigrants immigrated, 18.1% more than in 2018. The rate of immigrants was 3.7 immigrants per 1,000 residents.

Of all immigrants in 2019, 73.8% came from the USSR (former), mainly from Russia and Ukraine, 7.6% came from the United States and 6.8% came from France.

In 2019, the decrease in the number of immigrants from France continued (2,227 immigrants), a decrease of 7.8% compared with 2018. (The peak of the current wave of immigration was in 2015 – when 6,628 immigrants arrived).

Places of residence and destination communities

The new immigrants made their first residence mainly in the large cities (with 100,000 residents or more): 13.0% of all immigrants in 2019 settled in Tel Aviv-Yafo, 12.2% in Netanya, 8.9% in Haifa, and 7.9% in Jerusalem.

aliyah occupations


The level of education among immigrants aged 15 and over who arrived in 2019 was relatively high – 74.8% of them had 13 or more years of schooling.

69.9% of the immigrants aged 15 and over were professionals.

In 2019, 4,251 immigrating citizens settled in the country. Together with the immigrants, a total of 37,498 new immigrants arrived in Israel

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