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Hebrew EnglishHebrew English DictionaryLearn Hebrew - Drink or eat soup

Learn Hebrew – Drink or eat soup

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Last Updated on December 7, 2021

Learn Hebrew: Do we drink or eat soup?

אוכלים או שותים מרק

hebrew drink or eat soup

It’s winter and time to enjoy a hot bowl or cup of your favorite soup.  What is the correct Hebrew? Do we eat or do we drink soup?  The Academy of Hebrew Learning shared this Hebrew lesson with us.

Although you generally drink liquids, you eat with a spoon, so would you drink a cup of soup and eat a bowl of soup? Like in English, in Hebrew the word drink is most commonly used when you don’t use an utensil. So in Hebrew, you would drink a cup of soup (without a spoon). However if you need to chew some of the ingredients and used a spoon, you would eat the soup.

Here are some useful Hebrew soup words

Hebrew Transliteration English
מרק Marak Soup
שותים מרק Shotim Marak Drink soup
אוכלים מרק Ochlim Marak Eat soup
מרק עוף Marak Of Chicken soup
מרק ירקות Marak Yerakot Vegetable soup
כף Kaf Spoon (noun)
מצקת Matzeket Ladle (noun)
קערה Ke’ara Bowl
אטריות Itriyot  Noodles
קרוטונים Krutonim Croutons
בתאבון Betayavon Bon apetite!

Did you know that Ashe Mast is a soup of Persian origin. This thick yoghurt soup is still popular throughout Iran. Traditionally, Ashe Mast is served as an entrée.  The Ashe Mast when cooked, slightly resembles a risotto. Great idea for the Shavuot dairy meal.  Here is the recipe…


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