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Older PostsCoronavirus: Daily Israel Updates - June 2020

Coronavirus: Daily Israel Updates – June 2020

Must Read

Reading Time: 29 minutes

Last Updated on June 1, 2020

Coronavirus: Daily Israel Updates – June.

Israel’s first Covid-19 Coronavirus case was diagnosed on February 21, 2020.  There are now over 24,000 diagnosed cases with over 300 deaths having been recorded.  Since the recent spike in cases began, we are seeing that the pathogen is far more widely spread, while there are hot-spot cities and towns, it is no longer concentrated on a few. We have to make lifestyle adjustments and learn to live with Corona.

Wear a face mask in public areas, keep the 2m social distancing directive and practice good hygiene.


 30 June – 5:19am

  • As the world ebbs towards 10.5 million coronavirus cases, Israel records a total of 24,431 cases. Yesterday, 686 new cases were diagnosed.  Israel has not seen such a rise since March 31st when 663 new cases were diagnosed.  The number of active cases now stands at 6,904. Forty three are in serious condition and of them 24 are being ventilated. Another fatality yesterday brings the total number of deaths up to 319. Recoveries stand at 17,218 cases. – Worldometer
  • Hardest hit, according to the Health Ministry, was Ashdod reporting 55 new cases yesterday and Jerusalem reported 77 new cases.
  • Following his promise for ‘new initiatives’ yesterday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Finance Minister Israel Katz announced on Monday a NIS 2 billion  recovery plan for self-employed workers and business owners to aid their recovery during the coronavirus pandemic. The plan includes special grants of up to NIS 400,000 for businesses whose turnover is up to NIS 20 million a year, who lost at least 60 percent of their gross revenue in May-June. Businesses with a turnover of up to NIS 100 million, who have lost at least 80 percent of their gross revenue during May-June, will receive the same compensation. Those who are self-employed with a turnover of up to NIS 300,000 will receive a grant as well, though the statement did not specify the exact criteria.
  • National Insurance Institute (Bituach Leumi) reports that, since the beginning of the crisis, 673,567 people have not yet returned to work.  Almost 1.1 million Israelis have requested unemployment benefits (Avtala).
  • Serological or antibody testing began Monday at Maccabi and Clalit health services, as part of an operation to carry out around 70,000 serological tests across the country. – Jpost
  • According to Sheba Medical Center’s Dr. Eyal Zimlichman, the average age of Israelis being infected is now around 40.
  • Israeli aviation company Israir has announced that it will cease operating all flights to the city of Eilat in light of the coronavirus crisis.  –Globes 
  • Only 289 ‘mask-fines’ were handed out yesterday bringing the total number up to 2,608 – N12

29 June – 3:30pm

  • The Corona Cabinet latest decisions. From July 9th – N12 reports
    • Events in a closed venue – up to 100 people; outside events – up to 250 people
    • Weddings and Bar-mitzvot until 9.7.20 – 250 people.  Thereafter 250 people in an open space only – otherwise 100 people in a closed venue
    • Synagogues and houses of worship, circumcisions and funerals – up to 50 people
    • Cultural events – up to 250 people
    • Institutes of higher learning: remote examinations
    • Public servants – 30% to work from home
  • Summer schools will operate as intended starting on July 1 for kindergartners and children in grades 1-4. Several classes will be held outside, and if conditions allow, the average number of students per class will be reduced from 35 students to 28. – Jpost
  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to take new initiatives to help the Israel economy heal – “I will make sure that the money that has been promised will get to people and will propose innovative new programs to get the economy moving.”

29 June – 6:38am

  • Since the beginning of the outbreak there have been 23,735 diagnosed coronavirus cases in Israel. Yesterday 334 cases were diagnosed bringing the number of active cases to 6,363, thirty nine are reported to be in serious condition and 22 of these patients are being ventilated.  The total number of fatalities in Israel is 318 (2%).  – Worldometer.
  • Unemployment rate – 20.73% which is 0.6% less than the previous week.  – N12
  • Over the last 3 days Jerusalem reports 98 new cases, Bnei Brak – 67 cases, Tel Aviv-Yaffo – 57 cases and Bat Yam reports 46 new cases of the coronavirus. -N12
  • Corona cabinet met Sunday but no decisions were made.  Most are against reimposing restrictions. Meeting will resume today.
  • Also under discussion yesterday; increased monitoring of the public and extending the authority of regional inspectors.
  • Ministry of Health recommendations for the current wave:
    • Limitation of religious and other gatherings
    • Remote examinations for institutes of higher learning
    • Return to capsule working environment and work-from-home option
  • Prof. Jonathan Gershoni from Tel Aviv University’s School of Molecular Cell Biology and Biotechnology “There is no change in the virus.  The virus has not weakened.”
  • Channel 13 poll: 85% of the population are concerned about the stability of their financial welfare.
  • Protests outside the home of Finance Minister Yisrael Katz continue.  Unlike others, members of Israel’s entertainment industry have still not received financial compensation
  • International news:
    • Global death toll over 0.5 million.  More than 4,700 people are dying every 24 hours from COVID-19-linked illness based on an average from June 1 to 27. That equates to 196 people per hour, or one person every 18 seconds. – Reuters

28 June – 5:19 am

  • Some worrying numbers over the weekend in Israel: a total of 1,021 new cases diagnosed on Friday and Saturday bringing the total number of active cases to 6,102.  Forty one patients are in serious condition and of them, 23 are being ventilated.  Eight new deaths were reported over the weekend bringing the total number of fatalities to 317. A 19-year-old woman, with multiple underlying health conditions, died of COVID-19, over the weekend becoming the country’s youngest victim of the pandemic.
  • A COVID-19 outbreak at a senior living home in the central city of Ramle attributed to health workers at the facility.
  • Coronavirus cabinet is set to convene on Sunday to weigh re-imposing some restrictions as the infection rate in Israel continues to climb. On the agenda:
    • Number of people in a gathering: 20-30
    • Number of event guests: 150
    • Beach-goers: maximum numbers to de discussed
    • Capsule system for summer schools
    • Capsule system at the workplace
    • Work from home where possible
  • European Union: From July 1st, people from ‘green’ countries can begin to travel again.  Israel is NOT yet on the ‘green list’. Among others; USA, Russia, Sweden, Portugal, Turkey on the ‘red list’. Countries will either be graded green, meaning they are safe; amber, meaning they are less safe than green countries; or red, which will result in any passengers returning from them still needing to isolate for two weeks.  The list will be revised every 2 weeks.
  • In the diaspora
    • In South Africa 7, 210 new cases were diagnosed on Saturday

26 June – 6:20am

  • Since the beginning of the outbreak there have been 22,400 diagnosed coronavirus cases in Israel. A huge spike in new cases of coronavirus yesterday when 668 cases were diagnosed bringing the number of active cases to 6,084, forty seven are reported to be in serious condition and 29 of these patients are being ventilated.  The total number of fatalities in Israel is 309 (2%).  – Worldometer.
  • The country could be seeing as many as 1,000 new cases per day next week – a worry for Israel’s health services
  • Latest restrictions
    • Bat Yam:
      • Schools closed for 5th graders and upwards
      • from 10:00am – 17:00 beaches closed
      • No public gatherings of more than 10 people
      • Increased monitoring of weddings and other places
    • Ashdod:
      • Rova Gimmel, Zayin and Rova Vav Chet
      • Schools closed
      • No public gatherings of more than 10 people
    • Arara
      • 2 neighborhoods still under closure and is set to continue until July 1st
  • Coronavirus cabinet to meet Sunday to discuss further measures.
  • This weekend: an increase in monitoring of directive compliance especially in entertainment venues.  (Remember a 500NIS fine for non mask wearers)
  • The Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer hospital, Ramat Gan, has reopened a dedicated coronavirus intensive care unit.
  • Ministry of Education evaluating remote learning and the capsule system for the 2020/2021 academic year.
  • Twenty three thousand pre-schoolers, pupils and teachers in isolation – 873 active cases of the coronavirus amongst them. 230 schools shuttered.
  • A 61% increase in the number of cases opened with social services
  • Ministry of Finance: strategizing ways to bring the prices of electrical appliances and food down.
  • Israel and the United Arab Emirates enter partnership: Israeli research companies and private companies from the United Arab Emirates will work together to combat the COVID-19 pandemic,

25 June – 5:20am

  • Since the beginning of the outbreak there have been 22,044 diagnosed coronavirus cases in Israel. Yesterday the number of  new cases of coronavirus reached 532 bringing the number of active cases to  5,796, forty six are reported to be in serious condition and 28 of these patients are being ventilated.  The total number of fatalities in Israel is 308 (2%).  Total number of recoveries is 16,248  – Worldometer.
  • Israel’s unemployment rate now stands at 20.77% – a drop of about 0.6% since last week.
  • The Knesset on Wednesday evening voted in the first reading to allow the tacking of confirmed coronavirus carriers to be tracked by the Shin Bet security service. The bill, which passed by a majority of 44 in favor versus 32 against, authorizes the Shin Bet to “help the national effort to reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus.” – YNet
  • Ashdod could become a coronavirus hotspot after 14 people there tested positive for the pathogen in past 24 hours
  • Nefesh B’Nefesh, the NGO which facilitates immigration to Israel from North America and the UK, announced that it had signed a contract with EL AL Airlines for 14 “Group Aliyah Flights” from New York to Tel Aviv over the course of the next three months.
  • A total of 20% of new confirmed coronavirus cases in Israel this past week have been identified in the nation’s haredi sector, according to a new report from the Corona National Information and Knowledge Center published Wednesday. The five haredi hot spots of infection – Elad, Beit Shemesh, Bnei Brak, Modi’in Illit, and Betar Illit
  • 3 streets in Tiberias under lock down.  The Mayor calls on Israelis to visit the holy city saying that the lock down is nowhere near the popular tourist spots.
  • The Israel Ministry of Health: The country could be seeing as many as 1,000 new cases per day, by next week.
  • Doctors and researchers: The growing numbers present a possible ‘loss of control’ situation.
  • Diaspora stats (Anglo countries)
    • South Africa see worst day yet – 5,688 new cases diagnosed yesterday bringing the total number of diagnosed cases to 111,796
    • Nearly 2.5 million cases in the USA with a death rate of 11%
    • Australia saw 24 new cases yesterday.  The country reports a 1% death rate.
    • Canada reports a 12% death rate.  Yesterday 279 new cases were diagnosed
    • In the UK, 652 new cases were diagnosed yesterday.  The country’s death rate is around 14%

24 June – 6:29am

  • There are now 21,512 diagnosed coronavirus cases since the beginning of the outbreak in Israel. On Tuesday the number of  new cases of coronavirus jumped by 439 bringing the number of active cases  5,335, forty are reported to be in serious condition and 27 of these patients are being ventilated.  The total number of fatalities in Israel has risen to 308.  Total number of recoveries is 16,177  – Worldometer.
  • Since yesterday, Jerusalem reports 90 newly diagnosed cases, Tel Aviv – 48 new cases and Haifa reports 17 new cases
  • According to a report from the Coronavirus National Information and Knowledge Center, Israel’s infection rate is now increasing by around eight percent per day and the number of active patients is currently doubling every nine days.- TOI
  • Health Funds have been instructed to carry out Corona testing, on those who are in isolation, within 48 hours, otherwise the testing is a waste of time.
  • Elad and several neighborhoods in Tiberias categorized as “restricted coronavirus zones” due to the steep rise in corona case.  From 8am Wednesday these locations will be subject to restrictions on gatherings and travel. This measure will last for seven days. Similar measures are under consideration for Bat Yam were the contagion rate stands at 5%
  • The head of the Shin Bet domestic security service, Nadav Argaman, has told ministers that they must keep his organization out of the business of tracking civilians after it had previously monitored the movements of COVID-19 patients at the height of the coronavirus pandemic – YNet
  • Continuing to be in the headlines is the looming crisis for half a million unemployed Israelis who will be losing their unemployment benefit in August as well as for seniors age 67+ who will be forced to make do with the Bituach Leumi supplemental income benefit of between 1,500 NIS – 3,000 NIS/month according to their eligibility.
  • The March of the Living to Poland, was cancelled because of the coronavirus and parents of pupils who were supposed to participate, have not yet received a refund.
  • International News:
    • Brazil: the last 24 hours saw 1,374 deaths and more than 40,000 new cases – their worst day ever

23 June – 17:30pm

  • Following the rise in infection, Tiberias, Bat Yam and Elad are under consideration for lockdown.

23 June – 15:00pm

  • 12,337 virus tests conducted on Monday and the National Information and Knowledge Center says 377 people tested positive for COVID-19 in 24 hours; city of Bat Yam emerges as latest coronavirus hotspot, with 5% contagion rate.  Bat Yam Mayor urges government to reinstate ban on beaches – YNet

23 June – 05:00am

  • There are now 21.082 diagnosed coronavirus cases since the beginning of the outbreak in Israel. On Monday the number of  new cases of coronavirus rose by 304 bringing the number of active cases  5,014, forty four are reported to be in serious condition and 29 of these patients are being ventilated.  The total number of fatalities in Israel has risen to 307.  Total number of recoveries is 15,761.
  • Former Health Ministry chief, Gabi Barbash:said that he fears “mass infection” and thinks that moves to take more steps back to normalcy mean that “we are looking for trouble.”  He went on to say that the decision to open halls for weddings was another mistake. “My biggest concern is the distribution of cases all over the country,” he said.
  • With the latest spike in cases Asher Shalmon, head of international relations in the Health Ministry, said that the government has acted properly. “It’s a trial and error situation and none of us really knows how the virus behaves,” He went on to say: “It was clear when we opened, things would shift and spike. The best way to avoid a massive eruption of a pandemic into our lives is to maintain proper measures, including face masks and social distancing.” – TOI
  • The message of the Corona Cabinet meeting on Monday – “we need to prepare for hundreds of deaths and thousands of new patients”
  • Fine for not wearing a face mask now 500NIS. Also at the Corona Cabinet meeting yesterday, police to step-up countrywide enforcement of directives. Preparations need to be made for high-risk populations. The question of reinstating the ‘capsule’ system in the workplace was also raised. What will be the cost to economy and how should it be dealt with?
  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wants to immediately reinstate the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) program for surveillance of coronavirus-infected citizens
  • Israel’s new poor – In August half a million Israelis will no longer be eligible for the unemployment benefit and will be forced to live on the Bituach Leumi supplemental income allowance.
  • Rabbis and other prominent figures in the ultra-Orthodox community on Monday called on the government to shutter synagogues once more to prevent a second wave of coronavirus from spreading within the community – Ynet
  • Only 30% of regular train travelers made use of the railway service when it re-opened yesterday.  Transportation Minister Miri Regev “I am confident that the passengers will return to the trains.”
  • International news:
    • Saudi Arabia to bar arrivals from abroad to attend this year’s hajj due to the coronavirus, and will only allow a limited number of Saudi citizens and residents to make the pilgrimage
    • China’s annual dog-meat fair opens despite coronavirus – Reuters

22 June – 15:04pm

  • After the Coronavirus Cabinet meeting today fines for not wearing  a mask have been upped from 200NIS to 500NIS – N12
  • Netanyahu: “If the public does not stick to wearing masks and social distancing, we will be bringing back a full closure… “
  • The Israel health system must be equipped with 4,000 ventilators; 2,000 for coronavirus patients and another 2,000 for patients with other illnesses – JPost

22June – 7:20am

  • There are now 20,788 diagnosed coronavirus cases since the beginning of the outbreak in Israel. On Sunday the number of  new cases of coronavirus rose by 145 bringing the number of active cases  4,778, forty three are reported to be in serious condition.  The total number of fatalities in Israel has risen to 306.  Total number of recoveries is 15,694.
  • Unemployment rate – 20.88% – N12
  • Under new restrictions, Israel Railways train service comes back to life today after a 3 month absence.
  • The first matric bagrut exam is being written today.  Pupils who have officially been placed into quarantine will be given a second date to write their exams, pupils who have personally elected to go into quarantine, will not.
  • The Ministry of Finance: Israel does not have sufficient budget for another lockdown.  New Health Ministry director-general, Chezy Levy, has told the press that he doesn’t think we should lock down.
  • The coronavirus cabinet to convene on Monday. Under discussion: increasing finesand reducing the number of people who can work in offices in the public sector.
  • The Health Ministry: Hospitals must prepare for an immediate reopening of their coronavirus wings.
  • Israel Biological Institute moving forward with next stage of their corona vaccine.
  • Diaspora numbers
    • 2,356,657 Coronavirus cases in the USA
    • 304,331 in the UK
    • 101,337 in Canada
    • 97,302 in South Africa
    • 7,474 cases in Australia

21 June – 05:24am

  • There are now 20,633 diagnosed coronavirus cases since the beginning of the outbreak in Israel. Over the weekend the number of  new cases of coronavirus rose by almost 600, bringing the number of active cases  4,742, forty are reported to be in serious condition – 27 are being ventilated.  The total number of fatalities in Israel has risen to 305.  Total number of recoveries is 15,586.
  • The number of coronavirus patients in the IDF has been increasing significantly. Between Wednesday and Saturday, the number of soldiers diagnosed with COVID-19 increased from 29 to 66 and the number of soldiers in isolation now stands at 2,500 compared to 350 at the beginning of June.- JPost
  • Sixteen staff members and tenants at the Golden Age Nursing Home in Jerusalem tested positive for the novel coronavirus on Saturday evening.- JPost
  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is apparently seeking to renew the Shin Bet security agency’s use of sensitive personal data tracking, to track coronavirus carriers and those who were exposed to them. – TOI
  • Ynet news site reported that another measure that may be discussed at Sunday’s meeting of he Corona Cabinet is raising fines for Israelis caught not wearing masks in public.  Currently, authorities can fine people with a NIS 200 fine for not wearing a mask in public areas.
  • Coronavirus National Information and Knowledge Center report: Israel has entered a second wave of coronavirus infections and, if it does not take immediate steps to bring numbers down, could in one month’s time face a thousand new cases a day and hundreds of deaths. -TOI
  • The report noted that “the health system is better prepared with knowledge, treatment protocols and medicinal treatments” and that the average age of those infected was lower, which would contribute to lower mortality. At the same time the report questions if a new curfew and further restrictions should be re-instated.
  • School academic year and summer vacation clarification:
    • Preschoolers and grade 1 – grade 4 will continue to learn until August 6th
    • Grade 5 and grade 6 will continue to learn until June 30th
    • Middle schools – vacation has begun
    • Bagrut matric exams begin tomorrow

19 June – 06:24am

  • 20,010 diagnosed coronavirus cases since the beginning of the outbreak in Israel. On Thursday the number of  new cases of coronavirus rose by 215. The number of active cases now stands at 4,183, thirty eight are reported to be in serious condition – 28 are intubated.  The total number of fatalities in Israel stands at 303.  Total number of recoveries is 15,524.
  • Unemployment rate – 20.92 which is 0.04% less than yesterday – N12
  • 617 teaching staff and pupils are currently infected with the coronavirus – 22,638 teaching staff and pupils are in isolation
  • Ongoing dispute between the Teacher’s Union and The Ministry of Education as the academic year officially comes to an end today.  Chairman of Teacher’s Union calls on teachers not to continue to teach the extra 9 days. Discussions continue this morning.  If a decision is not reached by 4pm, the courts will intervene.
  • Train ticket booking system opens today.  Tickets must be reserved 48 hours in advance. Israel railways reopens on Monday.
  • The special Corona Cabinet to meet Monday following the significant rise in new Covid-19 coronavirus cases.
  • Partial curfew on Bedouin neighborhoods in Rahat and Ar’ara in the Negev

18 June – 07:24am

  • 19,783 diagnosed coronavirus cases since the beginning of the outbreak in Israel. On Wednesday the number of  new cases of coronavirus rose to 288.  The last time we saw an almost identical number was on April 18th with 283 new cases. The number of active cases now stands at 4,021, thirty six are reported to be in serious condition.  The total number of fatalities in Israel has risen 303.  Total number of recoveries is 15,459 (only 10 new recoveries since yesterday).
  • Unemployment rate – 20.96 which is 0.06% less than yesterday – N12.
  • The number of unemployed is expected to drop next week when further restrictions have been lifted
  • The entertainment industry re-opens today. Cultural events and concerts to open Saturday night with a maximum number of participants set at 250.
  • It is possible to host a 500 person event with special approval from the Director of the Ministry of Culture
  • The lifting of this restriction means work for some but not all in the entertainment industry.  Is it feasible for big-name artists to return to the stage with such a limited audience?
  • Good news! Trains will be back in action on Monday. Passengers will be required to purchase tickets in advance and passenger capacity on coaches will be limited to 75%. Each train ride will have only about 500 tickets, which can be booked up to 48 hours in advance. Passengers will not be allowed to eat or drink on the train and will be obliged to wear a mask during the entire ride, even when speaking on the phone. – YNet
  • Bedouin townships of Ar’ara BeNegev and Rahat and the Ajami neighborhood in Tel Aviv-Jaffa to be subject to several restrictions regarding travel and gathering. In these communities, gatherings of over 10 people will be prohibited and all schools will be shuttered until further notice. Reports said that health officials are also mulling a partial lockdown of the Jaffa quarter of Tzahalon – YNet
  • Diaspora news:
    • Despite COVID-19, some New York City yeshivas are operating in the shadows
  • International news:
    • China says it must improve hygiene in markets after Beijing outbreak – Reuters
    • Trump says US will not lock down again amid rising coronavirus cases – Reuters

17 June – 06:49am

  • 19,495 diagnosed coronavirus cases since the beginning of the outbreak in Israel. On Tuesday 258 new cases of coronavirus were diagnosed in Israel representing the largest number of cases since the end of April thereby bringing the number of active cases up to 3,744, thirty nine are reported to be in serious condition.  The total number of fatalities in Israel, is 302.  Total number of recoveries is 15,449.
  • Unemployment rate – 21.02% which is 0.09% less than yesterday – N12
  • Originally PM Bibi Netanyahu said that amongst others, 100 new cases per day would be a red line and one of the measures for reinstating restrictions.
  • The Corona Cabinet to meet today to decide on further steps following the steep spike in new corona cases.
  • Israel extending emergency coronavirus regulations for another 45 days.  Numerous new clauses have been written into the bill that was passed yesterday including police authority, prison sentences for violating coronavirus regulations, such as not wearing a mask or violating quarantine regulations etc. – JPost
  • Researchers discover that a well known steroid drug helps improve the condition of seriously ill patients need who require intubation.  There is a 25% – 40% improvement rate in the condition of these patients.  The entire research project has not yet been published but an announcement was made to the press.
  • The Teacher’s Union and the Ministry of Education still at loggerheads regarding teachers pay for extra days,  Chairman of the Teacher’s Union – “If you hurt teacher’s compensation, we will hurt you”.  The Ministry of Education is expected to turn the to the labor courts to help resolve the issue.
  • International News:
    • Brazil reports1,282 deaths yesterday.  Worldometer stats reflect the highest world death rate yesterday – over 6,500.  This statistic has not been seen since the beginning of May.
    • The Eiffel Tower to reopen next week, after the coronavirus pandemic led to the iconic Paris landmark’s longest closure since World War II. -Ynet

16 June – 08:59am

  • 19,237 diagnosed coronavirus cases since the beginning of the outbreak in Israel. On Monday Israel 182 new cases were diagnosed bringing the number of active cases up to 3,488, thirty two are reported to be in serious condition.  The total number of fatalities in Israel, is 302.  Total number of recoveries is 15,415.
  • Unemployment rate – 21.11% which is 0.1% less than yesterday – N12
  • Education Ministry has begun making preparations for remote learning during the next academic school year.  According to the Ministry’s policy studies should continue and be maintained even if a school is closed due to a coronavirus case – YNet
  • Teachers who do not work the extra 9 days as agreed, will have their salaries cut accordingly.  The Teacher’s Union say this is a heartless action.
  • The number of newly diagnosed cases in Tel Aviv/Yaffo is concerning.  South Tel Aviv communities worst affected.  The government to decide if a curfew is necessary to contain the spread.  South Tel Aviv has a very mixed population and a curfew would be complicated.  A control center (under the auspices of Pikud HaOref) is being set up to meet the needs of the foreign workers in the area.
  • Knesset approves law for grants encouraging employment. According to the law, businesses will receive up to NIS 7,500 for every employee who returned to work on June 1, and NIS 3,500 for every employee who returned to work during May. – JPost
  • Israel signs agreement with pharma company ‘Moderna’ to supply a Coronavirus vaccine they are working on, once it is approved and ready for distribution.
  • Diaspora News: A group of 37 members of the Peruvian Jewish community flew to Israel on a special charter flight amid high rates of COVID-19 in Peru and street riots that have broken out as a result of a scarcity of food and medical supplies. – Jewish Telegraphic Agency
  • International News:  Experts say that Kawasaki disease is surfacing in children with the Coronavirus. China is concerned.

15 June – 6:29am

  • 19,055 diagnosed coronavirus cases since the beginning of the outbreak in Israel. On Monday Israel recorded 83 new cases bringing the number of active cases up to3,380, thirty four are reported to be in serious condition.  One new death yesterday brings total number of fatalities in Israel, is 301.  Total number of recoveries is 15,375.
  • Our deepest sympathies to the family of Oshrey Assoulin (26) who succumbed yesterday from complications associated with the Coronavirus.  Oshrey developed Kawasaki disease which usually affects children of under 5 years of age.  Since the onset of the coronavirus, Kawasaki disease is a rare illness tis being seen in children during the coronavirus.
  • Unemployment rate – 21.21% which is 0.15% less than yesterday – N12
  • Members of Israel’s entertainment industry protest yesterday against the delay in opening up the entertainment industry.  No date has yet been given.
  • Israel to sign a purchase agreement with pharma company who have developed a vaccine against Corona.
  • Timetable for the end of the school year:
    • Grade 1 – Grade 6: 13 July
    • Grade 7 – Grade 10: 1 July
    • Grade 11 – Grade 12: matric bagrut exams will be held from June 22nd until July 27th.
    • Summer schools and programmes for Grade1 – Grade 4 to commence on 14 July until August 6th.
  • Israel deports the son of American media magnate Shari Redstone for violating the country’s coronavirus quarantine rules while paying a secret visit to his model girlfriend.  He was given special permission to enter the country on Friday to visit his brother – a lone soldier serving in the IDF.  Last week, deputy director of the Health Ministry Prof. Itamar Grotto came under fire after an Israeli billionaire businessman was granted an exemption from the isolation orders. The businessman was then spotted attending a party with Israeli celebrities – YNet
  • Outgoing MOH Director Moshe Bar-Siman Tov,said that a lockdown might not be effective for the second time even if applied due to a “different” nature of the second wave. – YNet
  • The cancellation of heritage trips like Birthright-Taglit and Masa Israel Journey as a result of the coronavirus pandemic will result in a loss of around $200 million for the Israeli economy – Calcalist
  • Alitalia, Italy’s national carrier, said it will return to Tel Aviv next month as it renews operations to more than a dozen domestic and international airports. – JPost

14 June -19:06pm

  • Final decision: Elementary and preschools will remain open until the 13th of July. Grades 7-10 will end school on July 1. Eleventh and 12th graders will complete their matriculation exams during the last week of June.
  • Where are the corona patients? As of Sunday morning, the 17 cities with the greatest number of active patients (about two-thirds of the total) were: Jerusalem (592), Tel Aviv (417), Bnei Brak (309), Rahat (107), Beersheba (106), Bat Yam (84), Petah Tikva (80), Netanya (75), Arara (72), Rishon Lezion (69), Holon (63), Beit Shemesh (62), Hura (57), Ashdod (54), Ashkelon (49), Sderot (42) and Holon (42) – Jpost
  • The highest rates of infection in schools are in Jerusalem (40%), Tel Aviv (15%) and Bnei Brak (4%) – JPost

14 June – 04:48am

  • The number of new cases in Israel continues to rise on Friday and Saturday a total of  403 new cases were diagnosed bringing the number of active cases up to 3,282, thirty three are reported to be in serious condition among them 26 are ventilated.  No new deaths reported over the weekend. The  total number of fatalities in Israel, is still 300.  Total number of recoveries is 15,357.
  • A significant spike of cases in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Bnei Brak
  • A school in Mevaseret Zion has closed as a teacher tested for the coronavirus had, had contact with a confirmed case bringing the total to 177 schools and preschools that are closed because of the virus
  • Three of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s security guards who work at his residence in Jerusalem have tested positive for the virus but as they had no direct contact with him, Netanyahu is not required to enter isolation.  A staff member at the President’s House also tests positive – JPost
  • At the time of going to publication, the unemployment rate had not been updated.
  • Mazaltov! Commencing Sunday, the government have given their approval for religious life cycle events of up to 250 people; weddings, bar and bat mitzvahs and circumcisions under strict regulations.  Venue owners now have to keep a record of all guests and their contact details for 20 days.  Other events are shill capped to 50 people in open areas.
  • Police continue to enforce the regulation for wearing face masks in public and hand out hundreds of fines.  The fine is NIS 200.
  • Diaspora News
    • The number of newly diagnosed cases in South Africa continues to rise and yesterday 3,809 new cases were diagnosed – the highest ever.
    • Brazil puts the brakes on publicly announcing new infections
    • USA now dealing with the implications of a total diagnosis of more than 2.1 million cases of Covid-19 novel coronavirus.
    • Australia only has 388 active cases while the UK ebbs towards 300,000 cases
    • Canada sees a decline in the number of newly diagnosed cases.  Currently there are 30,949 active cases of the coronavirus in Canada.

12 June – 6:33am

  • The number of new cases in Israel continues to rise even more – 214 new cases were diagnosed yesterday bringing the number of active cases up to 3,019, thirty four are reported to be in serious condition and of them 24 are intubated.  One new death reported yesterday. The  total number of fatalities in Israel, is 300.  Total number of recoveries is 15,250.
  • Unemployment rate – 21.36% which is 0.29% less than yesterday – N12
  • Israel PM, Bibi Netanyahu:
    • “I understand we have all let our guard down,”
    • We have to stop the current spread otherwise we will be forced to reimpose restrictions. ( In the meantime however, no new restrictions)
    • Remember to follow the rules of “ממי” (Mami) – Masechot (Masks), Merhak (Distance) and Yadaiim (Hands)
  • Israel Finance Minister, Yisrael Katz;  first signs that the economy is recovering have begun to appear.
  • Curbing the rise of cases in South Tel Aviv and Bedoiun villages in the Negev are in the initial stages
  • 24,000 students and teacher in isolation, 433 teachers, students and per-schoolers infected, 144 education institutions are closed
  • School academic year for lower grades and kindergartens extend to July 13th
  • Both Teachers Union’s (for high schools and elementary schools): If one does not work the extra nine days (as previously agreed), the other will not either.
  • Stricter social distancing control on buses to be implemented.
  • Moshe Bar Siman-Tov the outgoing CEO of the Ministry of Health demands clarification from Prof.Itamar Grotto (No.2 in the Ministry) who granted an Israeli-Cypriot billionaire an exemption from having to enter quarantine upon his arrival to Israel in order to attend a party. Bar Siman-Tov hinted that Grotto should be fired if the allegations are true. There are reports that it is not an isolated case.

11 June – 7:26am

  • The number of new cases in Israel continues to rise – 175 new cases were diagnosed yesterday bringing the number of active cases up to 2,888, thirty one are reported to be in serious condition.  No new deaths reported yesterday. The  total number of fatalities in Israel, is 299.  Total number of recoveries is 15,169.
  • Unemployment rate – 21.45% which is 0.2% less than yesterday – N12
  • 433 teaching staff are in isolation, 144 schools are closed and 24,000 teachers and pupils are in isolation.
  • The Gymnasium High-School in Jerusalem opens its doors again today.  It was the first school to close after cases of the coronavirus were discovered there.
  • Still no clear decision regarding the end of the academic year in schools and high schools.  An extra 9 teaching days are disputed.
  • The police considering to step up monitoring – those not wearing face-masks could face a 200NIS fine.
  • The public transport situation in Israel, continues to be a bottleneck. in addition to an already overcrowded bus transport system, a railway system that is still not operational, one lane of the Ayalon highway in Tel Aviv, has been closed and will be closed for 6 months to facilitate work on the light-rail.  Minister of Transport says “We all need to understand that the data on the rising number of infections requires us to put everything on hold for the moment,”
  • A new immigrant who arrived in Israel on Tuesday tests positive for COVID-19. The elderly woman made aliyah with her daughter was on a Nefesh B’Nefesh flight with another 49 new immigrants – JPost
  • Senior Health Ministry officials called Wednesday for the ministry’s deputy director-general Professor Itamar Grotto’s resignation following a report that he gave a “quarantine exemption” to billionaire Cypriot-Israeli tycoon, Teddy Sagi – JPost
  • International News: USA – more than 2 million cases of Covid-19 diagnosed.  Worldometer’s published figure is 2,066,401.  With recovery of last case, New Zealand has eradicated the virus

10 June – 7:02am

  • 18,180 diagnosed coronavirus cases since the beginning of the outbreak in Israel. On Tuesday Israel recorded 148 new cases bringing the number of active cases up to 2,722, twenty nine are reported to be in serious condition and of those, 24 are intubated.  One new death yesterday brings total number of fatalities in Israel, is 299.  Total number of recoveries is 15,159.
  • Since the start of the week, 81 new diagnoses reported in Tel Aviv, 30 in Jerusalem and Bnei Brak records 25 new cases.
  • The Education Ministry reports 418 sick students and teachers and 21,877 in isolation. Some 137 schools are closed.
  • Yuli Edelstein: The MOH is aiming to reach 30,000 daily coronavirus tests. The highest number of tests so far was recorded last week, when more than 16,000 tests were conducted in one day
  • 54 municipal and regional councils not willing to enforce the wearing of masks in public
  • The Shin Bet security service program that used cell phone and credit card data to track the movement of coronavirus patients, and those in close contact with them, ended Tuesday morning, nearly three months after it began.
  • Unemployment rate – 21.54% which is 0.11% less than Tuesday
  • International News: WHO, Dr.Van Kerkove said that the WHO estimates bout 16% of people, with coronavirus, never develop symptoms but they are able to spread the virus.  however, some estimates suggest that around 40% of transmission may be due to asymptomatic transmission – NBCNews

9 June – 6:41am

  • 169 new cases of the Covid-19 virus diagnosed Monday bringing the number of active cases up to 2,632, twenty seven are reported to be in serious condition.  The total number of deaths in Israel, is 298.  Total number of recoveries is 15,102.
  • Unemployment rate – 21.65% which is 0.14% less than Monday.
  • Corona Committee to freeze lifting previously planned directives in order to reduce the number of infections.
  • PM Bibi Netanyahu fears a doubling of new corona cases within the next 10 days.
  • About half the schools that closed last week, to re-open this week, including the Gymnasium in Jerusalem.
  • 6 foreign workers at the Club Hotel in Eilat test positive for the coronavirus.  It is said to be an isolated case.
  • Tourism sector fears further postponement of air travel. EL AL to return to operations only in August.
  • Theaters to remain closed. 150,000 members of the entertainment industry angry at the latest postponement
  • The Public Transport Operators’ Forum which includes transport companies; Afikim, Kavim, Metropolin, Superbus, Netiv Express, Egged Taavura and Dan South, North and Beersheba warned Transportation Minister Miri Regev on Monday that they would have to stop providing service in the next 10 days as they are struggling to cover costs – JPost
  • Tel Aviv emerges as Israel’s potential coronavirus hotspot after a major rise in new diagnoses over the past three days.  The increase is partly due to the outbreak in Jaffa, where several schools have been closed – YNet
  • International News: Israel ranked 3rd safest country for coronavirus in global assessment conducted by the Deep Knowledge Group. Switzerland and Germany are placed 1st and 2nd respectively.  The assessment included 130 parameters in the following categories: quarantine efficiency, government efficiency, monitoring and detection, healthcare readiness, regional resiliency and emergency preparedness – JPost

8 June – 16:00pm

  • Ynet – Special meeting:  Likely halt on theaters, cinemas, event halls and live shows venues that were set to reopen on June 14. Weddings of up to 250 people, however, will likely be permitted from now on, in accordance with health guidelines. 
  • Planned resumption of train services is now also likely to be on hold, having been delayed four times already. 1,000 railway employees have been on unpaid leave for over 70 days
  • PM Netanyahu – “The police must go back to strong enforcement [of health orders] in malls, buses, trains, restaurants, event halls and elsewhere to make the public more disciplined.”
  • The Health Ministry said 46 new COVID-19 cases were recorded in Tel Aviv over the past 72 hours, representing a 7% increase.
  • Poll: 80% of Israelis support increased enforcement of coronavirus guidelines.  The poll was conducted for the Health Ministry by Geocartography.
  • Israel cancels some sales taxes, extends unemployment benefits to rescue economy.  Government permanently slashes duties on cellphones, electronics, clothing, shoes, home appliances and lighting, toys, cosmetics, baby products, eyeglasses as budget deficit widens – Times of Israe
  • Netanyahu and Katz agree to extend state unemployment benefits for another 35 days, to account for the nationwide lockdown imposed by the government for around that amount of time.l

8 June – 5:58am

  • 111 new cases of the Covid-19 virus diagnosed on Sunday bringing the number of active cases up to 2,474, twenty seven are reported to be in serious condition and 23 of them are on ventilators. Three  new deaths were reported yesterday – the total number of deaths in Israel, is 298.  Total number of recoveries is 15,389.
  • Assuta Medical Center chairman, Prof. Shuki Shemer said he is not surprised by the spike – it is commensurate to the increased number of people screened for coronavirus each day.
  • JPost –  There is a link between COVID-19 severity and genetics.  Patients with blood type A were linked to a 50% increase in the likelihood of needing oxygen or a ventilator
  • As of this morning, N12 reports an unemployment rate of 21.79% which is 0.25% less than the last published figure.
  • 130 schools around the country are now closed; 17,605 staff and students are in quarantine as 352 students and staff members nationwide have been diagnosed with the virus
  • Reminder: the Israel Railways train service will not be re-opening today as originally planned – June 8th is new target date.
  • International News:  Total number of corona cases worldwide breaks the 7 million mark – Worldometer reports 7,086,478 confirmed cases of the coronavirus.

7 June – 15:49pm

  • Israel railways was set to reopen June 8th.  Now a further delay and rail services are only expected to reopen on June 14th.
  • The Cabinet announced on Sunday that it would approve a new coronavirus emergency powers bill on Monday and then move the bill on to the Ministerial Committee for Legislation and the Knesset -JPost
  • 127 education institutions remain closed following a surge in the outbreak of the coronavirus  20 more than the 106 schools that were closed as of Saturday night. 17,467 students and school staff are in isolation.  The majority of cases are in the Jerusalem area followed by, amongst others; Tel Aviv, Beer Sheva, Bnei Brak, Ashdod, Rahat and Bat Yam.

7 June – 6.24am

  • 190 new cases of the Covid-19 virus diagnosed on Saturday bringing the number of active cases up to 2,415, twenty nine are reported to be in serious condition and of them 23 are reported to be intubated. Four  new deaths were reported yesterday – the total number of deaths in Israel, is 295.
  • On Friday, 16,160 tests were conducted, the highest since the start of the outbreak. Now, people with or without coronavirus symptoms can request screening.
  • MOH fears testing labs might collapse under the pressure
  • Six residents and 3 staff members at ‘Ahuzat Eyal’ retirement home in Or Yehuda tested positive for COVID-19 and this only after a second test.  29 residents and 5 staff members are now in isolation.
  • 106 schools closed. Education Ministry: 330 students and faculty are sick with coronavirus as of Saturday night, and some 16,327 are in isolation. 99% of schools continue to operate normally.
  • Schools in Tel Aviv and southern districts to resume remote learning.
  • MOE: No school end of year parties or matric balls (proms)
  • As of this morning, N12 reports an unchanged unemployment rate of 22.04%
  • International News: 126,715 new cases of the Covid-19 coronavirus were diagnosed around the world yesterday which is slightly less than the day before when 130,489 cases were diagnosed – Worldometer
  • The USA reports just under 2 million cases of the coronavirus with New York still being the hardest hit followed by New Jersey and California.

5 June – 7:16am

  • N12 reports a 22.04 unemployment rate – about 0.2% less than yesterday.
  • Israel Railways to commence operation on Monday, June 8th at almost full capacity.  Passengers are requested to wear face masks and keep their distance. (Is that even remotely possible on a crowded train?)
  • The Chairman of the High School’s Teachers Union: The Ministry of Education has lost control
  • Demonstrators blocked a major road near Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square Thursday night, to protest Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s “Coronavirus Law” expanding police authority and power.

5 June – 4:30am

  • 118 newly diagnosed cases of the Covid-19 bringing the number of active cases up to 2,245, thirty are reported to be in serious condition. No  new deaths were reported yesterday – the total number of deaths is 291.
  • 13,696 people are currently in isolation across Israel.
  • New data shows that fresh virus infections occurred in dozens of Israeli cities and towns, unlike the concentrated outbreaks in weeks before.
  • The total number of coronavirus tests carried out in Israel on Wednesday and Thursday is 24,000
  • As of Thursday, 87 schools and kindergartens have closed across the country. 301 students and school staff have been diagnosed positive for the virus.
  • High school students who are currently in quarantine will be given an alternative date for their bagrut matriculation exams.
  • International news: South Africa reports 3,267 new coronavirus cases yesterday – the worst so far.

4 June 2020 – 12:00pm

  • Israel’s trains, brought to a halt nearly three months ago over coronavirus fears, will officially resume operations on June 8 (YNet)
  • A total of 65 education institutions closed and over 8,000 students and teachers now in isolation.

4 June 2020 – 7:33am

  • 92 newly diagnosed cases of the Covid-19 bringing the number of active cases up to 2,103, 28 are reported to be in serious condition and 1 new death was reported yesterday bringing the total number of deaths up to 291.
  • N12 reports the unemployment rate at 22.31% – a drop of around 0.2%
  • Senior officials at the MOH – Israel is on the verge of a second wave.
  • MK Abu Shehadeh, a member of the Joint List, diagnosed with the coronavirus yesterday. Other MKs, who came in contact with Shehadeh, could be infected and have been instructed to enter quarantine.
  • All schools will remain open, and continue to operate as usual unless cases of Corona are diagnosed amongst the staff or pupils and if so, the school will close.  So far, 51 schools have closed and more than 8,000 pupils are in isolation.
  • Head of the Teacher’s Union recommends returning to remote learning for higher grades and restoring the ‘capsule’ system for younger children who will remain at school.
  • Some 70,000 citizens are to be part of a serelogical testing program which is expected to establish if they have antibodies against the Covid-19 Coronavirus.  The serelogical testing will also help in establishing the actual number of Israelis who have been infected.  The current estimation is that 200,000 Israelis have been infected (mostly without symptoms) which is about twelve times more than the actual number of diagnosed cases.
  • International news: UK doctors to trial ibuprofen in COVID-19 patients with breathing difficulties (Reuters)

3 June 2020 – 6:34am

  • 116 newly diagnosed cases of the Covid-19 bringing the number of active cases up to 2,055, 31 are reported to be in serious condition and 5 new deaths were reported yesterday.
  • N12 reports the unemployment rate at 22.57%
  • 31 Israeli schools closed, thousands of staff and students in quarantine.  In Bat Yam 2 high schools closed. Current recommendation is to close middle- and high-schools in Jerusalem only.
  • The MOH to the Ministry of Education: Middle schools and high schools should have remain closed.  In the meantime they remain open.
  • A survey conducted by the Health Ministry in tandem with Tel Aviv University, found that at least 200,000 (2-3%) of Israelis have been exposed to the virus, close to ten times the number of confirmed cases.The survey examined 1,700 blood tests of people from different age groups across the country, looking for IGG antibodies that indicate an immune response to the virus (Ynet)
  • The re-opening of Israel’s train services could be delayed again amidst the spike in new coronavirus cases.
  • Other restrictions that were supposed to be lifted, have now been put on hold.
  • World News: Since the onset of the pandemic, a total 6,485,571 Covid-19 cases have been reported world wide (Worldometer).

2 June 2020 – 6:43am

  • 99 newly diagnosed cases of Covid-19 Coronavirus diagnosed yesterday bringing the number of active cases up to 2,006, 33 in serious condition and of them, 29 are intubated, no new deaths – 285 have succumbed thus far.
  • Unemployment rate: 22.97%
  • The rate of infection at schools is a real cause for concern.  More than 5,000 pupils and children are in quarantine and many schools have closed.
  • School principals suggest returning to capsule system or remote learning
  • The dilemma of thousands of parents: should they send their children to school or kindergarten, or not?
  • A worker at the PM’s residence diagnosed with the Coronavirus.  Is quarantine on the cards for Benjamin Netanyahu?
  • For the most part buses have returned to their pre-corona outbreak schedules and are reported to be operating at 72% capacity.  Some blame the resumption of public transport for the surge in new corona cases.  Many commuters refrain from wearing masks and social distancing is impossible. Bus drivers do not feel safe.
  • Finance Minister Israel Katz and Tourism Minister Asaf Zamir have agreed on an aid plan of NIS 300 million for the Israeli tourism industry.
  • Israel’s airport chief said to be pushing the MOH to reopen skies immediately
  • International news: Head of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, said that his company believes they will have a COVID-19 vaccine ready by the end of October, according to the Associated French Press (AFP).

1 June 2020 – 7:30am

  • 1,974 active cases of the Covid-19 coronavirus in Israel, 59 newly diagnosed cases, 39 in serious condition and 285 deaths
  • Unemployment rate rises by about 0.5% – now stands 24.43%
  • Government offers a 7,500 NIS grant to companies who return their workers from CHALAT
  • Parents around the country choose to keep their children out of school following the new outbreak and closure of the Gymnasium School in Jerusalem.
  • Yuli Edelstein, Minister of Health:
    • “Testing to be increased, we have tens of thousands of test kits”
    • “Up to now tests in Jerusalem were focused around the schools.  From now we will increase testing across the country and will even test those who do not show symptoms.”
  • International news:
    • USA – more than 1.8 million total diagnosed cases
    • Brazil – 2nd worst – over 0.5 million total diagnosed cases of coronavirus
    • UK – nearly 300,000 total diagnosed cases
    • Canada – 90,947 total diagnosed cases
    • South Africa – 32,683 total diagnosed cases – over 1,700 new cases yesterday
    • Australia – 7,202 total diagnosed cases


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